back to article Ah, this should totally reassure Euro workers: They'll get Brexit EU settled status app on iPhones from October

EU citizens living in the UK will finally be able to use the settled status app on iPhones from October - the same month the UK is due to leave the European Union. So far around one million EU citizens living in Britain have applied for settled status, with at least 2.6 million yet to do so. It is currently unclear what their …

  1. RAMstein

    Priceless ...

    "The app was launched on Android phones earlier this year and runs on *Dutch* firm InnoValor ReadID app."

    1. iron

      Re: Priceless ...

      So is "I have an iPhone and haven't been able to apply." when there are other methods to apply.

      1. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

        Re: Priceless ... @iron

        There is one other way to apply: you can send your passport to the home office. The same home office that brought you Windrush (aka Project Ethnic Cleansing) and that is denying Europeans that have worked for the NHS for 20 years are on the database, as reported in the article.

        Under the current climate, would you hand them your travel document? Would anyone?

        1. Len

          Re: Priceless ... @iron

          A friend of mine couldn't leave the country for six years as the Home Office sat on his passport for six years. He had to go through the courts to get it back, eventually. The good thing is that the Home Office usually breaks the law so they typically lose legal cases, the bad thing is that most people can't afford the time or the money to sue the Home Office.

      2. steviebuk Silver badge

        Re: Priceless ...

        Not really when government and government departments are so hell bent on making everything digital without having the digital infrastructure in place. And ignoring the fact some of their demographic in an area are mainly old people with no access to computers.

      3. The Werewolf

        Re: Priceless ...

        See, that was my general view.. but I decided to go to the site (I was actually checking if my passport would still work in the EU after 31 Oct - it won't) and check...

        And it's not that simple. If you can't use the phone to register, you have to send more documentation and it isn't free anymore, and it takes quite a while. The problem is that they're using the RFID tag in your passport to provide authenticated data and there's really no other way to do that reliably without you either providing a lot of paper trails, or going into an office in person and proving you are who you say you are.

        Another misrepresentation by the Brexit team.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Priceless ...

      "... and we'll regain control!"

      "Look, it's cheaper!"

      *deal made*

      1. Rameses Niblick the Third Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where's My Thribble?

        Re: Priceless ...

        Who did they choose as the new supplier of passport documents*? That's right, a Franco-Dutch firm!

        * You know, those lovely patriotic blue ones? Brexit will be worth it just for the nostalgia value of this one move alone, dontcha know? Well, frankly, I don't, I was born in 1983 and have only ever had a burgundy passport so don't see what the fuss was about. Apart from for manipulating old people.

        1. Velv

          Re: Priceless ...

          And it turns out we could have had Blue Passports all along.

          The Leave campaign really did sell come shit to the electorate

          1. Dan 55 Silver badge

            Re: Priceless ...

            It's not about the truth any more, it's about goading the other side into responding and the response itself builds up support from your base.

            Somehow in five years we've regressed back to the middle ages.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Priceless ...

            > And it turns out we could have had Blue Passports all along.

            > The Leave campaign really did sell come shit to the electorate


            OMG planes WONT fall out of the sky as their EU made parts suddenly die and disintegrate. Funny how remain tried to get plane fliers to pee their pants with crap like that.

            1. Rameses Niblick the Third Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where's My Thribble?

              Re: Priceless ...

              Funny how remain tried to get plane fliers to pee their pants with crap like that *

              * Citation needed

            2. Kane

              Re: Priceless ...

              "OMG planes WONT fall out of the sky as their EU made parts suddenly die and disintegrate. Funny how remain tried to get plane fliers to pee their pants with crap like that."

              What the fuck are you talking about?

            3. The Werewolf

              Re: Priceless ...

              You're kind of missing the point, mate. Well, several of them actually.

              And you're actually wrong.. the old ones won't work. If you go to the Brexit Ready page on the Gov site, you can enter your info from your passport and they'll tell you if it'll still be usable after 31 Oct or if you should renew.

