back to article It's official: In May, Microsoft will close the door, lock the vault, brick over the entrance of dreaded Windows 10 1809

Microsoft has confirmed that the ill-fated Windows 10 1809 update has just three months left to live. On Wednesday, Redmond issued an official notice that, as of May 12, 2020, the error-prone "Update of the Damned" will stop receiving upgrades, and holdouts still using the operating system version, for some reason, will be …

  1. WolfFan

    And yet it still lives...

    The zombified remains of 1809 will live on, and on, and on, in the hands of those who, after their last experience, will never update again and have gone to extreme measures to ensure that Windows Update is banished from their systems.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: And yet it still lives...

      And those who have one of those laptops with a 32Gb SSD which have got less than about 10Gb free so Windows can't update (i.e. most of them).

      1. taz-nz

        You can update system with small SSD by using a external drive during update.

        WIndows 10 will lets you plug in a USB flash drive or SD-card, and use it as temp space while Windows 10 upgrades.

        You can also clear up a lot of disk space by running Disk Cleanup as Admin and ticking every box, this will remove old Windows & driver update files, and can save many GB of space.

        1. Dan 55 Silver badge

          Re: You can update system with small SSD by using a external drive during update.

          WIndows 10 will lets you plug in a USB flash drive or SD-card, and use it as temp space while Windows 10 upgrades.

          Looking at that solution in the link, it's pretty non-obvious and probably beyond the average user.

        2. mark l 2 Silver badge

          Re: You can update system with small SSD by using a external drive during update.

          in my experience using a USB memory stick as extra storage does not work. You end up with it sat on 0% for hours after the reboot unless you remove the memory stick. But then later it asks you to put it back into the PC and the upgrade fails.

          I tried for a whole day to upgrade from 1809 last week and kept getting this exact problem and just gave up in the end. I am going to wipe and install from scratch instead as the whole feature upgrades is just a nightmare.

          1. Captain Scarlet

            Re: You can update system with small SSD by using a external drive during update.

            Was it plugged into a USB3 port with the "Superspeed" gubbins, as it worked fine for me on some Linx tablets (To me they are proper bottom of the barrell machines).

            Only issue I had with updates was a 4 year old Dell laptop, that was because Intel stopped supporting the chipset a year before W10 was released (Hugely annoying when a 14 year old Dell machine was still supported and although ran like a dog updated perfectly fine every time) and Arcsoft Totalmedia Extreme causing my machine to BSOD over 1/2 the time it booted (Probably doesn't help I have performed a clean install since the days of Windows 7 Home, but then I will be lazy if it works).

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: You can update system with small SSD by using a external drive during update.

          You can also clear up a lot of disk space by running Disk Cleanup as Admin and ticking every box, this will remove old Windows & driver update files, and can save many GB of space.

          Alternatively, clean the hard drive off the motherboard will also save plenty of internal space and frustration time.

          Joke(?) aside. If you need even one additional storage media, you are better off just moving the data off the internal drive and do a clean reinstall, which will have few Windows problems overall.

      2. Andytug

        Re: And yet it still lives...

        You can also go the whole hog and put all the documents, apps, files etc plus the Windows update directory on the USB stick (involves cmd and mklink) ...but then the 1903 update comes along that tries to reserve 8Gb on the HDD for "future updates".....and that one won't install no matter what you do as there's no way there's 8Gb spare on a 32GB hard drive.

        Not managed to find a way round that yet.

        1. Conundrum1885

          Re: And yet it still lives...

          Whatever happened to ReadyBoost ?

          I liked that feature! Kept a high speed USB there but got fed up with it using up my one spare slot.

          Of course the "Killer App!" would be a laptop camera sized PCB with the most common connectors and 16GB of high speed memory which also contains failsafe backups of all the drivers.

          For most applications people rarely use the camera anyway but you could add this feature back in and make it 4K to boot with IR illuminator and face recognition.

    2. Youngone

      Re: And yet it still lives...

      I just ran Winver on my corporate laptop, and got version 1809 (OS Build 17763.973).

      I'm not sure what to think now. This laptop works fine.

      1. Snake Silver badge

        Re: Have 1809 , works fine

        Same here, I updated several computers to 1809 and used them without issue, they are now at 1909. Installation of 1809 was indeed finicky on a few of the computers but once installed, and the upgrade acknowledged as completed, everything seemed to work as expected.

        1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

          Re: Have 1809 , works fine

          On reading that I just did the same, with again the same result of an 1809 install (17763.1039 in my case).

