back to article BOFH: The company survived the disaster recovery test. Just. The Director's car, however...

BOFH logo telephone with devil's horns "So what happened yesterday?" the CEO asks, not looking too pleased. "It was an unauthorised action by our contractors," our Director says, nodding at the PFY and myself. "Or a miscommunication," the Boss adds, pouring oil on the troubled water. "We were just following orders," the …

  1. Jay 2

    I doubt a real intra-day DR test would go that well in the real world!

    1. Alchemi

      I had a counterpart at smaller community bank in the early 2000s tell me that a Sr VP came down to the datacenter on a Friday, mid-morning to test the "DR" capabilities as he understood them, without consulting any technical person. He flipped the master breaker for the datacenter and most systems went down immediately with the rest failing after a few minutes, them not having facility UPS. That was the last cycle that breaker could manager and they couldn't get it switched back on. It took about two hours for the electrician to get there and get that sorted back out, just enough time to be down for a lunch rush on a Friday. Good times were had by none.

      1. Mark 110

        Wow. What a fuckwit. Hope he got sacked.

        Business managers / directors kinda glaze over when I try and explain DR. They think the techies have a magic failover / fail back button not realising that you might be a year getting everything back to production if you really really really failed everything over.

        Critical systems (bank mainframes for example) get failed back and forward regularly. Everything else relies on the big SRM button you hope will work when you need it.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          oh no they don't

          "Critical systems (bank mainframes for example) get failed back and forward regularly."

          I know of one bank that has postponed that level of testing several times as they are unlikely to be able to recover.

          Anon for obvious reasons

          1. deadlockvictim

            Re: oh no they don't

            Proper DR testing is eyewateringly expensive and requires an insane amount of planning, documentation and coordination, not to mention training. I don't blame this bank for postponing it.

            Unless you have invested heavily (and properly in DR), I expect it to be time-comsuming, criminally-liable and involve the loss of much data.

      2. J. Cook Silver badge

        ... and this is why high level staff are not given access to the running gear of the company in larger places...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          My MD doesn't even get his C drive!

          1. Marshalltown


            A former employer/boss/chief source of computer virus infestations, etc. Walked in to find his C:\ out of commission (this was in the '90s). He yelled for my buddy and I to get in there and fix things. We looked things over, noting a small burned scar on the circuit board that made the drive look as if it had been hit by a micrometeor. Impossible of course, but still cool enough to hang on to later as a paper weight. We shook our heads and said the drive would have to go to some more rarified, far higher-paid specialist than us peons to recover any data, The best course would be to simply replace the drive and restore everything that could be restored from backups made the day before (the boss's own policy). Hemming and hahhing ensued. Finally it is revealed that the boss himself, source of the Tuesday/Thursday back up all files directive (had to be done to floppies, a tape drive or drives was too costly) had neglected to follow his own directive - ever. None of the rest of the worker bees was seriously affected, but he was out a month's work, plus files related to closed jobs. Happily we had paper copies of all reports archived. But no email, no electronically stored notes. Of course he later also once returned from a trip to eastern Europe with a floppy disk "utility" that "backed up" all(!!!) the office hard drives. He never bothered to inform the guys (my buddy and I) about this procedure and our first notification was a viral plague on every machine in the office except the print server. We spent a day cleaning things up and (we thought) locking things down. Next day, same plague is raging once more.

            Then the boss gets concerned about lost work and possible corrupted files and possibly the spread of the virus TO his immigrant disk. We asked what it was and he explained he was backing up all the computers at night after we all left. Eyebrows tangled in hairlines, we asked where he was storing all that data. Why, on the floppy. Ah, had he ever restored any data from the floppy from one hard disk to another? No. He had been very carefully installing a virus over and over on computers he (he was always happy to point out) owned. Because his eastern European "friend" had told him what a wonder program the "utility" was. Careful examination revealed the floppy was THE source of the virus. We ceremonially degaussed it and then chopped it up with a paper cutter. We then asked that he never ever buy "magic beans" again without getting a second opinion.

      3. IT's getting kinda boring

        Must be a VP thing then.

        Had one who did the very same thing but on an aircon unit. Pushed the button, the aircon shut down, and nobody could work out how to start it up again.

