It's an easily learned lesson
If anything its an easily learned lesson. The virus itself is easy to defeat, what's hard are the twats propagating it.
Fox News spent weeks pretending it was all a hoax. A Democrat meme to make Trump's inaction look bad. But it's *their* viewer demographic that is dying from it. The older Americans that die the most from it are a Fox News staple. Fox News viewers, you're being trained to respond to dog whistles, "socialism", "antifa" etc. They blow the whistle and you jump up and do your trick. Nazi's are the good guys now, and health-care is what we fought against in WW2. 'Bail outs for billionaires' is capitalism, 'food for school kids' is the new Nazis. No, its a lie and Fox News is the liar. It's product is it viewer, trained-up and sold to its sponsors.
TV Evangelists think its a great money making opportunity. Pray away the virus. If you die, well, you didn't donate enough! Ring now with your credit card details. No, its a lie, and they are the liar.
Republicans are practicing their messaging for cancelling the elections. With Ohio Republican governor already cancelling one election, rather than running a postal only vote, or opening more voting stations spread out over longer voting time. No, they can run elections, its a lie and they are liars.
Bill Barr is trying to remove the judicial branch completely. If he gets his way, he can arrest anyone, and they will never be allowed a court hearing because that would be 'Covid' risk. Even though hearings are done by video from the prison these days, somehow the virus transmits over the airwaves! Any bill to give the DOJ more powers, should require Bill Barr to step down and the DOJ to be run by a person chosen by Congress. You cannot give someone in defiance of the law, more power and expect him to suddenly obey the laws. He's already ignoring the judicial rulings and House subpoena powers, already undermining prosecutions. Bill Barr needs to go and rule-of-law needs to be put back into the DOJ.
Mnuchin and the Fed are funneling free money to billionaires and investment banks to buy up temporarily distressed assets. As if the temporary stock market drop is the real problem! Those assets will bounce back when the problem is fixed, a massive transfer of value from poor to rich is bad. Mnuchin's shit needs to stop.
So they don't test people in the USA, and as a result the Covid infections number is lower. That didn't help. It's an exponential growth curve, the shape of the curve cannot be hidden even if the relative scale can be reduced. You can see from the Italy vs USA curve shape, the USA hid the numbers. Executive branch staff needs to report to Congress, subpoena powers for Congress need to be restored. Oversight needs to be restored.
When the vaccine is available can people afford it? Will it be a mass market cheap thing, or will it be a high priced, rich mans luxury?
Will it be like Medicare? Available to the Republican voter demographic but not the rest? Medicare for some? Like the US has now?
If the vaccine is available in Canada, but not USA, will Americans have to trek across the border to get it, because of the USA closed market with inflated pharma prices? Will Americans be allowed even to cross the border for vaccines or will that be made a crime too? Like buying drugs from Pharmacies across the border is now?
The Koreans and Chinese have defeated it already. It's an easy lesson to learn!