Dear Francis
Be a good chap and fuck off.
Pope Francis is calling on the faithful to log off for Lent – eschewing mobile phones and idle chit-chat for a nice quiet commune with God. The Holy Father told pilgrims gathered in St Peter's Square yesterday: "Lent is a time to disconnect from cell phones and connect to the Gospel... "It is the time to give up useless words …
Frankie is a Jesuit, and I've yet to encounter a stupid Jesuit, they weed the idiots and overly pious (as if there were a difference) out in seminary. He _knows_ that most people aren't going to take this seriously. The ones who will, such as those assholes at Opus Dei, already do this kind of thing, so no gain (and no loss) there.
How should he fuck off oh Lord?
And the utterly perfect...
"Of course he's the Messiah. I should know I've followed a few"
I think the Internet proper should have locks against god botherers and other fun people (flatearth (#Frisbee) and vaxxers (#edward-jenner-die-die-die) come to mind). Each getting their own remedial area - like the Shiasphere or SunniSphere or Jewisphere, along with the Fluffysphere (Wicca, #shiningpathbunny), and all the rest - where they can all flame grille each other to their hearts content and leave the rest in peace. Could all get together and have 5 thousand a side flaming tournaments.
They all DO have their own area - its called social media.
Its like a sump or drainage pond - it collects the low of intellect and keeps them out of the way. Unfortunately professional or commercial media have taken to grubbing around in there and dragging the crap out where everyone can see it. Obviously, its easier to sell stuff to stupid people, so commercial networks are all for promoting the 'social media experience"
No doubt this varies among people. I've vacationed in places where I had no phone or network access, and had a fine time; but I didn't find it any more relaxing or enjoyable than when I did have access. I just don't find connectivity or a lack thereof stressful.
But then I've also never felt the compulsion to check my phone, as many seem to.
'polluted by too much verbal violence,' by so many 'offensive and harmful words' which are "amplified by the internet".
Quite agree. Verbal violence should be strictly limited to religious books that encourage smiting, stoning and crucifixion. After all, crucifixion is a doddle.
ITYM 'Neolithic' or 'Bronze' age, surely. The older parts of the Bible are a _lot_ older than a mere 2000+ years. And the older sections were perpetuated by goatherds, not shepherds. There's a difference. The newer bits were perpetuated by, allegedly, fishermen and at least one lawyer and at least one physician. The presence of the lawyer may make the newer bits less reliable than the older bits, YMMV.
What do you mean with "find Jesus"? Not a week passes without people ringing my door bell trying to bring me Jesus. They always seem surprised I use their own rules against them (if someone tries to convert you from your faith, for sure ...).
Just tell them you already did find him and that he's in the kitchen having a spot of tea/coffee/other beverages.
> "remember to genuflect when approached and "kiss his ring, when appropriate"
Not at the moment, I gather ... and in response to
# You can keep your facemask off if
You've the status of the Pontiff
Coughs and wheezes, even little sneezes? Blow in a Vatican Rag!
(with apologies to Tom Lehrer)
// advice update: if infected, please self-immolate -->
Dude I've tried yelling at the Lord and the response is the same. Best case scenario, birds fly overhead or a garbage truck goes by as a convoluted way of answering my question of "is it okay to have full-sodium bacon today?". You might hate Twitter, but even with all the racist diatribes I get bombarded with on there, at least there's proof positive that other tweeters exist.
... and don't forget to pour salt on the holes in your hands.
Really despise religion and Catholicism isn't one of my favourites... it's right next to that American rubbish. It's such hypocrisy too, fasting becomes "don't eat meat" and that becomes "have a fish and seafood feast".
How about the Papal Penis spending his Lent STFU'ing. It's time mankind sheds such silly superstitions as sky daddies anyway. Especially when it's used more to oppress and control people. Religion is holding back progress.
Having the Pope try to shame people into giving up their social interactions and information streams as a matter of suffering and sacrifice, really irks me.
It's time mankind sheds such silly superstitions as sky daddies anyway.
I don't know if you'd really want that. I've seen a lot of Christians argue that without God there are no morals, so from what I've seen, that means there's potentially thousands of spree killers and serial rapists out there that are only capable of keeping their knives and dicks where they belong because a Jewish dude got executed once maybe.