Wait until everyone is at home with full business links open AND starts watching NetFlix.
Data surge as more Brits work from home? Not as hard on the network as their nightly Netflix binges, claims BT
Brit telco BT is talking tough, saying it is confident its broadband network will not buckle under the increased strain of extra people using broadband as they work from home to avoid catching the coronairus. Concerns over network capacity emerged after businesses across Britain told their staff to steer clear of the office …
Tuesday 17th March 2020 07:33 GMT Strahd Ivarius
Since the mouse will be managed by an application running on Docker hosted in a cloud environment using a video feed to check on the position of the aforementioned mouse it may well be using a lot of bandwidth, even before adding the needed bell and whistles for generating usage reports...
Monday 16th March 2020 20:22 GMT IneptAdept
Herd immunity
I'm surprised more hasn't been made of the herd immunity claim made
While I agree with it in principle, look at chicken-pox for instance.
I think generally people are being dicks re: stockpiling food when it comes to looking after those more in need!
If we weren't
a) selfish now
b) connected
c) feel the need to work so much
My opinion is let the young and healthy get infected and isolate as there seems a extremely low probability of reinfection
At least then they would be able to rejoin the workforce quicker to relieve stress on the others while they go through it
Tuesday 17th March 2020 16:29 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Herd immunity
Is this the long awaited reform of the House of Lords that politicians have been discussing?
Or do they have to take on extra staff from a section of the populace less affected by this type of illness to fill in their expenses in their absence? After all, we wouldn't want ones moat to become overgrown just because one couldn't pop into London to escape the wife/family/pets or catch up on a bit of sleep after a large meal with plenty of drink (expensed of course...)
Tuesday 17th March 2020 12:42 GMT phuzz
Re: Herd immunity
This whole 'herd immunity' plan sort of works, as in, once you've had Covid-19 once, you're almost certainly not going to get it again.
The rather obvious downside is that you're requiring a large proportion of the population to get ill in the first place.
Sure, the majority of younger people will be fine after a week in bed, but it's not guaranteed that people will be fine, and there doesn't seem to be any concrete plans for preventing at-risk people from being infected other than "try and self isolate".
I suppose that if you're the Prime Minister you can pretty much guarantee you'll get good hospital treatment, so fuck everyone else right?
Monday 16th March 2020 23:24 GMT Pascal Monett
What was that ?
Spain has a full-fiber broadband network that covers 75% of the country and it is still asking people to cut down on their Internet usage ? How shitty is their fiber ?
I'm guessing that ISPs have once again let loose with "up to" claims and now they're in the obligation of, <gasp>, actually having to provide that bandwidth.
After the "Oh shit !" moment, they're now running around like headless chickens, reconfiguring backends and adding bandwidth capacity that will allow them to handle the load that they've already sold.
I have trouble shedding a tear, there.
Tuesday 17th March 2020 13:51 GMT Joe Montana
Re: What was that ?
The last mile connection is fibre but that doesn't mean the ISPs backhauls can cope with lots of users maxing out their fibre connections at once.
There could also be poor/limited peering between different ISPs, so even domestic traffic will clog up or take inefficient routes.
The UK is different, the last mile connections to users are often old and poor but the backhaul and peering is generally very good. Plus with the users on slower connections, you need many more of them to start saturating the backbone links anyway. Plus one user saturating their local adsl isn't going to have any effect on other users lines.
Tuesday 17th March 2020 15:09 GMT Keith Oborn
Re: What was that ?
Backbone networks are usually scaled based on "user profile" - this is the "average peak bandwidth per user" - IE total bandwidth at peak divided by number of users. Note that this means the total "sold" users, not the number actually connected at the time, although nowadays most accounts are "connected" all the time.
The peak usually occurs around 8-9PM, and the daytime figure is around 1/2 to 2/3 of that. The increase in online video sources in recent years may have increased that ratio.
The real problem would be a combination of working from home *and* kids off school watching YouTube etc in the daytime. Some selective throttling might be needed.
Monday 16th March 2020 23:47 GMT Fruit and Nutcase
One of my developers said they'll work from home tomorrow. I suspect during the day, the home broadband will carry a higher volume of traffic not just by volume, but by elapsed time on streaming than on traffic to the company VPN for RDP.
Anyway, no great loss - at least it will keep this one away from writing too much of gibberish code that I will have to untangle later
Tuesday 17th March 2020 16:19 GMT EnviableOne
Re: capacity
Core 2.0 was built to carry 24Mbps to every home, so even without upgrades, the amount of homes below this line (and the paucity of those above) means there is significant overhead.
This was before the upgrades you know about.
Also, I can confirm UK broadband usage peaks at between 5-7pm and gets itself sorted by 9pm, as this is when our email servers used to go down on a regular basis, when i was TS for an ISP.