"a shortcut to kill a running process"
Would the perhaps be Ctrl-Alt-Esc
And pressing that key combination turns the mouse pointer into a skull & cross bones
Better late than never I suppose
With a nostalgic twinkle in its corporate eye, Microsoft has emitted a Windows 10 version of its venerable PowerToys suite. However, those expecting something akin to the potential horrors lurking within the original will be disappointed. As promised back in May, the first two utilities in the preview consist of a window …
"Microsoft is dragging Windows 10 back to '95"
Come on guys, all you need to do is pull out all the telemetry (and maybe Cortana), make update installation completely optional and maybe give the start menu a bit of a spring clean* and I'll be happy - you don't have to go that far...
... yeah, we can dream.
* ... oh, and possibly allow a 3D skuomorphic theme, if only to reduce the number of whinging comments in caps we have to put up with on here...
You can export your OOSU10 settings to a cfg file, then set up a scheduled task that runs at every login and silently re-applies the settings. Great for making sure MS doesn't sneakily undo anything. Updating your settings just requires running the GUI, tweaking things then saving a new copy of the config.
set it to a metered connection to stop forced auto updates
In my experience, you have to do this for every wireless network you connect to, which is rather a hassle. Presumably could be automated pretty easily with Powershell or similar, though.
Also, for domain users there's a Group Policy setting which forces updates even on metered connections. You'd have to be a real BOFH to use it, but I'm sure that doesn't stop many domain admins from turning it on.
That program was so bloody useful I made it part of my Nuke&PaveHelper roster of programs to install first thing so I could bludgeon a fresh system into line before it ever got any ideas that it might not let me use *my* computer the way *I* wanted to.
I wonder what Win10 would be like if TweakUI were able to defang, neuter, & euthanize parts of the OS to fuckin' behave like the user required?
It was Hover!
Hover! was a video game that was included on CD-ROM versions of the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system. It was a showcase for the advanced multimedia capabilities available on personal computers at the time. It will run on all of Microsoft's 95-compatible operating systems, from Windows 95, up to and including Windows 7 and 8. Additionally, Hover! will run in WINE on Unix-like systems.
There was a web browser port that worked on Internet Explorer 11 once, but the site is down. It also used to have a Windows 8 app but the App is gone.
realising that FancyZones doesn't really like multi-monitor setups.
To be fair, most desktops don't cope well with them.
I've yet to find Desktop or window manager that gets it completely right.
Closest how I like it is i3 - let down mostly by Xorg limitations and out of date ui Freedesktop concepts.
They still haven't figured out how to have a desktop background stretch across multiple monitors... all they can manage is replicating the same image on each screen... Let alone have a different image on each screen.
I know there are other bits of software that can do it... But I really don't want to add extra background processes for something so simple.
Pretty sure Windows 10 now has a SPAN option along with the usual fit, fill, stretch, tile and center options for wallpaper. Also if you have different photos in one directory, you can CTRL click as many images as you have monitors and Windows will set a different pic on each screen.
I may be pleasantly surprised by someone showing an easy way to do this that's been around for years, but ... I use many profiles in Vivaldi (Chrome engine, without the spying) for different clients' work, spread over three large screens, and would love to be able to specifiy the coordinates and sizes of each profiled browser session so that it would snap straight to the right location and dimensions when I fired it up.
Make my day, anyone ...?
Not used it for that, exactly, but Winsize2 allows you to define window position and size based on the title bar text and other criteria. If you have a particular tab title for each client, you could define a window position and size and then use that to position each window.
It's a bit old, but still works fine on Win10: https://sourceforge.net/projects/winsize2/