One down, many to go
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, apparently.
Seems like it's actually getting harder to be a scumbag on the Internet. Good.
A British man suspected to be an instrumental member of the Dark Overlord hacking crew has been extradited to the US for trial. On Wednesday, 39-year-old Nathan Wyatt, of Wellingborough, England, appeared in a federal district court in eastern Missouri to face charges [PDF] of aggravated identity theft, threatening damage to a …
His mugshot fits in with the title...
I wonder if his future fellow cellmate(s) will call him the Dark Overlord or simply the Dark Hole ? ( I use future as this is the States, he's not rich or famous, so we know he's going to jail).
I didn't understand though if he was, or can be, also put on trial in the UK for the same offenses ? Normally you can't be charged twice for the same offense in the same country but can you be charged for the same offense in two different countries ?
The UK has so many loopholes and ambiguities he'd be sure to be acquitted if he greased the right palms.
You have it completely arse-about-face. It's in the US where money can buy you out of jail, perhaps because they have an elected judiciary and prosecution service. In the UK, it can get you a better lawyer, but will not let you escape the justice process.
The US federal judiciary and prosecutors are not elected. Federal judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate to life terms as laid out in the Constitution. United States Attorneys (federal prosecutors) are also appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, typically for the length of the presidency.
The individual states typically do have elected district attorneys (prosecutors), judges, and attorneys general, but this bloke is facing federal charges.
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...we know he's going to jail.
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They make our jobs much more difficult and less fun, because we have to put enormous amounts of effort into scum mitigation rather than actually doing something useful for our users.
Those of us who are old enough recall when we built and/or used the internet on a basis of trust, foolish as that might have been in hindsight, and the actions of these [redacteds] feels like a betrayal.
The profession seems to be doing a good enough job as a group. I am tired of having to be a beta tester, at a minimum, for every product release I have paid for, sometimes substantial sums. I am aware that "management" is at the heart of the problem, what with unrealistic schedules and budgets. They, too, are members of the profession and probably most responsible for reputation damage.
IT: One label to bind them. One brush to tar them all.
Back in the early '90s I used to mix in the higher echelons of society (using nearly all my IT pay packet to go to the 'right' events) My email address book contained royals, most other heraldic levels and MPs amongst others. Then a virus got past my defences and spread to my contacts.
Que a visit from, and lengthy conversation, with Special Branch (it was the fact that the virus had got past the Parliamentary fire walls that really got their goat!) and no further invitations to any society events. (I was told a number of years later by a local Earl that all the recipients were told by SB to sever all ties with me, which was a little harsh!)
It meant that I got back to being more 'normal', but I do miss those people. At least they were not the 'Z' list, vacuous, reality TV celebrities that dominate "Hello" magazine and tabloids these days.
I absolutely agree she should face court in the UK.
That being said, there have been numerous such atrocities over the years and diplomats and their dependents have gotten away with it based on diplomatic immunity. About the most that any country that plays in the international world can do is send the diplomat and family home as persona non grata, unfortunately. Many times local justice is undone in the interest of the State and its international ambitions. States are locked into a zero sum game where if they give here they have to give -there-, in a situation where justice isn't considered equal to their local version.
Sorry, but that is the short and long of it, whether I agree or not.
Personally, at a minimum, I would like to see her tried over here (US) in her local jurisdiction and sentenced (if guilty of course) quite harshly as a reminder that diplomats (or their dependents) have responsibilities as well as benefits.
Since--so far as I know--the basic facts of that case are known, Dunn's family could probably win a wrongful death civil case fairly easily. Probably not as satisfying a putting her in the slammer, but far better than nothing. (Note that this is how O. J. Simpson was taken down after his criminal acquittal.)
The OJ Simpson case had possibly the best outcome possible from the civil case.
He was going to put out a book called "If I Did It", pretty much taunting the family of his victim.
They sued.They got the publishing rights. They published it anyway, but the cover was printed with the "If" in the title greyed out.
So he ended up paying to publish a book that sat on shelves wherever books are sold with the words "I DID IT" in clear bold text next to his face.
Some breaking news on the subject - "The CPS said it had started extradition proceedings."
The chief crown prosecutor, Janine Smith is quoted:
“May I remind all concerned that criminal proceedings against Anne Sacoolas are now active and that she has a right to a fair trial. It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.”
Because in America, not only are prison sentences VASTLY disproportionate to the crime (i.e. stacking of charges ending up with 50+ year sentences), within the first few weeks of entering the prison system, you will be SMASHED (beaten up) to see how tough you are, be forced to join a prison gang or be raped every day for the rest of your prison life as the local "Shot Caller's Prison B&^%^" or until you commit suicide. Take your pick!
When you come out you WILL be a changed person FOR THE WORSE, and unless you're 200 lbs (90 KG+) and well-muscled, YOU'RE DEAD or you WILL be crippled when and IF you finally get out !!! The guards don't (Won't) help you and the actual cell conditions and the sheer amount of aggression, savagery, disease and infection within the U.S. prison system that YOU WILL GET EXPOSED TO would UTTERLY SHOCK the average UK'er.
Look at this!
When you're FRESH FISH entering a U.S. Prison:
His other "Prison Life Videos"