back to article 'Up to 300' UK heads to roll at Brit IT services firm Allvotec, with 200 jobs offshored to Bulgaria in cost-cutting drive

British IT services provider Allvotec will cut "up to 300" jobs from the UK, offshoring some to Bulgaria in a push to reduce costs. An internal email sent to staff last week and seen by The Register said that cuts come as part of a broader restructuring of the business. "The last couple of years have been challenging from a …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Get those Airbags ready ...

    ... for the crash !

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Will the last IT Services company to leave

    Please switch off the Light.

    There won't be anyone in an IT job soon.

    There I was only the other day remembering the speech made by the then PM, Harold (Gannex mac and pipe) Wilson about Britian and the 'White Heat of Technology'

    The only tech left will be a few poor sods doing the few things that can't be done from India or Eastern Europe.

    We truly are doomed (wrt IT at least)

    1. Warm Braw

      Re: Will the last IT Services company to leave

      Unfortunately, the National Enterprise Board invested its money in companies like Sinclair and Inmos, which didn't do a lot for Britain's technology base. It's hardly surprising that future governments were more inclined to hang out the white sheet of technology.

      It looks like Dominic Cummings has got his ARPA-like proposals into the budget. I suspect all of that money will be spent attempting to build robotic care workers and 3d-print strawberries.

      1. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: Will the last IT Services company to leave

        "Unfortunately, the National Enterprise Board invested its money in companies like Sinclair and Inmos, which didn't do a lot for Britain's technology base"

        There's little point ragging on government about lack of foresight in these areas, business is AT LEAST as bad.

        About the only policy which seems to work is throw everything at the wall and see what sticks in the long term.

      2. W.S.Gosset Silver badge

        Re: 3d-print strawberries.

        Based on the taste of the supermarket ones, we already have these.

      3. Tom 7

        Re: Will the last IT Services company to leave

        I thought Inmos was going somewhere until Thatcher privatised it.

        I could be projecting my shafted-by-Thatcher experience but I'm sure they had something going for them.

        1. NeilPost

          Re: Will the last IT Services company to leave

          Flogged to Thorn EMI who then offloaded it to Thomson and then it disappeared.

          The factory in Wales is apparently owned by Infineon Technologies now - another IC fab.

          I guess the Transputer ended up in my Bag-o-shite Thomson Sky HD Gen 1 box.

          ARM was where the UK success exploded from. A direct descendant of the BBC Micro/Acorn Computers.

    2. TaylorBlake

      Re: Will the last IT Services company to leave

      Why do you think so?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I guess I was lucky.

    I managed to live through the golden years when IT really was the industry to be in. I might be able to squeeze through to retirement, and then I'll just be another user who has to put up with the absolute fucking mess IT in the UK (or I guess anywhere *but* the UK) has become.

    Its a shame no-one outsources the wankers at the top. They always get away with a fat pay cheque at the expense of everyone else.

    1. Martin Gregorie

      It was ever thus

      If you want a primer on how the Top People ran things in the mid 1700s, read "The Anarchy" by William Dalrymple and compare the behaviour of the bosses then with the current crop. Not a lot has changed.

      1. Tom 7

        Re: It was ever thus

        Cant find a copy of that but I'd put money on it being "New tech/ideas do well, Old money moves in with promises of development, sucks its dry and fucks it up".

        edit - is it this:

  4. RichardB

    Is there any uproar about any of this?

    I mean, when it was boatyards and steel, people were complaining in the street.

    I get the feeling IT can be wiped out without a middle class whimper.

    1. BebopWeBop

      Oh we will whimper. And then move overseas.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Government should slap an Off-Shoring Tax on companies like these for moving IT (and other types of) jobs out of the UK.

    1. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

      To what end though? That tax certainly won't be appropriated to actually help those whom have lost their jobs due to other hostile Government funded fuck-ups such as UC. That, or wasted on lawyers or "expert consultants" from the usual suspects... or missiles.

    2. TaylorBlake

      Indeed. but not only

  6. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

    You'll see a lot more of this soon, I'm sure. After all, never let a crisis go to waste - it's a good time to bury bad news, if nothing else.

  7. airbrush

    Probably best to take the chance to move to Bulgaria, especially if you can keep your UK salary

  8. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    I wonder if any of those businesses they bought up had sold themselves on offering UK-resident support.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Need to see the big picture. Its not just IT jobs affected. Its any job that can be done at a computer console. So unless you need to physically present to perform a role, expect to be redundant in the next decade. All jobs can be performed from anywhere (free trade across the internet) so lawyers, accountants, managers BEWARE!

  10. Alan Brown Silver badge

    > All jobs can be performed from anywhere (free trade across the internet) so lawyers, accountants, managers BEWARE!

    All 4 job titles mentioned are more at risk of being computerised out of existence than being offshored, in the long term.

    Times change, things move on. Adapt, or die.

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