No Way!
See Reg article on Oracle Google fight.
Microsoft has announced several improvements to Java support in Visual Studio Code, its popular open source editor. Visual Studio Code is a general-purpose editor but benefits from thousands of extensions (there are currently thousands listed in the extension marketplace. Language Support for Java (an extension created by Red …
If you're doing serious development, you need a desktop. If you're on a tablet (and therefore unable to use a desktop based IDE) you're not doing serious development. You might review something. You might even do a couple of lines of code to fix something, but you can do that through your cloud-based git repository UI without the need for a browser-based IDE. I simply don't understand the browser-based IDE concept. Unless, I guess, you have a Chromebook. But again, that isn't a serious developer's piece of kit.
As to developing Java - just use the best IDE (IDEA) and be done with it.
Hmmmm. Maybe I'm a fossil, but this seems to be a solution looking for a problem.
You are here, and the point of this article is way the hell over there. IIRC literally one line mentioned that VS Code has a browser-based offering through Visual Studio Online, and the chances are that people using VSO aren't doing heavyweight Java stuff.
FWIW, you don't need a massive hulking behemoth of a desktop to simply write code. Personally I would *prefer* a desktop, but for the most of the work I do the disk I/O speed (both random and continuous) is far more important than raw CPU horsepower. I *could* get more I/O speed out of a desktop if my company were willing to spend a *lot* of money on hardware (putting me out of sync with every other developer); however if I ever need enterprise-grade performance then instead of trying to get enterprise-grade performance out of consumer/business-grade hardware I simply move my workloads to enterprise-grade hardware.
I don't understand what Microsoft want Visual Studio Code to actually be. Is it a competitor to Eclipse, NetBeans and so on, and therefore a threat to the Visual Studio income stream? Is it simply a research project that someone mistakenly greenlit into release? Or what?
I mean, maybe they're losing money on Visual Studio (although at the price of the subscriptions, I very much doubt it). Otherwise I'm just at a loss to understand why, from Microsoft's point of view, it exists.
Like @Zippy, I can't imagine what MS stand to gain. They're putting quite a lot of effort into a product that's free, and that is an entrant in a fairly crowded field. One nice thing about VSC is the frequent and, in my experience, issue-free updates.
My impression was that VSC's original target was Typescript development. It's still rather better for that than IntelliJ (though that may be because my copy of IntelliJ is a couple of years old).
Interesting to see that NetBeans is still a thing. In two decades of Java I've only worked at one site where they used it.