Look at the upside
So much negativity around these days, it really is BAU for some:
- 1978: first 'foreign' contract, a Yorkshireman sent to Glasgow a few weeks after STC shut their East Kilbride factory
- 1982: arrived in Riyadh, a few months later the Falklands War took place followed by the death of King Saud
- 1992: in Belfast contracted to RUC, on a 'site visit' our post came under fire
- 2010: a year later the Arab Spring reached Oman/Bahrain, my weekly visit to Manama saw me driving over the Pearl Roundabout escorted by armoured cars
- 2019: in Oman for new contract meetings when the Sultan Qaboos passed away
- 2019: got out of Spain before it shutdown and over to The Gulf before the visa ban
Currently working remotely on an accelerated Teams/Yammer roll out for a massive enterprise. OK, none of the above involved the death of 1000's people but the danger to me was way more than me contracting COVID-19 even though I am in the at-risk age group.
The point of this post? We are all born to die sometime so take your IT contracts when/where you can and a crisis is a fantastic opportunity. Or you can self-isolate posting 'woe is me', 'the world is doomed' crap.... The choice is yours.
The down vote button is the one on the right *sigh