Re: "ecause it can deliver quicker, cheaper and easier"
"1) Because it doesn't pay the taxes other companies pays"
If it is breaking the law this can be prosecuted.
"2) Because it tries to avoid work regulations other companies have to follow"
If it is breaking the law this can be prosecuted.
"3) Because it exploits people as much as it can with its "contractor" model."
If it is breaking the law this can be prosecuted.
"If you think, slavery in the British and Spanish colonies, then in the US, was a very efficient business model - and could put out of business many other far less efficient. Maybe not an acceptable one?"
If you think employed work is slavery then you may want to see slavery.
"When you have only one big seller setting wages, you will just have poorer people, less employment, and in the end even higher prices"
Great argument for our market economy and the existence of Amazon which has driven down the prices and employed more people while driving down the cost of living for customers, not just of Amazon but Amazons competitors too!
"And if it doesn't pay taxes, say good bye to free education and healthcare, and a lot of other things...."
So its not free education and healthcare otherwise it wouldnt need to pay for them. Yet because it does pay tax they exist based on the fact that they do pay tax and that those services exist.
"Sure, that's why they are not in a prison for tax crimes. Just those rules were written for a different era, and now people want them changed - as it happens in any democratic country, following democratic rules. Or big companies now dictates the rule?"
So Amazon has not been doing anything wrong so far, I agree. So lets discuss the turnover tax which would be charged even if the company made a loss. More tax taken from Amazon removes money from the economy and that includes wages, R&D, pensions and the value of being successful. Where will that money come from?
"LOL! They do make disappear a lot of profits they should be pay tax upon using sophisticated tax avoidances schemes."
Tax avoidance isnt a crime nor is it a bad thing. If the tax is so hard to collect maybe it is too complicated. Which then means coming up with a good tax with low dead weight costs.