              Mine doesn't expire until July 2020 but apparently it won't work after 31 Oct 2019 for travel in the EU. Fortunately, I also have a Canadian passport which works fine in the EU.. and to be honest.. if I'm travelling in the EU...

              I think that's the one I'd rather use.

            4. Curt Vile

              Re: Priceless ...

              Well of course they won't fall out of the sky - because they'll be GROUNDED, you dullard of a f*cking gammon.

            5. gbru2606

              Re: Priceless ...

              "OMG planes WONT fall out of the sky as their EU made parts suddenly die and disintegrate. Funny how remain tried to get plane fliers to pee their pants with crap like that."

              Lets not forget that 'project fear' is yet another shitty Tory invention delivered by Cameron and Osborne who'd spent the previous 6 years bitching about EU reform and couldn't very well start claiming they were, and always had been, ardent Remainers. Zero credibility - as per usual. No wonder they were mugged. But Sterling is down and will be long term - Brexiteers need to own that, and the UK's border in NI needs the UK to get the finger out and legislate to keep it open. The rest of us aren't too bothered that you're going to make day-to-day trading with your nearest neighbours more costly. By all means fly foodstuffs in from South Korea. It's your call if you want.

          3. Scott 53

            Re: Priceless ...

            come shit


        2. DuncanLarge

          Re: Priceless ...

          > Who did they choose as the new supplier of passport documents*? That's right, a Franco-Dutch firm!

          Your point?

          /me quickly googles

          Oh, turns out Gemalto are world leaders in such technology and practicaly every bank seems to use them. Who would have thought that a country on the european continent would have chosen to use a world leading company, already used for many years, to make the biometric passports like they always have supplied.

          Next up: People wonder why we are still buying iPhones made in chinese factories by child/student slaves. Now THATS more of an issue.

          1. katrinab Silver badge

            Re: Priceless ...

            There is another world-leading company that produces these sorts of things. It is a British company called De La Rue.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Priceless ...

              Is De any relation of Danny?

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Priceless ...

            Are you aware of what happens if Apple are aware of a child working on their stuff? The child is sent home, their education paid for, and a job is made available for them when they are legally old enough. Apple force these terms onto Foxconn to try to prevent it happening. What do Microsoft or any other Foxconn customers do?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Priceless ...

              Are you aware of what happens if Apple are aware of a child working on their stuff? The child is sent home, their education paid for, and a job is made available for them when they are legally old enough.

              That would be a truly nice thing to do, if it's true, I'm rather sceptical, would you mind citing some evidence please.

              1. gnasher729 Silver badge

                Re: Priceless ...

                That’s quite well documented. Have a look around on Apple’s website for the documentation. They also force suppliers to refund workers who had to pay an agency to get a job.

                Note that like in the U.K., youngsters in China can be employed at 16. Apple usually finds a few who are under 16 or started work when they are still under 16 - often because a small number of 15 year olds like to make money, lie about their age, and don’t get caught. When the number is high because someone doesn’t care about kids’ age, Apple cancels their contract with that supplier.

          3. Flywheel

            Re: Priceless ...

            Who would have thought that a country on the european continent would have chosen to use a world leading company

            You don't understand British politics do you? If there's a relative that's even briefly dabbled in that particular field they get to go first. If they (inevitably) f*ck up, the technology is deemed unworkable, but the taxpayer is footing the bill so who cares. Gotta look after nearest and dearest old chap!

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Priceless ...

      So just like the blue passports then. (Mmm... Blue passports... Will all be worth it to get my blue passport back...) Where the contract is being switched from British company De La Rue to a French one.

      (There were a few jokes about DLR's funny foreign name which rather overlooked the fact that the founder, Thomas de la Rue, was from Guernsey. Which, being originally part of the Duchy of Normandy, was one of William the Conqueror's possessions before England. Which would make Thomas about as British as it would be possible to get. But hey, jokes about foreign-sounding names are good too.)

