It strikes me that the *only* application that requires my location
is a navigation application.
There are no other circumstances in which the designer of an application knowing my location is of benefit to me, as opposed to something that can be monetised by the application provider.
Facebook is better with location. According to Facebook...
It powers features like check-ins and makes planning events easier. Perhaps if I used FB I would know what check-ins were - the only time I do those is at an airport (or more likely, before I leave for the airport). As for planning events... um, don't I know where I am?
It helps improve ads It makes them go away? I doubt it...
and keep you and the Facebook community safe. From whom? Are FB users being stalked by location-sensitive predators, or something?
Features like Find Wi-Fi You'd trust a random WiFi service with anything sensitive? And if so, how is this different from looking at the WiFi connections management details and picking one?
and Nearby Friends "Hello, group of friends - I'm in xxx. Anyone around?"