back to article Harvard freshman kicked out of US over OTHER people's posts on his social media

An already controversial policy of searching people’s mobile phones and laptops at the US border has returned to the spotlight after a 17-year-old student claimed his visa was revoked in response to social media posts written by other people that appeared on his feeds. Adding to the furor is the fact that Ismail Ajjawi was due …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Clearly he's an idiot if he follows someone who re-tweets something re-tweeted by someone else who didn't realise the reference to 'surprise bomb' was a Google mis-translation of 'bombe surprise'. Or something like that. Anyway, America's much safer now.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Down

      Re: Twitter?

      Clearly he's an idiot [...] much safer now. - Downvote.

      Oh, erm, you were being sarcastic. Dangerous. If there's no hint of the real message and if the nonsense appears to be in earnest and oblivious to irony, how many will take the extra second to read the rest?

      This is where the Reg voting system is a problem. Why can't I withdraw a downvote without giving an upvote? I don't want to give either here!

      1. Guus Leeuw

        Re: Twitter?

        Dear Sir,

        Also, if you made a downvote and want to correct that to an upvote, you can upvote... It will decrease your downvote from the downvotes, and it will increase the upvotes...

        Cancelling a vote???!! ;-) Not very democratic!



      2. rskurat

        Re: Twitter?

        Reg commenters are intelligent, but not very bright. This happens a lot.

      3. Dagg Silver badge

        Re: Twitter?

        The problem with irony and sarcasm is a certain ethnic group is unable to detect it....

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Twitter?

          You mean the Moronis Americanus ethnically uncleansed group I presume?

    2. NeilPost

      Re: Twitter?

      Clearly you are an idiot commenting on a on-line news article, about claims made by the US Border Office without any details about the said tweets or the written adjudication by the Border Official.

      1. Alister

        Re: Twitter?


        Clearly you don't get sarcasm, you idiot.

        1. Claptrap314 Silver badge

          Re: Twitter?

          And you do?

  2. FozzyBear
    Big Brother

    So to gain entry into America you MUST......

    Provide full background and family history.

    Provide residential information going back 10 years

    Provide All online profiles and footprints.

    Submit to facial recognition software and fingerprinting

    Submit All electronic devices for searching and provide passwords where necessary....

    I know the history, I've studied it. However, I am now confused as to who REALLY won the cold war.

    Why would you want to go to America voluntarily ?

    1. sanmigueelbeer

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      Why would you want to go to America voluntarily

      Drug mule(s) has/have better chances.

    2. Mark 85

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      <sarc>Or...maybe cross a border via Canada or Mexico? Risky as hell though.<sarc off> We have worse people already in this country (US) who were born here. Politics, "security agencies" and the BS they spew is unbelievable. I do feel bad for the guy.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      You forgot:

      Be white

      Be christian

      1. sid1950

        Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

        That doesn't always work. I have a friend who is a geologist and works for an American petrochemical exploration company. His wife is also a geologist and is a professor at a prestigious UK university. She is an expert in plate tectonics and travels round the world giving lectures and attending conferences. Both are White, British, and nominally Christian (attend weddings, funerals, Christmas and have there children baptized). They are now both retired now.

        About 10 years they traveled to the US so she could attend an international conference. She was held up by your "Border Patrol" for nearly 5 hours. The reason? She had a stamp in her passport from Iran. Why? In 1987 there was an international geophysics conference int Tehran. Why there? It was the only place that both the Russians (USSR) and US would agree to let there people attend! In the whole world! Her interrogators could not understand this. Eventually he rang his contact at the university holding the conference, they rang a contact at your State Department, the issue was escalated to a fairly high level, a bollocking was issued over the phone, and she was allowed to enter. That is the last time she has visited the US despite numerous invites. She could get a new passport without the stamp, but why should she?

        The US seems to have become a Police State without anyone noticing.

        1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

          Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

          The US seems to have become a Police State without anyone noticing.

          Plenty of people have noticed.

        2. Col_Panek

          Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

          By the way, the Customs thugs' jurisdiction extends 100 miles from the border into the USA, so if you come visit me make sure you're clean.

        3. DCA

          Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

          It can get crazier than that. A few years back I was an owner at a company that provided services to the US Department of Energy. When the "Buy America" stick was started we were asked by the US gov to set up a wholly owned subsidiary in the glorious USA. We did. So now we had a US registered company but no employees and no facilities. So the logical thing to do was to fly to Chicago, lease an office and hire some US citizens to work there.