      1. Anonymous Coward

        "Which would make Thomas about as British as it would be possible to get"

        Ehm, no! They were bloody foreign invaders that displaced the real British people, like the Saxons and the Romans and the Celts before them!!!!

        1. TimMaher Silver badge

          Re: "Which would make Thomas about as British as it would be possible to get"

          And don’t forget the Angles “Non Angeli sed Angli”.

          I am joining the Jutish Liberation Front or maybe the Jutes Independent Republic.

    4. macjules

      Re: Priceless ...

      We have been working closely with Apple and expect the first IOS version of the EUSS app to be available in October. 2021. Possibly.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Priceless ...

        Interesting that it isn’t mid September rather than October as that is when iOS13 will be available to the masses. Almost as if they couldn’t give a duck and hadn’t been working with anyone, let alone devs that were allowed to install the betas.

        1. Roland6 Silver badge

          Re: Priceless ...

          Weren't iphone sales down a bit? Expect iOS 13 to not support 'older' iPhones like the 6...

          1. gnasher729 Silver badge

            Re: Priceless ...

            iOS 13 requires iPhone 6s or better, or iPhone 5SE.

            Apple is now selling some very expensive phones, that tend to be used for a longer time. Which is bad for unit sales, but not for revenue.

    5. DuncanLarge

      Re: Priceless ...

      I dont get whats priceless.

      I have never head of this Dutch firm nor their platform. I suppose they must have been in the news recently?

      1. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: Priceless ...

        I guess what's priceless is it's an interconnected world, as much as some people have a tantrum pretending it isn't.

        If anyone's reply is let's not get shackled to Europe and become global and all that, I've yet to see any other country anywhere else in the world need to isolate itself from its own continent to do that. And yes, it is isolating itself from the rest of the continent because none of the Single Market, the Customs Union, and EEA are good enough.

        1. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: Priceless ...

          @Dan 55

          "I guess what's priceless is it's an interconnected world, as much as some people have a tantrum pretending it isn't."

          Thats one way to describe some remain supporters. Apparently leave is so racist and even anti-EU that these things will still be done anyway and outsourced to countries within the EU.

          "I've yet to see any other country anywhere else in the world need to isolate itself from its own continent to do that"

          Normally by the time its a need the guns are pointed inward and enforcing participation. But back to this isolation where we outsource jobs to countries in the EU..... *white noise*.

          1. Dr_N

            Re: Priceless ...

            ꓘomrad ꓘodejunꓘy> " But back to this isolation where we outsource jobs to countries in the EU..... *white noise*.

            Tory penny-pincing and austerity trumps Tory xenophobia/Eurosepticism.[sic].

            As any fule kno.

            But don't you worry ꓘodejunꓘy, once Brexit arrives there'll be plenty of time for your mates to claw back contracts, deport the hordes of Turks etc.

            After all, Priti's going to have to be the extremists of extreme nationalistic HomeSecs to avoid getting chem attack letters in the post telling her to "go home" from the people she helped whip up.

            Ahhh all good clean English Brexit fun. Glorious.


            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: Priceless ...


              "Tory penny-pincing and austerity trumps Tory xenophobia/Eurosepticism.[sic]."

              What austerity? The Tories are spending more than Brown did as chancellor-

              Also if xenophobia is below international trade in the order of priorities then he is wrong to think us isolationist.

              "But don't you worry ꓘodejunꓘy, once Brexit arrives there'll be plenty of time for your mates to claw back contracts, deport the hordes of Turks etc."

              Just from this single sentence you seem to think I am- Russian, planning to claw back contracts? and racist. Its a good job I know your just a troll otherwise I would really worry about your reasoning ability.

              1. Dr_N

                Re: Priceless ...


                Is Tim's Little Helper out spreading Mr Worstall's FUD again?

                "Austerity, I see no austerity! (From my gilded manor house. ) The dirty proles have never had it so good!"

                [This message is brought to you by Vote.Lies & The Add-a-Myth Institute.]

