No doubt...
No doubt it'll be the standard cheapest snouts at the trough offshoring all the work rather than keeping it based in the UK.
The Cabinet Office is offering a £15m contract for a consultancy to help it shift central government enterprise applications to an as software-as-a-service delivery model, part of an ambitious refresh programme. The tender notice, published earlier this week, is the first sign the British government is forging ahead with its …
What could possibly go wrong?
Oh....and how many ministers or civil servants have owned up and resigned over these failures? Approximately NONE!
- End well
- cost less than 20 times the original budget
- be delivered any time before 2035
- be recognisable (functionality wise) from what was originally scoped
It will :-
- be dogs breakfast of bodges and horribly cobbled togerher dog shite set of applications.
- not what was asked for in any shape or form
- shite of the highest order.