        4 hours later, when the aircon engineer turned up, all systems were down due to overheating. He rotated a small (yet barely visible) collar on the button which released it and the aircon burst into life.

        For those of you wondering - this aircon unit consisted of a bloody big fan (and I mean *big*) blowing air into the machine room. Not redundant. Go figure. This was back in the mid 80's.

        1. rototype

          Not just VPs but any managers can be susceptible... reminds me of our office/server room (this was at a private school by the way) that was about 6 x 15 feet and the "aircon" was 2 pedestal fans pointing in different directions in front of the windows (one blowing in and the other blowing out. Most mornings in the summer I had to clear the drift of dead midges of my keyboard. Didn't stay there long and took a pay cut to leave and was glad of it.

    2. C_D

      Seems a bit unreal... I mean what kind of REAL disaster doesn't have at least a couple of fatalities - Boss, Director at least if not the CEO?

      A few beancounters electrocuted?

      Some helldesk personnel locked in the bog?

      Bunch of auditors taken on a roller coaster ride in the Lift from Hell?

  2. steelpillow Silver badge

    Bring the wife's car in today, did you?

    Probably a hire car from a supercar specialist, if I know CEOs. And probably not insured against civil disobedience.

  3. Will Godfrey Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Very Thorough

    The BOFH and PFY are to be congratulated on their {cough} extreme {cough} attention to detail.

    Maybe they could be transferred to that long building in London alongside the Thames.

    1. Primus Secundus Tertius

      Re: Very Thorough

      Do you mean MI5 HQ - just down the road from "the 600 gasbags". I am quoting a Whitehall civil servant there.

      Or perhaps MI6 HQ, on the other side of the river.

      1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

        Re: Very Thorough

        I think he meant that "600 gasbags"-HQ.

        1. BobTheIntern

          Re: Very Thorough

          Yank here, arriving fashionably late to this thread...

          I was intrigued by the long building with "600 gasbags" by the River Thames, but wasn't finding anything by searching with any combination of those terms. Since I had the geographical hint that it was just down the road from Thames House where MI5 is housed, I opened Google Earth and virtually circumnavigated myself across the pond for a virtual look-see.

          MI5's digs were easily located, and I then began to cast my eye north and south along the riverbanks, searching for a long building. The only nearby structure reasonably fitting that description was Westminster Palace. But where would one expect to find "600 gasbags" amongst the trappings of royalty and national symbolism? The penny dropped as I zoomed in closer and saw that the Parliament of the United Kingdom (and more specifically, the House of Commons) is ensconced upon the Palace grounds. Gasbags indeed!

          This is of course fairly common knowledge to a majority of residents of the Commonwealth realms, but is not as well known in the States, and thus why I found the reference unfamiliar. Now if someone would like to explain how to quickly understand the true intended meaning of Cockney Rhyming Slang, I would be forever indebted.

      2. TheFurryCircle

        Re: Very Thorough

        "Or perhaps MI6 HQ, on the other side of the river."

        Please - I work next door and the alarms going off there would very much guarantee an extended pub lunch away from the area.

    2. Luiz Abdala
      Thumb Up

      Re: Very Thorough

      Don't forget the liquor cabinet, and clubbing the Director's car for good measure.

    3. GrumpyKiwi

      Re: Very Thorough

      Sure the BOFH & PFY are violent, corrupt, devious and cunning. But they're not scum, there's no way they'd work for an intel agency.

  4. Maverick

    very topical, well done sir!

  5. chivo243 Silver badge

    Putting the Duh

    in Duhrector! Nice one! I love it when a plan comes together!

  6. J. Cook Silver badge

    Heh. [RedactedCo] is getting ready to perform it’s annual testing, although it’s nowhere nearly as comprehensive as this...

    1. J. Cook Silver badge

      That reminds me of another story...

      [RedactedCo] actually did have what was called a 'business continuity' event last year, when we had a bit of a flooding occur at one of our sites; seems the business next to this site had poor drainage control, and the storm that occurred overran their drainage canal, and proceeded to flood the lower levels of our site. This had the effect of destroying the power substation for the site, completely flooded the sub-basement, and a good portion of the ground floor. The flood also damaged one of the sewer lines which added to the mess. the building was knocked completely offline (no power, no network, nuthin) for about a month. Fortunately, most of our stuff came back up without too much hassle, but still... woof.

      Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to use that as an excuse to get out of performing our annual DR test that year.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: That reminds me of another story...

        For a really comprehensive business continuity event you can't beat thoroughly comprehensive fire.

        1. J. Cook Silver badge

          Re: That reminds me of another story...

          Of course, but that means having spare equipment ready to go when the 'testing' is over...

          I'm just glad that none of the flood waters got to the server room of that site- I have zero desire to try and clean server/storage/network gear that's been flooded with poo water...

          1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

            Re: That reminds me of another story...

            "but that means having spare equipment ready to go"

            That would be old equipment replacing old. Doing it properly you get to replace everything with brand new shiny.

            1. TimTheEngineer

              Re: That reminds me of another story...

              ... and the consequent discovery that brand new shiny also means upgraded OS across the board, which in turn means application upgrades ... none of which had happened in a timely fashion in the past because it was varyingly too difficult / not worth the expense / name your excuse du jour.

              eBay as a DR strategy...

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: That reminds me of another story...

        Over 20 years ago I witnessed a creative use of a business continuity plan where the customer's financial system AS/400 was not up to crunching the quarterly reporting workload in a timely manner to avoid effecting daily operations. Whilst awaiting delivery and commissioning of a more powerful AS/400, what the newly signed up managed service team did was to call in the DR service with their systems on the back of a truck. Overnight, cables would be run into the building to hookup the network and then the tapes loaded after end of day. The DR systems took over, ran the reporting and stayed online for a couple of days to continue as a DR exercise.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: That reminds me of another story...

          This is more common than you might imagine.

  7. g33k3ss

    Credit will be given

    I certainly appreciate the ideas for an infinitely better disaster simulation for the next company DR test. After all, if they're going to make us come in all day on a Sunday, we really want to make sure we're doing our best job!

    1. Antron Argaiv Silver badge

      Re: Credit will be given

      Don't forget the Molotov cocktails

    2. fajensen

      Re: Credit will be given

      I believe the murder-bot is still trapped in it's simulation space the basement dreaming of annihilation in accelerated time .... and maybe the containment grid and those wardings are not exactly on a good UPS power either!?

      1. Omgwtfbbqtime
        Big Brother

        Re: Credit will be given

        I detect a Laundry-phile?

        1. Graham Dawson

          Re: Credit will be given

          Just avoid looking at the security cameras and everything will be fine.

          1. bpfh

            Re: Credit will be given

            You mean security footage archived to external drives that the security left near the bulk eraser that actually was plugged into the UPS socket ?

            1. Omgwtfbbqtime

              Re: Credit will be given


              Scorpion Stare

              1. Concerned of London

                Re: Credit will be given

                Bob Oliver Francis Howard, the protagonist, seems I know those initials

    3. IceC0ld

      Re: Credit will be given

      and REALLY help make their Monday special too :o)

  8. OGShakes

    "The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault."

    Been there, done that, no one was selling t-shirts! Live through that and suddenly putting everything in Azure/AWS looks like a very good idea.

    1. GlenP Silver badge

      Re: "The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault."

      Been there, done that*, before the Internet, let alone the "cloud" was even invented.

      Having full backups in a separate firesafe building saved us.

      *Well actually I was on holiday at the time.

      1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

        Re: "The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault."

        *Well actually I was on holiday at the time.

        That would be my claim as well, shame I threw away the boarding stubs.

      2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: "The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault."

        "Having full backups in a separate firesafe building saved us."

        I believe the relevant safe manufacturer liked to tell the tale of the Co-op building fire in Belfast. The fire safe fell through several floors and landed not really damaged but jammed. A PHB decided he couldn't wait for the manufacturer's locksmith to come and open it and got someone to cut it open with a torch. The contents were unscathed except for those damaged by the torch.

    2. Omgwtfbbqtime

      "Azure/AWS looks like a very good idea"

      It is, until you lose access to the jump server.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Azure/AWS looks like a very good idea"

        Or you change your local ISP and end up not being able to reach your jump server because your new addess isn't in the ACL...

  9. TRT

    I particularly liked...

    the bit at the end, which turned a bad situation into the kind of golden opportunity that manglement are bound to recognise and snatch with lightning reflexes. That, indeed, is the true genius of the BOFH.