                Hilarious, but as you've "won" shouldn't you give it a rest now?

          2. Dan 55 Silver badge

            Re: Priceless ...

            What? The stuff you said isn't even connected to the points I raised.

            Perhaps you could you give us your phone number so Dr Nichol can ring you and help you understand where everyone else has failed. On second thoughts, he'd probably be wasting his breath on you as well.

            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: Priceless ...

              @Dan 55

              "What? The stuff you said isn't even connected to the points I raised."

              I can only suggest you reread what you wrote and if you still feel I misinterpreted your comment try to clarify what you mean to say.

              I reread it and my responses seem correct to your comment.

  2. Mike Shepherd

    Moaning Minnies

    Listen, all it needs is our Old Etonian can-do attitude and the practical problems will melt away. I heard from some technical chap somewhere about a solution to this border thing, so we'll order that the week before we leave and it will be running by weekend. With a stern look and a firm handshake, those Foreign Johnnies will see that we're serious and will come into line chop chop when they see what's good for them.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Moaning Minnies

      To be fair, that sounds like any large company I've worked for too, and the bosses there definitely were not educated at Eton!

    2. macjules

      Re: Moaning Minnies

      Quite so. That awfully nice man Jacob Rees-Mogg says that silly little foreigners have nothing to worry about. And he should know: he employs lots of them in his sweatshops companies.

      1. phuzz Silver badge

        Re: Moaning Minnies

        I wouldn't call Rees-Mogg's company Somerset Capital Management a sweatshop, they make far too much money for that. (R-M stands to make at least a million pounds this year according to the Times). Although they might employ a few foreigners now they've moved to Ireland, I suspect that the move was more a regulatory kind of thing, rather than actually moving their HQ.

        After all, Ireland might allow them to make more money, but one certainly wouldn't expect the likes of Rees-Mogg to live there. (For which I'm sure the Irish are thankful).

        Of course, they're currently busy betting against the pound, which does seem as if they expect the UK to do very poorly from Brexit, I wonder where they got that idea from?

        1. don't you hate it when you lose your account

          Rees-Mogg's company

          Should be told to bugger off back home

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Rees-Mogg's company

            Do be careful using "Jacob Rees-Mogg" and "bugger" in the same sentence

    3. SVV

      Re: Moaning Minnies

      Aren't you aware of the government's brilliant new "Get Ready" campaign, which will be launching very soon at a cost of millions? There will be T shirts! And posters! And mugs! Telling us about all the things that we need to do to prepare. Presumably if you haven't "Got Ready", it will all be your own fault, and you'll only have yourself to blame. So don't blame the government, because they have ended up producing a large number of mugs. Literally. And metaphorically, which is what people usually mean nowadays when they say "literally".

      1. don't you hate it when you lose your account

        "Get Ready" campaign,

        Reminds me of that other government camping that advised us to 'duck and cover' to survive a nuclear attack.

        Jolly good stuff

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Get Ready" campaign,

          Actually, the old "Protect and Survive" pamphlet has some quite good advice for surviving Brexit, although I suspect that just like in a nuclear war I may need a bit more than 14 days worth of tinned food before things settle down.

  3. Warm Braw

    EU citizens living in Britain have applied for settled status

    As a British and soon-to-be-former EU citizen living in Britain, my status is presently very unsettled. If the Home Office can come up with an app for that, I would willingly buy the necessary hardware to run it because rose-tinted spectacles and a large stash of toilet paper don't seem to be sufficient.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: EU citizens living in Britain have applied for settled status

      Actually the app doesn't ask you how long you've been living in the UK so the Home Office doesn't know if the right status was granted... and there's big difference.

      Accident or design? As it's the Home Office, I'm always inclined to think the latter.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: EU citizens living in Britain have applied for settled status

      Would rose tinted toilet paper work better?

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

    Because to anyone watching this pantomime in too-many-acts from across the pond, the message would be loud and clear: you're not wanted. Go home. Now.

    Not quite sure how many hints it would take ?