          That said this particular laptop has been in use for about 6 months now (as a normal cycle replacement for its predecessor), and I don't recall it ever blue-screening or giving any kind of issue at all.

          1. Snake Silver badge

            Re: Have 1809 , works fine

            I know it is (extremely) unpopular on this board to say, but I'm no longer a religious fanatic when it comes to OS UI experience. I was, long ago, but I am simply too busy doing work inside the applications that an OS runs to fret, hand-wring and otherwise soapbox on the fact that they changed the UI.

            Windows 10's UI is *not* that bad. If I could post a screen grab of the computer I am currently on, upgraded from Win7 to Win10, you'll find a desktop interface with surprisingly little difference. The Start Menu and those tile buttons?? You can remove all the tiles (which only take up a very small area of the desktop space once opened as I've only added a small number of them) and end up with just a menu of programs without any tiles at all.


            My own Start Menu with tiles is even smaller than what is shown as the beginning example on that tips pages.

            And, rather like Android, I barely go into my Start Menu anyway due to the fact that I have taskbar shortcuts for everything I truly use every day.

            So I'm not sure why so many people rant and rave about this thing, I simply have far more important things to go on about. 1/2 of the complaints I think I read about is due to the complainer still commenting on the first generation of Win10 installs, or tablets (computer in Tablet mode), both of which, intentionally, have very large, touch-friendly Start Menu tiles even if you don't actually have a touchscreen. But those Big Tiles were shrunk several revisions ago on non-touchscreen devices, so much that they aren't even a real issue any more.

            1. Palpy

              Re: No longer a "religious" UI fanatic...

              Me neither. I spent a couple of years distro-hopping in Linux, now staying with Siduction, Ubuntu Studio, and Mint, and the wife uses only Mac. I can work with just about anything, including Win 10. Er, Win 10 with some customizing, that is. But I customize my Linux desktops too.

              The Windows UI has never been truly atrocious, except in Win 8 of course. Complaints about flat-look are, IMHO, whinges about aesthetics, and not serious complaints about usability.

              1. Naselus

                Re: No longer a "religious" UI fanatic...

                "The Windows UI has never been truly atrocious, except in Win 8 of course. "

                Even win 8 wasn't that bad if you only used it with a touch-screen. We had a bunch of Sony tablet-laptop convertible things that it came pre-installed on; using it 'natively' on the touchscreen was actually quite good.

                The moment you plugged in a keyboard and mouse like a civilized human being, on the other hand, it was a complete nightmare of trying to use gestures and swipes with input devices that simply don't translate.

  2. xosevp

    business as usual

  3. herman Silver badge

    Eh? The Long Term Support version is supposed to be 1809 and supported till 2029.

    1. seven of five Silver badge

      2029 comes early this year. For some...

    2. Mark 78

      The LTSC version is the one for Thin Clients which is supports for years still. The Enterprise version of 1809 (which most corporate users would be using) is still valid until May 2021. It's mainly home users who are affected by this announcement.

    3. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge


      That's not on the list of affected editions.


  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not Downgrading to Windows 10 ... Ever !!!

    I was happily on Windows XP up until last year ...

    ... and then I came across Macrium Reflect which allowed a bare-metal backup, oblivating the need for Windows NT Backup which was pulled from Windows after XP.

    So now I'm running Windows 7.

    1. BinkyTheMagicPaperclip Silver badge

      Re: Not Downgrading to Windows 10 ... Ever !!!

      ...which is out of support. Well done..

      If you're 'never' changing to 10, you'd better start using Unix now because you won't have much choice otherwise.

      10 isn't perfect, but it's alright and very stable provided you do things its way, and use relatively modern hardware. I'd recommend using the Pro version too..

      1. Michael Habel

        Re: Not Downgrading to Windows 10 ... Ever !!!

        I prefer the more fruty planes of MacOS, Formaly of OS X fame...

        1. Captain Scarlet

          Re: Not Downgrading to Windows 10 ... Ever !!!

          I would agree if I could install their OS legally on my own hardware, but they all have to have a special chip to make them unrepairable so I'll pass and point and laugh at you.

        2. BinkyTheMagicPaperclip Silver badge

          Re: Not Downgrading to Windows 10 ... Ever !!!

          MacOS is also Unix :P

    2. MyffyW Silver badge

      Re: Not Downgrading to Windows 10 ... Ever !!!

      @AC I've got Windows for Workgroups 3.11 disks if you want to really live the dream.