  10. Neal L

    Much better. The BOFH and PFY have been going soft recently. Nice to see they are back to keeping a proper handle on all things IT.

  11. Korev Silver badge


    "Learnings" - please don't

    Can we nuke from orbit to be sure? -->

    1. TRT

      Re: "Learnings"

      Learnings are small, furry rodents that have a habit of jumping off cliffs.

      1. DishonestQuill

        Re: "Learnings"

        Really? I thought they were the lemming derivative that learned how to abseil to avoid that very issue. Guess I was wrong

      2. TeeCee Gold badge

        Re: "Learnings"

        That's well-educated, small, furry rodents to you.

      3. Stork

        Re: "Learnings"

        - as opposed to lemmings which only do it when forced by Disney film crews.

  12. Alistair

    BOFH firing up a security action.

    The FIRE SALE picture for the article is a dJeep. I suspect the Director's car was not a dJeep.

    Nice to see the security desk is *properly* provisioned.

    And, for the record, the board room drinks cupboard doesn't have a *decent* single malt. Sucks.

    1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

      Re: BOFH firing up a security action.

      And, for the record, the board room drinks cupboard doesn't have a *decent* single malt anymore.

      FTFY ;)

  13. Terry 6 Silver badge

    There's a solid point there too

    Disaster recovery planning, where I've met it on a couple of occasions, seems to be based on the ideas that a) it'll be something obvious b) best not to plan for anything too difficult, especially if that would cost money and C) won't actually happen we just need to have lots of documents to show the brass.

    In real life, when something's happened ( and some things do happen) it wasn't, and they could have

    And each time (I've met 2) recovery was a matter of luck ( the water didn't reach the main documents) and thinking on the hoof ( maybe we can take all 350 kids across to....).

    But they really could have planned much more for both. And yes fire evacuations are a joke. Except when it's a genuine false alarm - because then you learn an awful lot. Like when some toe rag in a school hits the fire alarm button and you suddenly find out that the expected orderly evacuation becomes confusion. ( And it often does!)

    1. AndyMulhearn

      Re: There's a solid point there too

      I did some work for a small Japanese bank in the 90s who'd not long done a DR test one weekend. Shortly after the exercise started a number of staff arrived at the office to get their "what to do in the event of a disaster" books from the office that had, err, been rendered unusable in this simulated disaster. You know, the books that they're supposed to keep close at hand in case of a disaster.


    2. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Re: There's a solid point there too

      I was with you at first.

      Started to have doubts when you mentioned 'kids'.

      But 'school' ? Not even the BOFH himself would try to make plans for that environment - the only one where all variables are volatile and there are no constants!

      1. Terry 6 Silver badge

        Re: There's a solid point there too

        Sorry, there are some particular things..

        *Where do we take the kids to for immediate evacuation and

        *Where can we house a temporary primary school for a day/week/month until we get the building back.

        And yes I've been involved with both. A gas leak in an old Victorian building for the first of those.

    3. A.P. Veening Silver badge

      Re: There's a solid point there too

      And yes fire evacuations are a joke. Except when it's a genuine false alarm - because then you learn an awful lot.

      Experienced that once and it went flawless (surprising just about everybody). Based on the results of the false alarm, the fire evacuation drill scheduled for a week later was cancelled ... by the head of security.

      1. Joe W Silver badge

        Re: There's a solid point there too

        We had one of them every year. Once a transformer in the building caught fire...


        At least it was not raining that day. Nipped off for a quick lunch time (well... early lunch) pints with a colleague.

      2. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

        Re: There's a solid point there too

        ...We had a bomb scare in our building some time back.

        The receptionists spotted a suspicious package that someone dodgy looking had crept in and left in the lobby when they were away from their desk.

        They duly hit what they thought was the evacuation alarm, which unlike the fire alarm, didn't release any door locks (including those on the fire escapes).

        Cue the occupants of the building proceeding to evacuate through reception, the only way out of the building, unknowingly past the suspicious package. (We weren't told until outside why we were being evacuated, or what the single-tone alarm meant)

        Fortunately, it turned out to not be a bomb. I think it was some stolen goods some toerag had stashed there thinking it was a good idea.

