So are they going to stop slurping
or continue to do it but in a GDPR-compliant fashion ?
Microsoft says it will be making a data protection deal it struck with the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security into a global policy for its cloud services. Under the new outline for its Online Services Terms (OST) agreement for enterprise customers, Microsoft says it will take the responsibility as the legal data controller …
Julie Brill, Mirosoft chief privacy officer and corporate VP for global privacy and regulatory affairs, explained.
Don't you mean "privvy officer"?
"As a processor, Microsoft ensures the integrity and safety of customer data, but that data itself is owned, managed and controlled by the customer."
Coz you know that's all a load of crap.
MS will 'check the integrity' by going through it with a fine-tooth comb, and will ensure it's safety by snaffling a copy of it for as long as they can possibly manage to keep it and give anyone trying to remove their data the run around.
Bold words, especially since a US judge can want access to said data wherever it is in the world.
Not only that, but now Microsoft is committing itself to guaranteeing that the data will remain available to the customer and never be either lost or corrupted. I wonder how that is going to play out.