Its not over until its over...
The US case is pretty clear... at least until the appeal. But how much of the US criminal case effects the UK civil I wonder?
"Sometime in late 2008, Hussain and his co-conspirators set out to improperly inflate Autonomy’s revenue figures to influence market analysts’ projections about its growth and estimates of its market value, in the hopes of an eventual acquisition and a big payday. (Hussain netted $16 million from the HP acquisition.) In Hussain, the conspiracy also included CEO Mike Lynch, as well as Christopher “Stouffer” Egan, Peter Menell, Andy Kanter, and Steve Chamberlain, all executives at Autonomy"
The "pith' of this story seems to be well illustrated (graphic) on Page 4 of the above doc together with the statement 'Government witnesses explained that growth rate is a particularly important determinant of market valuation for a tech company, and ultimately of the price that company can command in an acquisition. Accordingly, falsely reporting increases in revenue will tend to lead to significant exaggerated valuations"
While its been (temporarily) decided that this all adds up to a crime in the US, would have been a crime in the UK, and with retard to this trial, does it equalup to "I want my $5B back please?"