Man, that seems like a lot of work . . .
. . . optimizing IoT processors just to run Powerpoint.
Arm is aiming two new processing unit designs at slimline AI workloads in smart speakers and other Internet-of-Things devices. The more powerful of the two, known as Cortex-M55, is a general microcontroller-grade CPU blueprint, while the other, named Ethos-U55, is essentially an AI accelerator. The Cortex-M55 is based on Arm's …
Well consider this:
a) your IOT device responds to voice commands by SENDING THE VOICE DATA TO A SERVER that hoovers up your personal information INCLUDING what you asked for [and requires 7/24 internet in order to work[
- or -
b) your IOT device responds to voice commands using an on-board AI system that requires little (or no) internet traffic in order to function
I pick 'b'
So what's to stop your IdiOT from still sending all that wonderful data back to the mother server for integration into the silicon all-mind for the purpose of optimizing advertising to change your mind about which toilet paper to buy?
(Hint: just steal your toilet paper from work. They have plenty.)
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Now if you'd suggested a psychotic toaster, that loves to toy with lesser toasters before gleefully spilling their innards out and grinding them into spare parts I'd sign up for it.
Perhaps Uncle Sam could upgrade it with the opposing thumbs it always wanted, to better throttle the life out of anything and everything around it?
Ah! Old World Blues. The funnest DLC ever!