back to article Reasons to be fearful 2020: Smishing, public Wi-Fi, deepfakes... and all the usual suspects

Cybercriminals will continue to exploit tried-and-tested fraud methods but also adopt a couple of new takes and targets in the year ahead. Predictions from fraud specialists at Experian suggest continued threats from careless use of public Wi-Fi networks. With ever more spots available, users need to be careful of what data …

  1. jospanner Silver badge

    I am genuinely terrified about the future.

    The prevalence of invasive tech is increasing, and not content with that, the b*stards are creating more of it.

    And, day by day, governments and businesses do new and interesting horrible things with them.

    And we don't even get the cool cyberpunk fashion or cool rebel hacker underground to go with it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Give it time, when Brexit finally hits everyone in Blighty will be dressed in post apocalyptic S&M gear fighting over "guzzaline".

  2. SVV

    if you're prepared to cough up an email and some other details

    Has it occured to the geniuses that wrote the report that the prevalance of harmful data leaks and phishing attacks might have some enormous relation to companies constantly demanding that people hand over this personal information, which they then store insecurely on their servers? How do I know that the information I give them in order to read the report won't be leaked or misused in the ways described in the report?

    1. iron

      Re: if you're prepared to cough up an email and some other details

      It's Experian. You can feel safe that it is guaranteed to be leaked and misused.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: if you're prepared to cough up an email and some other details

        Experian are very concerned about this type of thing.

        Imagine, people being able to get their hands on detailed information for free rather than paying Experian for credit reports and demographic data....

    2. Tom Wood

      Re: if you're prepared to cough up an email and some other details

      you mean you use a genuine / non-disposable email address for such purposes?

      1. jelabarre59

        Re: if you're prepared to cough up an email and some other details

        I have an email for such things, it's not "disposable" in that I keep it active, I simply don't have anything important on it. As for phone numbers, I use a GoogleVoice number for that, which I know I never need to answer (or even have a device set up to receive calls from that number).

  3. Khaptain Silver badge

    Kudos pour le JCC reference.

    Little reminder for the Kung Fu International generation.

    Outside the take-away, Saturday night

    a bald adolescent, asks me out for a fight

    He was no bigger than a two-penny fart

    he was a deft exponent of the martial art

    And some of the Gen X, Z, Snowflake crowd still believe that RAP was created within their lifetime...

    1. jelabarre59

      Re: Kudos pour le JCC reference.

      Didn't recognize that particular reference, but I *DID* notice a play on an Ian Dury song title (although to fit the theme, the article should have been "Reasons to be Fearful, part 2020").

    2. CAPS LOCK

      Doctor Clarke can't go back to Salford...

      ...the cops have got him marked.

    3. Robert Helpmann??
      Thumb Up

      Re: Kudos pour le JCC reference.

      Hadn't heard that before, despite it actually having been made within my lifetime. Have an up-vote for that. Thanks!

  4. Detective Emil


    Refreshing honesty? They're a spot lenient with themselves, I'd say.

  5. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Hold on a minute there

    "The company recommended people take the same precautions with text messages from unknown mobile numbers as they would with emails from unknown sources"

    People apparently blindly accept email from unknown sources, clicking the links and forwarding as requested ; telling them to do the same with SMSs is not really a good idea.

  6. Blackjack Silver badge

    The future sucks, news at 11!

    All those science fiction bad future movies weren't a how to guide... or were they?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The future sucks, news at 11!

      Nope because the future won't have Rutger Hauer in it. Rest his soul.

  7. sbt

    Public Wi-fi factor must be in decline, surely

    Now that 4G and later data plans are available at reasonable cost, there is increasingly less need to use public Wi-fi services for anything remotely private or confidential, I'd have thought. Not a big user of mobile data so far, but a decent allowance for minimal spend should be in reach for most folks in markets where public Wi-fi is also available.

    1. mark l 2 Silver badge

      Re: Public Wi-fi factor must be in decline, surely

      I don’t know about where you live but there are still large parts of the world that don't have good coverage on 4G, especially indoors. So WiFi is the only option to connect online.

      And even if you are careful on what apps you use while on public WIFI who knows what apps are leaking data that are running in the background on your devices.

    2. DreamEater

      Re: Public Wi-fi factor must be in decline, surely

      unfortunately you’ve not taken in to account how cheap people are.

      I work with people who can quite easily afford a data plan to never need WiFi (excluding things like Netflix) but they have said they don’t see the point in buying it when there is so many free WiFi spots around, despite showing them articles and being that boring guy who always bangs on about privacy and security. I imagine they also use TalkTalk.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Public Wi-fi factor must be in decline, surely

        This. My multimillionaire mother in law gets her DSL (yes DSL...with a usage cap and Max speed of 8mbps) from the Post Office and buys £5 top ups for her phone and never uses data...

        ..all while trying to dodge paying for a Sky / Virgin subscription by streaming most of her TV via catch up services.

        The more money people have the tighter they tend to be.

        You don't get rich spending money...apparently...according to her.

        So listen up kids, live a dull life, pile up your money and hand it to the next generation and teach them to do the same. Wash rinse repeat until your gene pool kicks out a legendary nutter that goes on an epic full on drug fuelled blow out or they're dumb enough for someone to con them out of it.

        That seems to be the moral.

  8. Claptrap314 Silver badge
    Big Brother

    Predictions from fraud specialist Experian


    That's actually how it first scanned when I was reading the article...

    1. the future is back!

      Re: Predictions from fraud specialist Experian

      I still have some minor biz back in the home country so a tiny but necessary ckg account keeps me in the frantically urgent update msg loop. When an employee at the institution cut and ran with a ton of customer data, the solution boasted of the “well known and highly regarded” infosec US company Experian’s services that were offered free to customers for like, 5 years. I asked some old homeboys and girls grabbing the free stuff if they had ever heard of Experian. A resounding nope.

  9. the future is back!

    Clueless and cluelesser

    No thanks to Experian and its rue. I am, at least daily, appalled at the sloppy [internet] habits of my “boomer” friends. Most, I’d say 95%, have no comprehensible idea of what a vpn is or kinda how it works. Yet while I rant wearily and futilely about security and spend some precious pension funds on it, they blithely log into any old free wifi spot, and conduct [their] family financial matters at an order [or two] of magnitude greater than my pittance. This is truly a new meaning for “open source”—that is a rich petri dish for scam after scam, and Experian.

  10. SDnerd

    I don't think I'll be taking advice from Experion.

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