Users At One Contract.
Desktop Folder called Backup....
Containing a folder for the previous year "2011", containing all documents, desktop downloads for that year, the year prior, the year prior etc etc.
Also with folders repeating the same for "2010", containing all documents, desktop downloads for that year, the year prior, the year prior etc etc.
Also with folders repeating the same for "20009", containing all documents, desktop downloads for that year, the year prior, the year prior etc etc.
All the way back to the late 90's.
User 1 - Files gone post hardware replacement - Password protected files on his own network share that he's forgotten about on the original device (Fortunately still on the network & was able to recover the password from the user).
User 2 - Kept Excel, Word etc etc files in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Officexx" because that's where the programs are!
Have you not heard of My Documents?
Whats that?
Very simply sir, its a place to store your documents so only you can access them or you could store them on the network to ensure they get backed up.
Meanwhile at another place in Calgary......
..the top dog legal secretary, had her desktop completely (Literally not a inch of desktop real estate, with folders as close as they could be without being dragged\dropped into its neighbour) filled with folder of every single contract that was ongoing or kept for legacy\retrieval.
A single HDD failure would have effectively wiped out this former subsidary company of Brutish Gasoline, ohhh boy she really didn't like hearing that & refused the new hardware possibly over the time it would take to copy everything to the network & then create nice shortcuts on her desktop because "I" might lose everything. I mentioned it to the Project manager as a very real concern but moved to a new contract sometime after & the desktop still hadn't been replaced.
I have to admit I was very very glad not to be further involved with that ladies hardware replacement.