          I am fish-belly white, born in Canada, english speaking, have both Canadian and US security clearances, had a business, house and family in Canada which should indicate stability, and in any case I am in the 1%. As the final icing on the cake I had the hard copy of the letter from the DOE asking us to set up a business in Chicago and the resumes of the US citizens I was going to hire.

          I was denied entry. The reason: "I believe the purpose of your trip is to try to take jobs away from americans. Why did your company not send an american on this trip?"

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I keep saying

      If you plan to come to the US, create a fake Facebook account now. Friend the accounts of your friends who you suggest should do the same for the same reasons. Agree to each post some innocuous meme or picture of your cat a few times a month so there's "activity" and it looks like a real account.

      Wish I could blame this on Trump but this sort of rot has been setting in US customs/border officials since 9/11, bunch of mouth breathing FBI/police rejects working those jobs. There's the biggest swamp that needs to be drained!

    5. TheMeerkat Silver badge

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      If nobody wanted to come, we would not read this story, would we?

    6. big_D Silver badge

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      Makes me glad I don't "do" social media.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

        A likely story. Until you agree to give us access to your REAL Facebook account, you're just going to have to sit in this empty grey room indefinitely.

        1. big_D Silver badge

          Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

          They can try and access Facepalm from my laptop, but it is set to unroutable in my hosts file.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

            The problem is that the Homeland people at the border won't know what a Host's file or a firewall is.

            They will just think that you arwe deliberately hiding you FB profile from them.

            I'm in the same boat as you on this.

            However, I have a webpage on my home server that lists a load of the places where I have stated the truth in that I have not and never will be a presence on social media. As some of these go back more than six years I would hope that they might see a pattern. But I doubt it.

            I won't be travelling to the USA to test this out while Drumpf is in power.

            It is easier to go to Russia these days than it is to the USSA.

      2. phuzz Silver badge
        Thumb Down

        Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

        "Makes me glad I don't "do" social media."

        No social media? You must be hiding something, back on the next flight you go...

        If you want to hide, then you need a nice, statistically normal, bland, social media profile, just like everyone else. Otherwise you'll be the first person they check.

    7. LeoP

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      I'd go to America quite voluntarily - Canada seems a very nice place to visit - just not to Trumpistan (formerly known as USA).

      Please don't equate AMerica and the USA, that's "Fake Olds"

      1. Nick Kew

        Trumpistan isn't the core problem here.

        The Gilead border has been a terrible place since long before Trump. Boston airport was a major nightmare (unlike the city, which I liked a lot) when I had to visit a Client there in 2005.

        1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

          Re: Trumpistan isn't the core problem here.

          I'm pretty sure Logan Airport has been undergoing renovations since I first went there, about 40 years ago. But they should be finished Real Soon Now.

          For my money, Logan isn't the worst US airport. Kansas City is a frickin' nightmare, for example. O'Horrible gets worse every time they "improve" it. But Logan is pretty bad, especially if you're driving anywhere on airport property.

      2. werdsmith Silver badge

        Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

        I have to say that the USA is a damn fine place to visit and most folk that you'll meet there are damn fine people

        The crazy bastard in the White House is absolutely not representative of them. Neither is Big John..

        1. Dagg Silver badge

          Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

          I have to say that the USA is a damn fine place to visit and most folk that you'll meet there are damn fine people

          NOT in Texas I felt extremely unsafe, wall to wall guns. I've been through Europe, Asia, Africa, parts of the Middle East and the Pacific. The states are the only place I've been in the world where you walk into a club and there is sign check your guns and knifes here.

    8. Anonymous Coward
      Big Brother

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      However, I am now confused as to who REALLY won the cold war.

      Both sides lost. Unfortunately, one of them didn't realise it yet, and the one which did notice is spoiling for a re-match.

    9. iron

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      You forgot fingerprints. Even air passengers just passing through an airport have to give fingerprints to the screws guarding the land of the free.

      1. Spacedinvader

        Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

        Submit to facial recognition software and fingerprinting

    10. jmch Silver badge

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      "Why would you want to go to America voluntarily ?"

      Or why, indeed, would one want to go through all the legal paperwork to get into America when one can just turn up at the Mexican border claiming refugee status.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

        Why, are you living in a Central or South American state that was ravaged by the United States' war against democratically elected leaders that didn't kowtow to American businesses, or that became a narco-state in part because of the CIA's need for spending money to fund various illegal wars, had US-funded death squads murdering citizens and had a dictator installed, ruining your country's chances at real democracy and stability?

        1. Jaybus

          Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

          Not to worry. The French backed the Sandanistas, supplying them arms, including Alouette III anti-personnel gunship helicopters and the Sandanistas (and French) won. Of course the military training and other aid they received from Cuba and Eastern European socialists certainly helped a great deal. Once the evil US was kicked out it turned out so well.

