back to article Your opinion does matter to this Jordanian telco... only it's experiencing some technical difficulties right now

It's been a few days and there have been a few borks. Today's entry in the hall of infamy takes us far from London's Vulture Central all the way to Amman, Jordan. There is something rather glorious about a connectivity failure in the showroom of a telco provider, particularly when coupled with McAfee's finest shrieking about …

  1. Anonymous South African Coward Silver badge

    Where do we submit pix of borkage?

    1. Alister

      There is a link at the bottom of the article

  2. 1752


    "..flashing the taskbar brings us close to a triumvirate of bork."

    Now triumvirate not a word I am familiar with, so I looked it up. Now confused. Should I be reporting this to corrections?

    Is there a word with letters in an order like triumvirate that makes sense in that sentence? so the spell check suggested triumvirate?

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Triumvirate



      a group of three people who share a position of authority or power:

      1: a body of triumvirs

      2: the office or government of triumvirs

      3: a group or association of three

      source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary.

      Are you sure you looked it up?

      1. 1752
        Thumb Up

        Re: Triumvirate

        Thank you AC.

        I did look it up using WordWeb I have installed, that gives;

        A group of three men responsible for public administration or civil authority

        Searching for it came up with much the same.

        Thank you for your post that does explain it. Perhaps I have learnt somthing too :)

  3. Stuart Castle Silver badge

    Sadly never took a pic, but my local EE store had the windows desktop as it’s window display for months because the computers controlling the screens didn’t have a working network connection,.

  4. NoneSuch Silver badge

    Idiot PFY set up a Blue Screen screensaver as a larf. Worked so well that no one actually noticed when that machine did crap itself.

    It was removed post haste.

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