Re: Suckers
Yes its bizarre that Cum-Ex doesn't seem to get headline attention in the UK... its almost like someone in the UK is deliberately ignoring it. How "strange".
From the website I found this quote:
"Some critics think the finance ministry was fully aware of cum-ex all along but hesitated to close it down as it was one of the few profitable business lines of banks after the 2008 financial crisis."
And bringing this back to DXC, that quote highlights the problem - since 2008 there has been zero real economic growth and the Street have been anxiously looking for a source of income. This has manifested itself in both the full on crazy (cum-ex) and a myriad of other asset strip assaults on businesses all over the world.
DXC was not a structure to create an IT services giant, it was a financial vehicle who destiny was always to implode but only after the money men had stripped it bare.
I'm not sure its totally holed below the waterline at the moment, but its certainly on fire and listing. Its going to take a true visionary inspiring leader to get damage control underway though.
Is that man Sal?