Ok that's it.
In the spirit of the Razzies and Darwin awards. I propose a new annual award show. The Golden Oxygen Thief Awards. The statue in the likeness of Trump.
Each year, we, the El Reg community vote on the dumbest, most idiotic statement , proposal or random brain fart publicly stated by an elected Official. We can have differing levels, Local, State, country.
Categories can include,
I'm a tech ignoramus (but I still get to decide how it's used)
My Constituents are made of money (best failed project or waste of public money - proposed by a politician)
I'm in the circus (best backflip on a subject by a poltician)
at 88MpH you'll see some real shit (Best or most backpedals made by a politician after the most idiotic comment made in public)
Dead Parrot (Regardless of the evidence the politician still publicly argues to the contrary)
+ others
There would need to be an awards dinner of course, where we can name and shame. I think this could really catch on.