    (And for the avoidance of doubt, I don't agree with the sentiment above in the slightest. It's despicable. But it's also true).

    1. Velv

      Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

      Thank you for you caveat, but can I assure you that 48% of those that voted were quite happy to keep our European family as one, and if you can count the abstainers as ambivalent then the majority of the UK population are happy for them to stay.

      And that is the problem - there is no clear majority. It is so close that a vote on any one day could go one way or another, and that is not a sound basis for such major constitutional change.

      1. codejunky Silver badge

        Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?


        "And that is the problem - there is no clear majority."

        3-0 to leave

        1. Alan Douglas

          Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

          I don't understand the 3-0 to leave, I have it as 1-0, or 1-1 if we count the previous referendum. Is the 3-0 on penalties, or what?

          1. codejunky Silver badge

            Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

            @Alan Douglas

            "I don't understand the 3-0 to leave"

            First we had a referendum with the result leave.

            Second a general election which returned a leave government (the only party campaigning on ditching the result and remaining was all but wiped out).

            Third the MEP election we shouldnt have been a member to participate in, resulting in the brexit party winning.

            Before that governments offering a referendum on our membership won from labour to the coalition to tory. But that was a vote to have a say while the other 3 were definitive to remain or leave.

            1. Velv

              Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

              "Second a general election which returned a leave government"

              No, it didn't, it delivered a reduced majority for Tory and a minority Government that then had to do a deal with the DUP to stand any semblance of control (which turns out they didn't command).

              "Third the MEP election ..., resulting in the brexit party winning."

              Brexit party got 31%, maybe the highest single party, but not in any universe a win. Even adding Tory and UKIP as backing Leave they only command 43%, so 57% of the seats are Remain backed seats.

              So 1-2 if you're going to try and keep score.

              1. codejunky Silver badge

                Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?


                "No, it didn't, it delivered a reduced majority for Tory and a minority Government that then had to do a deal with the DUP to stand any semblance of control (which turns out they didn't command)."

                Minority government made of Tory and DUP. It doesnt matter what portion of party majority it is still the government. And a leave government was again elected. If you dispute that then you must think we have elected a remain government.

                "Brexit party got 31%, maybe the highest single party, but not in any universe a win"

                The majority. They won. All others less than.

                "Even adding Tory and UKIP as backing Leave they only command 43%, so 57% of the seats are Remain backed seats."

                Nope. There was a remain party created and a leave party created. Change UK barely noticeable, brexit party the winning party easy. But the lib dems positioned themselves as the remain party and did reasonably well. The other parties did their own thing. Also labour is leave, in leadership at least. Remainers have to fudge numbers to claim a win, but leave just present the numbers.

                "So 1-2 if you're going to try and keep score."

                3-0, still no contest.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

        Farage even went on record before the referendum to say:

        “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.”

        So according to the words of the Brexit poster boy himself, the actual result was not decisive. The actual result in an *advisory* referendum which has no legal status since Parliament is supposed to be soveriegn. A parliament that is supposed to save us from populist idiocy, but then again the US electoral college is also supposed to do that as well...

    2. devTrail

      Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?


      Do they consider their country of origin home? Would they be better in what you call for them home?

      Instead of trying to send a message to people who have little choice you might try to send a message to those who employ them but actually now you might be working for one of them, employers love to fuel the war among poor, so they hire foreigners and they spread resentment among them.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

        The minimum wage we can set that high enough so that this persistent nonsense can be eradicated.

        It exists but, it less of an issue that you might think. The basic fix is pay people properly, which in every case translates to pay them more.

        That has nothing to do with foreigners, it's to do with the people in the government not changing the law to mean that all work pays a decent wage in a very rich country.

      2. flokie

        Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

        I use the e-gates whenever possible as border staff must have had new instructions in the last few years... Whereas I just used to show my passport, thank you, bye, last time I was asked by staff "Visiting for a holiday?" even though my passport shows my UK address. "No, back from the holiday and coming home now". I was waved through no problem but it jarred with me.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

      The message is, our government is wildly incompetent, in hock to cynical gits, playing with our lives for a few units more.

