Chaos Monkey?
Are they using some to test the British political system? It would explain a lot.
Chaos-engineering company Gremlin has launched Scenarios – "templates of real-world outages" that make it easier to wreck your applications. Gremlin announced the product at the Chaos Conf 2019 taking place in San Francisco. Scenarios include traffic spikes for testing what happens under severe load; unreliable networks for …
Back when I worked at National Australia Bank we did disaster recovery tests. You have to do those to get your banking licence.
Given all the El Reg articles I've read about UK banks' IT system failures, I'm thinking that maybe the UK needs to implement a requirement like Australia's. Did someone say TSB?
As a dev you quickly learn that simply handing your app to a bunch of users will very quickly offer you a ton of "feedback" on how poorly planned your pre-release testing was! Expect the unexpected, if it's there then users will find it and break it. It's like letting a bunch of unsupervised 4 year olds lose in your home. We need to harness some that and take it from dev into infra/ops. Let a bunch of users loose on your server stack and then you'll learn really quickly to ensure your backups and DR are working properly.
"in the same way as you validate a backup by doing a test restore"
Hahahahaha oh dear hahahahahahahaha "test restore" <helpless laughter>
Next thing, he'll be saying "validate the power system by running the backup diesel jenny for more than half an hour every other Tuesday lunchtime"
<Wipes tears of laughter from eyes>
Oh dear, where do young people today get these crazy ideas from?
"I like to do a CPU attack first. It's the Hello World of chaos engineering," Butow said.
Awesome line!
When I saw this headline, it took me back to the days of Palm OS programming. There was a program, run in an emulator, called Gremlins. You specified the size of the "horde", number of pen-down or typing events to generate, etc., and it would hammer on the program for a while, using every visible control as well as the occasional tap on the app background. A good way to random-stress-test an app.