Re: Ahhhh America
I'll try to decode what you wrote. You seem to be regurgitating Farage talking points anyway.
1) I have seen the doctor probably 15 times in the last 3 years. Each time it was on the same day.
But that aside, it has nothing to do with the EU, unless you are inferring our NHS is being overrun by foreigners...
2) 30 kids per class max here. But again, nothing to do with the EU. I see your less that subtle in your blaming it on foreigners this time....
3) You basically wrote "foreigners stealing our jobs"
Christ, I never thought I'd read such an ill-informed, bigoted, and xenophobic (and probably) racist post here on El Reg.
Newsflash, if some foreigner with "poor language skills" takes your job, then you were goddam crap at it in the first place.
Your "argument" can be pulled apart it so many ways, it's hard to know where to start.
Immigration in the UK has provided a net profit, not a cost.. The UK has benefitted from foreign workers, so if your schools and doctors are under resourced, the blame is on the government (who have profited off the immigrants) - you know, that same government you've voted to give even more control.
As for immigration itself, what are you scared of? Muslims from Syria? Africans? We can nip that one in the bud straight away - Being part of the EU has no affect whatsoever on our non-eu immigration policy. You know that - you see all the time people trying to sneak in to the channel tunnel or hide in the back of trucks coming from Calais. They wouldn't be doing that if we had to let them in.
So, the other immigration is from the EU. Presumably you don't know of the EU rules that says any country can expel someone after 3 months if they are not paying their way?
Don't think you can swan off to an EU country and live on the dole. They'll legally deport you back.
So, why doesn't the UK do this? You need to ask our government that... You know, those guys you voted to give more control.
So, imigration has made the country richer. And we don't have to host Europeans who aren't paying their way.
The doctors waiting times and school class sizes that you plucked straight from the daily mail would be the sole responsibility of the government.
In any circumstance they occur, immigrants would have MORE than paid for their share.
But for years and years, successive governments have blamed the EY for everything, and idioits have believed it.
Congratulations, if we do leave, the "problems" you cite will get even worse, but I guess you'll still be blaming the EU.
That's the thing with brexitters, they fall into 3 types:
1) Those that plan on making money shorting the UK, and reducing working regulations.
2) The racist/bigoted/xenophobic.
3) The clueless, who have no valid reason - every reason they have is based on ignorance or just complete lies.
Yes, the austerity has been had, but it was the fault of the government. The EU has helped mitigate things with regenerational projects.
You've gone and voted to give more "control" to the very idiots that have made your life a misery, so, yes, you are indeed "sums"(?) when you vote to change the situation by MAKING IT WORSE.