"an attempt to indulge in some drag-and-drop shenanigans as administrator will result in a crash" - but isn't Terminal for keyboard botherers? Keep those pesky mice at bay.
Open-source Windows Terminal does the splits: There ain't no party like a multi-pane party
A fresh preview of Microsoft's open-sourced Windows Terminal landed overnight with a couple of standout features to make the app a handy addition to the toolkit of Windows 10 shell-botherers. The release, 0.7, adds the ability to split the terminal window into multiple panes, which means multiple command prompts within the …
Wednesday 27th November 2019 17:22 GMT bombastic bob
alt+space and then 'copy' after highlighting the text in the regular windows console. I hope they don't make it harder in any way. NOT having hot keys would be irritating.
But with Cygwin terminal you need to use ctrl-insert to copy, shift-insert to paste [I think that's right]. I remember it's different, and somewhat necessarily so, because of the Linux-like use of keystrokes in Cygwin.
What would be REALLY nice is if the console allowed ctrl+insert and shift+insert as well, similar to what you get in Cygwin's console. But I think that only people who LIVE IN THE COMMAND SHELL would even consider such things...
Thursday 28th November 2019 11:13 GMT phuzz
Fortunately for you Bob you can remap practically every keyboard shortcut in Windows Terminal, as long as you're ok editing config files?
You'd just need the following:
(elReg's comment code mangles the formatting, sorry)
"command" : "copy",
"keys" :
"command" : "paste",
"keys" : [
Thursday 28th November 2019 14:01 GMT nagyeger
Re: Hello Microsoft!
15? Make that 25+! I had virtual workspaces with fvwm in the mid-nineties. (when RAM was about 100quid per megabyte).
Pet peeve: Why do all X11 window managers default with click to focus these days? Don't they
know the one-true system is focus follows mouse? (Focus follows eyes being a pain when you're looking out of the physical window).
Wednesday 27th November 2019 22:12 GMT jelabarre59
Re: Hello Microsoft!
And welcome to over 15 years ago.
Not to worry, you'll soon catch up and begin to provide basic features like clipboard history, sensible mouse focus, properly implemented virtual workspaces and so on.
And if MS keeps adding functionality, and (most likely) GNOME continues in it's quest to remove any functionality from *it's* components, eventually they'll pass each other heading in opposite directions.
Wednesday 27th November 2019 13:31 GMT heyrick
"These days, crashing less seems to be all we can hope for from most applications."
While it may be sad-but-true, do remember that an entire word processor from yesteryear would fit in a single floppy with plenty of space for examples, files, printer drivers, etc and run happily in under half a meg of memory (often much less).
Nowadays? A DVD and hundreds of megabytes of memory...
Wednesday 27th November 2019 17:30 GMT bombastic bob
"Nowadays? A DVD and hundreds of megabytes of memory..."
That's called "progress". </snark>
I blame '.Net', UWP, arrogant millenial developers and the older devs who ENABLE them, feature creep, javascript, "it has OBJECTS now" thinking, garbage collection vs malloc/free, and outright LAZY programming.
This new bunch of "programmers" needs to spend some time working on a minicomputer with 64kb of RAM [maximum], floppy drives, a card reader and line printer [no console coding], etc.. It builds character and the desire to get it right the FIRST time to avoid hours-long turnarounds between job submission and the box of paper you accidentally generated (and a bill for the paper if it's at a college).
Wednesday 27th November 2019 13:52 GMT Anonymous Coward
...at the annual Techie Platform party...
*thumping music and various platforms gathered around chatting and having a good time*
*door bursts open and Uncle Microsoft bursts in and struts about, the music stops and everyone looks round in silence*
Uncle Microsoft: Yay! Wooooooo! Paaaaartay! Woop woop!
Everyone else: *cringe*
*Uncle Microsoft leaves the room, music comes back on and everyone goes back to partying and chatting*
Wednesday 27th November 2019 17:29 GMT amanfromMars 1
Re: ...at the annual Techie Platform party...
That's very Prince Andrewish, AC.
Would anyone/anything* else like to agree or disagree?
*Well, you never know where the news is coming from, and who and/or what is controlling it with IT and AI Operating Systems nowadays, do you. Some would have you believe it is all down to a Perfecting Algorithm rather than any executive human editorial decision, and that creates novel courses for noble causes and temporarily pauses an existential crisis of a problem for the simple human to human communications machine to acknowledge ... for the assured benefit of a great share in easy future engagements with Perfecting Algorithm Drivers ... which be a Core AI Source with Extreme UnStabled Forces.
Proceed with All Due Care and Full Attention is the Advice to Well Heed.
Thursday 28th November 2019 17:18 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: In the meantime
key settings for running cygwin in Terminal
"icon": "ms-appx:///C:/REPLACE_PATH_TO/cygwin64/Cygwin-Terminal.ico",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Cygwin",
"commandline": "C:\\REPLACE_PATH_TO\\cygwin64\\bin\\bash.exe --login -i",
"startingDirectory": "C:/REPLACE_PATH_TO/cygwin64/home/REPLACE_USERNAME",
Honestly, though, as a long time cygwin user, I'm using WSL Ubuntu more and more