Re: Differences...
Or the public knowledge of offences is part of the disincentive for committing crimes?
We had a few shows on TV relating to crimes (much like the US "Cops" show). I am pretty sure many people on those shows were there because it was their only hope of being on TV, and the widespread reporting was an incentive to commit crimes.
But aside from that... How many people can you name who actually honestly haven't committed a crime because they thought they'd be named and shamed? Most crims don't expect to get caught, most of the remainder don't care. Drugs or anger/other short-term "mental health issues" or "emotional issues" kill the ability for those who aren't psychopaths to rationally think about their actions and consequences, and of course there are those who just don't give thought to consequences.
So really.. What gain is there in reporting the name and address of an accused?
The disadvantage is "mud sticks" and we have way too many people in our society who believe that accused=guilty even if the person is later totally exonerated. I've known of people to get public apologies from the police about the police's mistakes in questioning them, and someone else is convicted, yet the neighbours believe the person must have been guilty "otherwise the police would've known they were innocent and never spoken to them in the first place". A public accusation today - where "newspapers" are online and easily searchable - is a serious thing. Newspapers often report on the "so and so from such and such has been arrested for.." but very seldom report "after a short investigation the police determined so and so was not present at the time and is no longer a person of interest to them", so a potential employer will find reports of your arrest and drop you from the list of potential employees without you or anyone else being able to say you were totally innocent.
Of course, being without work heightens one's chances of being involved in further crime, especially those who have spent time in custody (who could lose their homes and possessions among other things fairly quickly). Thus, reporting may actually help increase the overall crime rates. I am convinced it does little to protect us, and knowing these salacious details of many cases is of no benefit to me or anyone else not directly involved.
I'd be happy to wake up one joyful day and realise most of the MSM are gone. El Reg and a few sites that report on traffic conditions etc are all I care for :)