      I do hate to break it too you hun, but security through obsolescence is not a thing...

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Not Downgrading to Windows 10 ... Ever !!!

        Pah, what about all 24ish floppies of OS/2 Warp? With a corrupted disc 18 of course ...

      2. fedoraman

        Re: Not Downgrading to Windows 10 ... Ever !!!

        On modern hardware WfW absolutely flies!

  5. LenG


    My (Pro) is on 1803 and still seems to be receiving updates despite the settings update page telling me that I am end of life/out of service for that release. I admit to being very reluctant to attempt to change this situation.

  6. Tom Paine

    I give up

    Windows. What is it good for? Absolutely fuck-all.

    1. Calum Morrison

      Re: I give up

      Yep, you're telling me. Been using it for 25 years or so and have never achieved anything. Not even written so much as a snarky response on a web site with it.

    2. David Austin

      Re: I give up

      Gaming and legacy program support

      Reminder the 32-bit version of Windows 10 still runs Windows 3.1 16 bit apps perfectly fine.

      There's downsides (It brings a lot of security baggage with it), but it's a different ideological approach to most other Operating Systems: in the last Decade, Apple have dropped Rosetta PowerPC support and 32 bit Apps, and Ubuntu threatened - and rapidly backtracked - on dropping 32 bit compatibility.

      Not saying one approach is the "right" way, but it's a very different mindset.

      1. Killfalcon

        Re: I give up

        Just like IE is the browser you use to install a better browser, Windows is the OS you use to install Steam.

  7. Baldrickk

    I'm still stuck

    On the version before then. Windows Update reboots my PC, gets 60% of the way through the installation, then fails with a completely uninformative error and rolls back. Takes a couple of hours each time.

    Windows Update is therefore in the lovely position of telling me that I'm completely up to date, but also need to update. Not confusing at all.

    No idea what the problem is, but I've come to the conclusion that I need to delete everything I can to reduce disk usage (disk is full of games, so I can dl from steam again easily enough) image to another disk and re-install from scratch...


    I miss Linux

    On the plus side, I missed the update of death.

    1. Jason 24

      Re: I'm still stuck

      Have you any USB devices such as printers connected? I've had quite a few fail unless the only USB devices connected are a keyboard and mouse.

      1. Baldrickk

        Re: I'm still stuck

        Only a keyboard and mouse remain connected. everything else is temporary via a hub, including the printer, except the Valve Index, which gets unplugged anyway, as otherwise it gets detected as the primary video output.

    2. Snake Silver badge

      Re: I'm still stuck

      One of the major secrets with Windows 10 upgrade problems is that you MUST remove any aftermarket AV products. Then look at your hardware stack and see if you are using any significantly out of date drivers or support software, like scanners for example, and either update or remove the driver/software stack to be updated later.

      Get all you ducks in a row and you will usually find that your Windows 10 update experience is much improved.

      1. jelabarre59

        Re: I'm still stuck

        One of the major secrets with Windows 10 upgrade problems is that you MUST remove any aftermarket AV products.

        So if your antivirus product prevents you from installing/"upgrading" MSWin10, doesn't that imply MSW is a virus?

  8. Cereberus

    Cant update, won't update

    and holdouts still using the operating system version, for some reason, will be advised to move to at least the November 2019 build of the operating system.

    I had 1809 and was in the position the updates were failing completely due to an error.

    I tried everything I could think of or find on the net including resetting the updates, stopping and restarting the service.....

    I then started getting page fault errors before finally hitting the point when shutting down the machine went into super hibernation and wouldn't wake up without a full power down by pushing the off button for several seconds the switching in back on.

    I then started being unable to use other functions, such as a headset in the 3.5mm ports, but still able to use it via the USB port.

    At this point I gave up and did a full re-install to 1909 and had no problems since.

    How many people are in the position the updates are failing and they don't know, or they don't know how fix the problem / re-install the OS, and so are stuck on 1809 without support or updates, leaving them open to all kinds of malicious behaviours through no fault of their own - owning and using a Win 10 PC doesn't count as being their fault.

  9. oldtechguy

    Pretty sure we (20000 staff) have just moved onto this version, apart from those who migrated to 8 from XP first, who are still on 8, although I am on the earlier adopters list and just got an email asking if I wanted to try the next version.

  10. nojobhopes

    Gateway to the underworld?

    Nice picture. Reminds me appropriately enough of the register of Entrances to Hell site -

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