Re: "Those which focus only on risks will fail to gain any upside..."
>As an observer from the US
As an Aussie in Aus who spent 20yrs living and working in the UK & across EU:
>the whole Brexit thing Has seemed an emotional issue more than anything else. an understatement.
Interestingly, the vast bulk of public stridency comes from one side, and interestingly that side seems to focus strictly on narrative or symbolic ideals rather than what's actually there. And what's actually there typically is a pig with lipstick. If you're a largescale finance person, for example, THIS (Target2) will finally locate for you where the missing backside of one major moneyflow is going -- it's essentially in a "let's pretend" pile pushed under the carpet.
But weirdly, not ONE person has ever raised any of the jaw-dropping big-picture WTFs that for me by themselves would say Get Out Now! For example: Democracy.
Now, you're a yank, right? You guys are typically hot on the idea of Democracy, right? And you know what a Parliament is, right? Congress is one, for example. Core democratic legislative authority. Representatives voted-in to create legislation. Representative Democracy. Right?
Have a read of this official EU FAQ (only 6 paras): What are the European Parliament’s powers and legislative procedures? , in particular the last 3 paragraphs. It DOES match my (painful) reading of the Treaties but is VERY obfuscatorily written, in highly elliptical fashion (eg, "Implementing[-type] Acts" means all actual/normal legislation, the other type are just the minor tweakings). You'll know you're getting it if you're thinking bewilderedly "no, wait, that can't be right, I must have misunderstood, I'd better read that again."
Once you grok it, you'll be gobsmacked.
A return to absolute monarchy (all executive & legislative authority in one unelected group) (with 2 court jester groups). But with the royal class shifted, from accident-of-birth, to being strictly restricted to the laziest and most parasitic yet arrogant subset of society: voluntary civil servants.
For the Brits: it's "Yes, Minister" without the ministers -- Humphrey took over.
For everyone else: democracy formally cancelled, ALL previously-separated powers now rest in career civil servants, court-jesters created who get to wear an important-looking hat and nominate just how much money to spend on themselves (E1.5bn/yr atm)
But that's just prima facie.
That's not what's really hair-raising.
Take a step back and think about the wider/longer picture.
The big WTFs are NOT accidental.
Here, the terms "parliament" and "council" are not accidental or mistakes. Those words were deliberately chosen to label those bodies. In order to imply a function. Which they don't actually have in real life. That's deliberate cover-up of the true structure --in fact, implying actually the opposite structure-- by referencing narrative tropes and standard symbols, and relying on people trusting and/or not having time to dig into the reality. Bread & Potemkin Circuses, Part II.
The mens rea is chilling. As is the contempt for the lesser folk, not just implied but demonstrated.
Big problem: What could that evolve into in future?