      The people of this country are not wanting to get rid of anyone.

      There is a tiny tiny bunch of morons who are a bit loud at present, but fuck them, the general public have such little respect for their abhorrent views, it's verging on a hate crime.

      A US right wing media firm recently did a vox pop around manchester asking people what they thought of various people include farage and stupid waxy lemon, the response of 100% of the people they surveyed was "hes's a cunt'", there's a priceless exchange from some young women out on the lash for some birthday thing,

      Q "Do you know who he is"

      A "Yes, he's a cunt"

      Q "Why?"

      A "You know why, otherwise you wouldn't be asking?"

      Please ignore them while we attempt to get our house in order, that pissed up set of young women is the voice of the country, they don't care where you come from, so long as it's your round ;)

      1. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

        Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

        I looked that one up : - yeah, pretty good.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

        > Please ignore them while we attempt to get our house in order, that pissed up set of young women is the voice of the country

        Nice joke.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Have they (EU nationals) not go the message yet ?

          The joke is you think the average person really cares where someone is from, or what they look like.

          A few do, but the vast majority of this country is quite resistant to the bullshit, and that utter contempt for the people dragging us along is quite widespread. The funny thing is that these were clearly the most positive responses, and the interviewer was totally baffled. My google-fu was failing earlier but have since posted the link.

          Again, this country is a decent country, and we'll reclaim our reputation, for being intolerant of gits, and tolerant towards the decent people.

          Not everyone is taken in by the rubbish.. not everyone is prepared to treat nasty behaviour and foolishness with impunity.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Found it The Video

        The vid is here

        1. Alan Douglas

          Re: Found it The Video

          Don't watch it, will just help her stats. She appears to be a racist,

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Found it The Video

            I think that's a fairly safe bet that her employer is pushing a certain view, but I'm not sure that you can read that much into her personally. That said, she might well be a truly horrible person, dunno.

            The vid shows a few randoms and it's the side of our nation that frankly does us credit, not all this rubbish about trade like half the people voicing an opinion, have ever been seen in close proximity to a clue.

            There is a youtube version of the same vid, a bit longer, more people,

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My experience with using it...

    I was pleasantly surprised. Went through myself and the family, but experienced a few issues - this was all using a pixel 2:

    - Occasionally the NFC didn't detect the passport chip no matter how long/close you placed it, but this was sporadic

    - The face scan thought my face was 'too dark', although I had a beard. I ended up shining a bright light on my beard and it worked.

    - The payment bit screwed up a bit and said 'come back later' although I was in the beta phase, and this was the time where they were still charging for this.

    - 3 out of 4 of my family members got authorised within 24 hours. The missus had a bit of trouble since her hispanic name didn't match the passport exactly, but she had to call in and they approved it within the week.

    All in all it took about 20 minutes for 4 passports. Not so bad for something government issued that was rushed out.

    Hopefully those with an ithing will have a smoother ride of it.

    1. Joe Harrison

      Re: My experience with using it...

      My experience of signing up with AirBNB was great; their app NFC reads the jpg and certificate data from your passport and matches it to a selfie. Worked great in about 5 minutes. With such experience under my belt I was able to guide an EU friend to follow very similar procedure with the Home Office app. Did actually work, much to my surprise it being gubmint and all.

      1. devTrail

        Re: My experience with using it...

        Did you really trust sending your passport digital details to AirBNB?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Did you really trust sending your passport digital details to AirBNB?

          I might trust airbnb more [1] than those guys who sell (or use) nightclub entry/id verification systems.

          E.g. Here's one lot's typical features:

          Be sure to ask to guy on the door for a hardcopy privacy policy to read, and the contact details for their data controller, before you let them loose on your id! :-)

          [1] But still not enough

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Did you really trust sending your passport digital details to AirBNB?

            I have a fake driving license that I use for those bar / nightclub things. (And before anyone asks, that's all I use that particular ID for).

