back to article No Huawei gear in vital 5G project to bring virtual-reality Robin Hood to Sherwood Forest

The UK's Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS, aka the Ministry of Fun) has barred Huawei gear from rural 5G trials. The department is funding nine pilots to the tune of £35m which aim to spread the benefits of 5G to rural communities. These range from a virtual-reality Robin Hood (and his Merrie Men) for …

  1. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

    Okay, first question:

    Why is the photo of the Robin Hood statue left–right reflected?

    1. Excellentsword (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: Okay, first question:

      Because Shutterstock.

      1. Robert Grant

        Re: Okay, first question:

        Ah, okay. Was it easier to clone stamp the Shutterstock watermark away like that?

  2. Alister

    how a virtual-reality Robin Hood represents a core network function

    Well let's not quarrel about it. They've got another string to their bow.

    1. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

      Re: how a virtual-reality Robin Hood represents a core network function

      Ironically, the statue has no string. That's probably a metaphor for something. And the arrow is periodically stolen. I'm told the Council have a stock of them...

  3. Zog_but_not_the_first

    Robin Hood?

    I thought it was come Huawei with William Tell.

    {Who's old enough to get that reference?}

    1. Robert Grant

      Re: Robin Hood?

      I'm too young. I'm too busy tossing a coin to my Huaweitcher.

  4. GruntyMcPugh

    So the DCMS want to raid their coffers,....

    .... for extra cash and buy more expensive 5G kit for non essential networks,.... with such profligate spending they might have to cancel Christmas,.....

    1. Trev 2

      Re: So the DCMS want to raid their coffers,....

      Exactly, we don't care who's watching on our internet, just give us some decent mobile access faster than in 1995. Struggling to get 4G even in town, a mile from the mast.

  5. NeilPost


    Any Lenovo laptops involved in this ??

    What’s the risk assessment made on these Chinese slabs.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Message received from the Ministry of Fun:

    "Remind us - what's a core network function again?"

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