        It also highlighted how thoroughly useless the local plod are at dealing with bomb-scares; they didn't turn up in the hour I spent waiting outside the building before giving up and going home, and apparently took a couple of hours more to send someone round to take a look, who promptly picked up the suspicious bag to take a look.

        So, in summary, fails all round.

    4. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: There's a solid point there too

      "Except when it's a genuine false alarm"

      I worked in a completely glass-clad building where one of the other tenants got occasional bomb threats causing the entire building to be evacuated. Manglement's idea was that we would evacuate through the nearest door and if that was the back door we would walk round the end of the completely glass-clad building and congregate in the front of it.

      I made the point that I'd worked in Belfast and in building that had had a genuine car bomb delivered to it and although I wasn't there at the time I'd heard first hand reports. There was no way that I was going to walk alongside the end of their completely glass-clad building with a suspected bomb in it. If I left their completely glass-clad building I would continue in as close as possible to a straight line perpendicular to the frontage as far as possible away from it because a bomb in a completely glass-clad building is going to project potentially lethal shards of glass for considerable distances.

      1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

        Re: There's a solid point there too

        That assumes you can get away far enough those shards can't reach you. The safest spot is probably pushed against the glass flat on the ground. With a bit of luck, the inside of the building is a bit above ground level, giving you even more protection.

      2. TRT

        Re: There's a solid point there too

        Had exactly the same thought with the front of Euston station. And I wouldn't get close in to the building as although shards might go over the top, full panels of safety glass suddenly changing shape and falling free of their frames can come down like guillotines.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: There's a solid point there too

        "I got a hundred people down here and they're all covered in glass."

        Glass? Who gives a shit about glass? Who the fuck is this?

    5. Unicornpiss

      Re: There's a solid point there too

      "No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy"

      1. the Jim bloke

        Re: There's a solid point there too

        Every battle plan should contain the line

        when all else fails, improvise

    6. Clunking Fist

      Re: There's a solid point there too

      Our local school got some learnings from a simulated earthquake event (NZ). Prior to the sim, all the children must take their shoes off because the school had new carpet. 600 children trying to find both shoes in an orderly and timely manner resulted in a change of heart: bare feet and broken glass don't mix well. It prompted the school to improve the drainage of the playing fields instead.

    7. catprog

      Re: There's a solid point there too

      I remember once arriving just as the fire alarm started.

      Turns out I was not on the list of people in the department who had arrived that day.

  14. 2Nick3

    "We considered it, but it's not much of a disaster if everyone knows when it's happening"

    The number of times I was asked to take "special backups" to be prepared for an upcoming DR Test, wow. I used that same line to explain why I wouldn't do it. I was forced to agree once, but escaped by following the procedures to the letter - a "special backup" would require a "special restore" to be added to the Disaster Recovery Plan, which in turn required following the Change Management process to make the update. The requester was not willing to put their name to the request in writing for some reason...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "We considered it, but it's not much of a disaster if everyone knows when it's happening"

      DR can be a very lonely place, until the inevitable.

      Read about Rick Rescorla for proof.

    2. JimC

      Re: asked to take "special backups" to be prepared for an upcoming DR Test,

      I don't have a problem with that, just so long as the special backups are properly identified and don't compromise the BAU in action. I don't really see it as being different to taking extra backups before a destructive migration. If you actually need to use your special backups to recover from a DR test then you've identified a major problem with BAU DR without hopefully having too badly compromised the service. But if you had the same problem and you didn't have the special backups then the problem has become a crisis.

  15. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

    Simon is on top form again!

    The "wife's car" had me almost spitting my tea over the keyboard. Great start to the weekend

    1. Keven E

      Re: Simon is on top form again!

      "Which explains how someone managed to empty the boardroom drinks cabinet," the CEO says drily.


      1. imanidiot Silver badge

        Re: Simon is on top form again!

        Well, he would be dry. Someone nicked all the drinks 'innit?

  16. Manolo
    Thumb Up

    Sheer brilliance!

    See title.

