back to article Windows spotted flashing its unmentionables in a Chicago clothier

Chicago! A town famed for what some might regard as a jumped-up quiche masquerading as pizza and home of the first skyscraper. Could there be a better venue for today's bork? We like Chicago, although we're less keen on the landing approach to the city's O'Hare airport, which left this hack feeling a tad poorly on one occasion …

  1. chivo243 Silver badge

    tumbled through the turbulence

    Ah, yes, not so much tumbling after that first initial bump, but free falling, once you've leveled out, the view of Lake Michigan is nice, provided you're on the correct side of the plane!

    Escape Key, it's the closest to a barfbag...

    1. nematoad Silver badge

      Re: tumbled through the turbulence

      "...Boeing's finest tumbled through the turbulence."

      Not a 737 Max then?

      Cos when they go down they bloody well stay down.

      1. herman Silver badge

        Re: tumbled through the turbulence

        Actually the problem is that Maxes retry a few times before they stay down...

    2. rogerroger

      Re: tumbled through the turbulence

      I miss read that as Tree Falling.

      Which would a more accurate description.

      Landing at O'hare is like falling through a tree for 20 minutes while blindfolded.

  2. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge


    I wonder how many people ask them where their bargain basement is.

  3. 1752


    Ok upload the dmp file let me take a look. Sure I can suggest something, I mean this did happen for a reason? Didn't it?

  4. Disk0
    Black Helicopters


    are in season, right?

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