Re: So many flaws
“Cans should have been shaken by a carefully* designed mechanism, then precisely* tapped by a mechanical finger to produce consistent* results.“
That was my thought too. Not very scientific.
“ Which of course would require inviting the engineering department to participate.”
Then again, maybe they were thoughtful enough to shake the cans _really_ carefully in order to avoid excess spillage and make the engineers even happier?
“Also note that the optimal way to deliver 1,000 cans of beer is in 42 slabs of 24. Thus proving that beer is the answer to life, the universe and science..”
Wow, that’s deep! I always knew that breweries hold keys to the secret information on life, universe and stuff, but couldn’t ever quite grasp why. That is indeed the reason why beer cans come in slabs of 24, thanks!
If you look carefully, you note that 24 becomes 42 if you reverse the most and least meaningful digits. That information has to contain some secret knowledge too. Being a pastafari is so yesterday. I’m gonna convert into a beerafari.
Cheers everybody, it’s Friday again!