@ Chris the BeanCounter
And you, Mr Bean Counter, are guilty of complacency (at best), or ignorance.
Are the UKUSA authoritarians likely to attempt massive incarcarations and torture based "re-education"? No. But they're certainly guilty of and heavily invested in the technological infrastructure which makes that shit possible. It's already far more intrusive and pervasive than anything dreamed of by the Stasi.
Their use of it will, for the time being at least, and in deference to the freeer press, be somewhat more surgical than the fucktards we're watching in China..The intimate details they are stockpiling on all citizens are already selectively mined and used to persecute the more troublesome dissidents; the ones who might make the more docile citizens sit up and take notice of what is being done in their name.
Of course, if the current woolly generations of politicians are replaced by more aggressive authoritarians, like those we see in Hungary or Poland, the infrastructure will already be in place to weaponise the jackboot version.
I strongly recommend "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism" by Shoshana Zuboff. It's the best researched history of what's been going on "in our name" for the past 20 years and, if it doesn't activate your opposition, I suspect you're probably already terminal.