IBM is a hollowed out shell of its former self, Rometty saw to that quite handily and then pulled the golden parachute rip-cord (or perhaps it was pulled for her by the board.) During these years, IBM delivered an absolute debacle of a payroll system to the Canadian Federal Government called Phoenix. Deployed in 2011. [1] It has never worked correctly, it's _still_ not fixed. [2] Things are so bad they're looking at a new SAP based system from Germany to solve their problems. (And this is the point where your anonymous commenter, knowing the history of SAP projects starts laughing maniacally much like Mark Hamill's Joker.)
Right now, I wouldn't trust IBM to pour sand out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.
If you're a fan of Redhat I'd brace for a very bumpy ride ahead. If Redhat gets sucked down the big blue whirlpool of doom, at least it'll take SystemD with it. (Tux, hear our prayer.)