Pretty cool
"Free forever" is what's key. If you can run small workloads on it, and not have to worry too much, then that's awesome. I imagine lots of people will try it.
As a "work from home if you can and for God's sake stop touching each other" policy arrived in Redmond, it appears one worker managed to trigger a premature emission of good news on the way out. The "technical glitch" trumpeted the arrival of a free tier "to develop and test your applications, run small workloads in production …
Yep - in fact this week I was looking for a "serverless" cloud DB service with small data requirements for a few months for a prototype system I would want to scale. A free month isn't enough to develop against it in my spare time, but being able to have a free forever tier means I have the time to do a full development and I'm in the right place to upgrade to a paid account if the project works out