Its a good thing they don't test airplanes like this.
Oh, hang on......
While 45 years of carbon emissions from Microsoft were being scrutinised by execs last night, the Windows Insider team made an emission of its own, in the form of a fresh Windows 10 build. Build 19546 continued the "steady as she goes" of recent releases to the Fast Ring of the Windows Insider Program with a few fixes, some …
Yeah, I "downgraded" from 1909 back to 1903 on my main PC because that complete pile of crap. I have a test PC running the latest insider and fire of feedback every so often about the crappiness of File Explorer search. I wish, whenever MS introduce something new/improved, that's give us a tick box that enabled us to put the old (and often still working) version back in. Any feedback from people's use of that switch would be worth keeping the telemetry switched on for!
No, you twat. Read what I wrote.
Here's a longer explanation for boltar and anyone else in the "hard of thinking" camp: My MAIN PC that I use for work updated itself from 1903 to 1909 which broke the File Explorer search so I reverted back to 1903 (and have set it to NOT upgrade for as long as possible). I also have a TEST PC which I use to test the latest Insider install in order to make sure that software I write still works on the latest version and also to report errors to MS when things break. The File Explorer search has been broken since the 1909 update and, despite MS having been informed about this since last September has completely failed to do anything about it. Don't believe me? Try this search and see how many hits it gets:
I ran the google query you suggested, and tried to reproduce the first two bug reports (cannot type in search field + cannot paste). Both issues appear to have been resolved in the mean time afaict.
That said, I usually search for files using powershell. gci -recurse <search pattern> and then pipe it to select-string if I need to search for specific text inside the file(s). Part of the reason is file explorer used to (still does?) default to recursive searching, and it is just faster to specify that in the shell rather than click around the UI like some rabid hedgehog on speed.
The times when I'm not using multiple mstsc clients to connect to remote systems are low, even after converting some of the tasks RDP is used for to Powershell scripts..
Granted, less useful on a consumer desktop, but that sounds like a build breaking bug to me.
Well, RDP is broken in released version as well. In the past week I migrated some applications to a remote server with 2019 1809. When I attempted to connect to it from a newly installed Windows 10 1903 machine, it could barely display the logon page badly. Then nothing else worked. But I could connect to the Windows 2008R2 machine I was migrating, and using the hypervisor remote console the machine was no overloaded or the like.
It turned out it's a bug which happens when RDP selected the UDP protocol, and may be related the the connection MTU. It becomes *extremely* slow, user report up to five minutes for a logon. Disabling UDP using the group policy manager let you get a connection. It looks the RDP store apps doesn't have this issue.
Not only Windows QA is bad, but development of some applications turned bad too. I'm quite sure Nadella is trying to cut costs of WIndows development greatly (hence the new Edge...) and using unskilled developers. The certificate validation bug looks to be from the same attitude.
I'm pretty sure I fixed the broken file search from Explorer on my work machine. I ran the indexing troubleshooter, which said the permissions were wrong for the index directory (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search); but of course, it did not repair them or say how to. The fix:
1. Manually assign ownership of Search directory and all of its subdirectories to the Admin group.
2. Delete all files from that directory tree.
3. Control Panel > Indexing Options > Advanced > Index Settings tab > Rebuild.
4. Enjoy a tasty beverage while #3 completes.
5. Restart (because it's Windows).
File search from Explorer has worked since I did that. Windows, so YMMV.
The graphing portion of the calculator IS NOT open source, quite hilarious when you think about it.
"To that end, the UI from the official in-box Windows Calculator is currently part of this repository, although the proprietary Microsoft-built graphing engine, which also drives graphing in Microsoft Mathematics and OneNote, is not. Community members can still be involved in the creation of the UI, however developer builds will not have graphing functionality due to the use of a mock implementation of the engine built on top of a common graphing API."