  17. Dave 32


    Our last Disaster Readiness test wasn't really a test. We have this wonderful building, complete with two transmission line feeds from the utility, along with a huge bank of generators, just to ensure that we don't ever lose power. Well, one day, not too long ago, two of the three phase power feeds dropped, leaving one phase energized. Sadly, the sensor for switching transmission lines was keyed to that one phase that was still live. Even more sadly, the sensor for starting the generators and switching to them was also keyed to that one phase which was still live. The net result is that about two-thirds of the mainframes in the building went down. Whoopsie! Most of them had redundant power supplies, which were plugged into the two phases which went down. Whoopsie! Oh, well, with 2/3 of the lights off, the building became a nice place to take a nap, especially without all of that obnoxious fan noise.

    1. Mark 110

      Re: Disaster

      I feel that pain.

      Nothing like a power outage to expose your power contractors IQ.

      1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

        Re: Disaster

        Nothing like a power outage to expose your power contractors IQ.

        Which just approaches their shoe size on a very good day.

        1. Stoneshop

          Re: Disaster

          Which just approaches their shoe size on a very good day.

          And that would be in US sizes.

    2. ColinPa Silver badge

      Re: Disaster

      I heard the tale that there was a power outage as the CIO was visiting.

      The sysprogs sighed and went into their practiced routine of going to the backup site. The CIO said we have these generators in the car park - you should do a restart in place - no buts, just do it.

      So they started the generators and started bringing the systems up - only to find the generators did not have enough power for the machine room. They were stuck half up, half down until the mains power was restored. As they could not start, nor stop the systems. they were not able to fail over. Instead of a 20 minute outage while they switched to the backup site - they were down for 3 hours. At the post morten the sysprogs said "we told you so".

  18. Chozo

    Our company DR plan is a spare kettle and stash of biscuits security think they have hidden

    1. imanidiot Silver badge

      I would hope a spare kettle, some propane canisters and a burner? How would you get a good brew if you don't have leccy otherwise.

  19. Hnelson

    I just about pissed in my pants from reading this.. LMFAO!! On a scale of 1 to 10 for BOFH, I'm giving this one a 18!

  20. Anonymous South African Coward Silver badge

    "And that would be happening when?" the CEO asks, just as the power goes out and the fire alarms start.

    Sheer genius and proper planning are the hallmarks of a very good Grandmaster BOFH...

  21. Mark 110

    Directors and DR

    Directors should not be allowed anywhere near DR planning. As all they do is say we want these apps back in this order.

    It doesn't work like that. Though I guess we could pretend the active - active stuff wasn't still working so it looked like their pet apps came back first.

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Directors and DR

      I was hired to cope with a failed DR situation. Turns out my large US multi-national had not been backing-up their finance records here in Blighty, and I was one of the junior bean-counters brought in to recover the 3 years of lost accounting data. Oops! Is this the point to mention the HMRC inspection - where I was madly printing the missing paperwork - and my boss was ruffling it up, adding extraneous staples and coffee stains, so I could take a plausible looking file of our invoices to them?

      Obviously a new head of IT was required, as it transpired that no testing of the backups had been done. And it was felt that this might, perhaps, have been a mistake...

      Due to space reasons I got shoved into the IT office, not finance - due to the extra staff they'd just had to hire to recover said accounts from paper, guesswork and phoning people up to get copies of stuff. And I over-heard the new IT manage shouting at someone because one of our sites had a bunch of extra networking gear and was hugely over-provisioned with data connections. Terribly wasteful!

      Until this person said that this was our Disaster Recovery backup site if HQ burned down. New IT manager had been in place for at least 6 months by that point - but apparently hadn't bothered to read his DR plans. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

      1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

        Re: Directors and DR

        I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

        A terrorist attack with some directors and that IT manager getting shot and the place blown sky high would probably be an improvement, especially if the insurance company could be convinced to pay.

        1. BebopWeBop

          Re: Directors and DR

          I know that insurance companies are keen to mitigate risks, but isn’t paying for the hits on senior managers going a little far?

          1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

            Re: Directors and DR

            No, it's OK if they're not covering the senior managers for that risk.

      2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Directors and DR

        "it transpired that no testing of the backups had been done"

        I had a gig replacing a pair of non-identical servers prior toY2K on the basis that the smaller on, the warm standby, wasn't Y2K compatible. They did, in fact, take nightly tape backups and put them in as remote as possible whilst still on-site fire safe but the backup they were most relying on was a nightly network copy of the database from the live server to the standby. This clearly hadn't been tested recently is at all because I discovered that the time slot wasn't long enough and when the server kicked into production mode the copy process got terminated.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Directors and DR

          Your story made me realise Y2K was almost two decades ago.

