Re: I thought it was
Some highlights in my 1st year at school were English lessons, where the English master had his own erm... unique set of phonetics. They usually came out after spelling tests, and included:
A for antidisestablishmentarianism or sometimes Aloysius (master's family ghost).
B for brat
C for contrarianism
D for dunce
E for elephantiasis.
I for Ignatius (name of his bike)
N for nit
If there was anybody else on here in 1B that year, perhaps they can fill in some of the blanks. Among this bloke's eccentricities was that he claimed that he had written a book about Finnish prepositions - and before any Finnish scholars out there take me up on this, I am already aware that there may be a oxymoron lurking in this sentence.
And yes, you may have guessed it: O IS for oxymoron.