back to article Windows 10 Slow Ring update strides confidently into 2020

Having given admins the nod that the pre-release Windows 10 2004 was good to go for the Windows Server Update Service, Microsoft did what Microsoft does and changed it. While Windows Insiders on the Fast Ring continue to twiddle their thumbs as the Windows gang wrestles with a mystery bug, an update to Windows 10 due to hit in …

  1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "the Surf game its engineers had built into the new browser"

    Yes, because it is so important that a browser has a built-in game.

    Look, it was funny back in 1996, but nowadays you can just make it an add-on. All browsers have add-ons. This programmer thing about building games into applications that are not games needs to stop.

    Besides, Microsoft, you have more important things to do then patch a browser game, and since it is built-in, you know as well as I do that you'll have to patch it one day.

    Besides, you're not proving anything any more. When Excel 97 was revealed to have a flight sim hidden in it, it was impressive because file sizes were a thing in those days, and memory was scarce. Today you're playing with gigabytes on disk and in memory, so you're not showing off your programming chops anymore, you're just demonstrating that you can waste your time.

    1. HmYiss

      Re: "the Surf game its engineers had built into the new browser"

      No. You must stop and marvel at their sheer genius and incredibly witty sense of fun.

      1. Teiwaz

        Re: "the Surf game its engineers had built into the new browser"

        No. You must stop and marvel at their sheer genius and incredibly witty sense of fun.

        OK, who Marvelled?

        Someone marvelled, own up!!

    2. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: "the Surf game its engineers had built into the new browser"

      Sadnad obviously fired the wrong people. The rest were busy with the Coming Soon button in Outlook.

      No Microsoft, you make enterprise software. Nobody gives a shit about easter eggs or finds them interesting, just make not crash and stop it changing and updating all the time as that makes me work more slowly.

  2. a_yank_lurker

    A newbie to Bloat 10

    As someone who just been downgraded at work to Bloat 10 all I want Slurp to do is fix Bloat's real problems. I am not fond of spending a couple of hours resetting all the customizations that went missing, templates not working, One Drive syncing problems, and general wonkiness and I have not yet finished. I have no use for poorly thought software that is not quite barely functional particular when Bloat 7 could be tamed and stay tamed. So Slurp, I do not care for your idiotic 'features' when there more serious basic problems with Bloat that need addressing. Note all this has done has convinced me to avoid ALL products and services from Slurp when I have a say in the matter.

  3. Ken Hagan Gold badge

    Chromium Edge

    Do both of those words appear in the user-agent string? If so, are there sites that sniff that string and enable stuff based on the "Edge" which then break because it isn't the (old) Edge rendering engine. (I do hope so. People who sniff user-agent strings deserve pain.)

  4. 1752

    Hungry Horace

    Plus vote for the mention of Horace, but I still could not watch all 5 minutes of that video. It amazes me what videos of old games I remember you can find in on youtube.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hungry Horace

      Go one better -

      Don't just watch them - play them!

  5. a_milan

    Windows 10 from 2004.... sounds about right given its quality and stability!

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