  22. SoaG

    Simon started a band?

  23. js.lanshark

    Preparing for planned surprise outages

    A test of our capabilities is mandated by regulation on a somewhat scheduled basis. It is supposed to be a "surprise inspection", but somehow we always managed to know about when (down to the week) it was going to occur. We would then go to 12 hour shifts to prepare for the surprise inspection that was supposed to highlight our ability to execute the mission at a moments notice.

    So there I was, in a meeting with management. We were about to start the extended work shift when I commented that we should just operate with that level of effort anyway because it *was* our job to be able to execute at a moments notice. Silence reigned.

    I received a good heart to heart talk (his to mine, I was not required to respond nor was a response time offered, you know the drill) with the Chief later in private.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Preparing for planned surprise outages

      It'll be interesting when there's a really surprise test - well not really a test. As I keep saying, once you've had a real disaster you take things seriously.

  24. Danny 2

    It's a long, long while from May to Johnson

    I've been ripped off by Virgin Media for the past year, during which time I ascended to a Silver badge here. I know, at best I am a Bronze badge compared to the mass of you. It was an ordeal to get me taken off the internet, a month from now. Still quicker than the UK can leave the EU.

    I voted for Brexit, not for Johnson. Who the hell voted for Johnson? I want a confirmatory vote, a general election and a revolution, I'm just not sure in what order.

    At least I know I am about to leave the internet. Before I go I'll post my postal address in case any of you want to send letters (downvotes).

    1. A.P. Veening Silver badge

      Re: It's a long, long while from May to Johnson

      If you start with that revolution, the election won't be much of a problem as the number of screw-ups contesting will be a lot lower and the confirmatory vote won't be necessary.

  25. Rhuadh

    "and phones failed over to the off-site call centre service"

    Being on the DR call centre service team, the alternative premises were, the company's IT dept! When the plug was pulled, we were bussed over, with our headsets in the leatherette bags, and went to our allocated desks.

    Er, we had the latest headsets, to fit the advanced phones that we had fitted a couple of years previously. In front of us we had computers with IT systems and programs that we couldn't change, even by turning off and reaccessing with our own access codes.

    Oh, and the phones? 2 systems out of date, our headsets couldn't connect - the plugs were totally different. When we did get compatible head sets (after an hour), no one knew how to access the phone codes.

    After 4 hours, it was decided that we could go home, so we all went to the nearest pub, where we found a load of familiar inebriated techies, whereupon we decided to follow their example in sampling the beverages.

    Not sure how I got home....

  26. Friar

    Or the time in a Hosting Centre where a certain government organisation thought they knew better than to use the centre's own power backup system, so used their own battery backup system in their super secure server area (Security cleared personnel only!).

    Unfortunately it overheated, releasing acid fumes into the server room. Also unfortunately the server room aircon operated in common with the rest of the building aircon, so the whole building was pumped full of fumes.

    This resulted in the secure server area rapidly becoming insecure as all exits, emergency and otherwise were unlocked to try to disperse the fumes. Still we had an afternoon off as we were told to evacuate for several hours.

  27. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A long time ago I was the IT Team leader for a technology company in London and we had a DR process that worked, we had tested it previously and made adjustments so it worked, it was not perfect but it worked staff could log in to the network and customers could call us.

    when I left the company I gave my replacement a tour of the office and a handover of things that needed doing. among these were adapter plugs for the New UPS for the server room, new windows 7 image for the DR PC to replace the XP one and new image then needed sending to the DR Company. This was 03 June

    In December they decided to run a new test of the DR system, and found that all the help desk people couldn't login and access what they needed as the DR image at the DR site was still XP and their windows 7 roaming profiles didn't work. so they cancelled the test and were instructed to create a new image and get it uploaded.

    1) they couldn't find the One specially purchased PC which was the same spec as the ones at the DR Company, I was even called by a friend to ask where it was. (last time I saw it was safely in the server room Labelled DR-image-PC )

    2) Three days after the December test they had a real DR requirement when the mains for the building was taken out, and yes no one had installed the adapters for the UPS in the server room.

    Somehow even though I had been gone for 6 Months I got the blame for both of these issues :-(

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