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: I have a fake driving license

              These systems (seem to) typically claim they do lookups against databases of known fake ids, and ids of blacklisted punters, etc.

              What this means is that even if the local system deletes the scan of your id, and the photo they took, at the end of the evening; presumably there can be (will) remain a remote log entry noting that your id had been scanned/checked (and probably where/when it was scanned) on the remote server.

              Perhaps it's all perfectly GDPR compliant, though. Why wouldn't it be? Just look at those features!

    2. phuzz Silver badge

      Re: My experience with using it...

      Out of the three of my friends that have mentioned it to me, all three had issues with their applications, and were forced to dig up their own tax returns from the years that they've lived here.

      As far as they know, they now have leave to remain, but who knows if the government will change it's mind, or just 'lose' the paperwork like they did with the Windrush citizens?

  6. Len

    Specific NFC passport functionality

    The use of RFC by third party iOS apps was initially not allowed but that has changed in iOS 11 (Core NFC documentation). Apparently NFC has a number of different types of access/fields/tags. The stuff required for reading passports is new for iOS 13.

  7. devTrail

    WTF: Passport details on a smartphone

    I can't believe what I'm reading. Who the h*** authorized an app that forces people to read their own passport with a smartphone. The value of a well done forged passport nowadays is in the range of thousands of Euros, this is a huge incentive to create a malware to gather the data and we are talking about the data of people who might become dual nationals. Fake bank accounts used for money laundering, drug mules, criminals hiding from justice there are a lot of different ways to make use of those data.

    1. DuncanLarge

      Re: WTF: Passport details on a smartphone

      I'd trust it mor ethan being asked to scan and email the passport like some solicitors do.

      Also I'd trust it a lot more than the stupid hold it to a webcam so somebody can read it rubbish that many bitcoin exchanges force you to do.

  8. SkippyBing

    Surveillance Society?

    So on the plus side it appears highly unlikely the government is able to link all your records to find out everything about you. Which isn't a massive surprise, but still silver lining and all that.

  9. DuncanLarge

    Silly, but its fine

    TBH it's pretty stupid not to have an iOS and Android app for such a process ready from day one. Luckily its all fine as the deadline for registering is July 2021.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Silly, but its fine

      Is there really a shortage of British apple fanboys that we have to let foreign ones stay?

      Following our huge trade deal with the USA, which will be huge and the greatest one ever , we will be able to obtain genuine San Francisco fanboys tax free

      1. devTrail

        Re: Silly, but its fine

        I'm afraid it's not just an Apple fanboy problem. Have a look at how many comments minimise the impact of reading the passport on a smartphone.

    2. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: Silly, but its fine

      TBH, pretty much the whole thing is half-baked anyway because the government wants to use the status in the negotiations.

      One of the many reasons why BoJo and his merry men are so keen on avoiding proper scrutiny of their plans is that they could easily lose a general election or a referendum if the UK hasn't crashed out of the EU, not least because of the number of non-UK EU citizens who've gained the right to vote since 2016. In some constituencies, along with nature taking its course, that's probably enough to flip from Leave to Remain; in a referendum the constituencies wouldn't matter, of course.

      I think the "plan", and I use the term advisedly, is that once the UK is out, it's out and nobody's going to be stupid enough to campaign on rejoining immediately, no matter how severe the pain. Well, of course, the Liberals will campaign to do just that, but they're betting that they won't be able to persuade enough people to break their voting habits.

      1. Roland6 Silver badge

        Re: Silly, but its fine

        I think the "plan", and I use the term advisedly, is that once the UK is out, it's out and nobody's going to be stupid enough to campaign on rejoining immediately, no matter how severe the pain.

        I tend to agree, however, I suspect part of the plan will be to invoke a state of emergency outlawing protest etc...

  10. Charlie Clark Silver badge

    Is it just me?

    Or does the procedure sound like the prelude to a heavy knock on the door by Deport-U-Cor?

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