    11. disgruntled yank Silver badge

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      "Why would you want to go to America voluntarily ?"

      Numbers do. Ask them.

      It seems to me a more curious question to ask "How do you want to got to America involuntarily?", but maybe that's just because I've been reading Wittgenstein on my morning commute.

      1. jmch Silver badge

        Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

        ""Why would you want to go to America voluntarily ?"

        Numbers do. Ask them."

        Comparatively few people move from a developed country to the US, and the %age is getting lower and lower every year. Most US immigrants come from south/central america and SE Asia, places where, for all the US's faults are much worse to live in than US.

        1. earl grey

          Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

          Eh, you forgot about the various Africans who are going to central and south america so THEY can sneak into the United Snakes. A lot of the various asian groups fly to canada first and then slip across the boarder.

    12. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      > Provide full background and family history.

      Hmm. What if your full family history shows that your ancestors served overseas in the British Army from 1775–1783?

    13. DiViDeD

      would you want to go to America voluntarily ?

      Not with a gun to my head, thanks. I even avoid flights with a connection/stopover in that hellhole as I've heard horror stories from my colleagues.

    14. macjules

      Re: So to gain entry into America you MUST......

      You forgot to add:

      Provide your shoesize

      Sign over the right to take blood from your firstborn.

      Provide proof upon entry that you love Donald Trump.

      If you are not white then sign a waiver in the event of your "accidental" execution by the police.

  3. Boo Radley

    This Shit

    Is why I no longer travel, at all, further than 100 miles from home. Even then, I'm within 100 miles of the border, so thus must comply with Border Control cops stopping me to ask where I was born. I would happily move to Canada if they have me. I recall Vancouver being quite nice.

  4. raving angry loony

    Fuck the USA. I really hope they do succeed in kicking out every single last "illegal" immigrant or any visitor who doesn't meet their bigoted, white nationalist viewpoint. Then we call sit back and watch the pirate country that got rich plundering others finally go down in flames and unpicked crops, after having done it to so many others in the past.

    That or they could have another revolution to kick out the sick, hypocritical, rich fucks currently running their country from their offshore tax havens. That would work too.

    Glad I no longer have to travel to the USA for *any* reason. Every time I'm tempted something like this comes up, and I'm reminded why I'm so happy about not living or visiting there. It's bad enough living within 200km of their border.

    1. Zoopy

      > Fuck the USA. I really hope they do succeed in kicking out every single last "illegal" immigrant or any visitor who doesn't meet their bigoted, white nationalist viewpoint.

      Any chance you're painting all Americans with a broad brush?

      Also, I'm curious if you consider every action of your country's government to represent your personal values?

      1. Warm Braw

        Any chance you're painting all Americans with a broad brush

        Either you live in a democracy, in which case you have to accept collective responsibility for the actions of your elected representatives, or you don't. Neither, at present, looks particularly appealing to a prospective visitor with a choice.

        1. raving angry loony

          If democracy, voters are responsible, see option (a) - go down in flames and unpicked crops because voters ARE responsible in a democracy.

          If not democracy, voters are just being misled, see option (b) - you need a revolution, and the fact you don't think you do means you are just as guilty.

          So yes, I guess I am tarring all Americans with a large brush. Especially the wilful blindness as they look the other way when their police kill non-whites, or when their border guards ruin peoples lives in ways that completely violate peoples rights to even basic things like due process. Either way, the people there need to accept responsibility for the mess they're in and start taking control back from the special interests that are shitting all over the rest of the world.

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. SundogUK Silver badge

          "Either you live in a democracy, in which case you have to accept collective responsibility for the actions of your elected representatives..."

          No you fucking don't. Collective responsibility is just bullshit.

          1. wobball

            Says someone not wanting to take any collective responsibility! ; )

        3. Antron Argaiv Silver badge

, I don't have to accept collective responsibility for our elected representatives, because I didn't elect all of them.

          The ones I did elect, I pretty much agree with. However, there are some real gems in the pack, elected by folks who are a lot less demanding of their elected officials than I am...or maybe they're just racist assholes (the voters, those they elected, or both). We in the US are slowly drifting in a more authoritarian, xenophobic and racist direction and there are still those of us who do not like this one bit. Unfortunately, the corporations (who are now "people", thanks to Citizens United) have a lot more money and seem to like this state of affairs just fine.

          Thanks to the First Amendment, I can still say that second paragraph out loud.

          1. MrXavia
            Big Brother

            I don't thing even once has a politician I've voted for actually been elected.

            I'm pretty sure all the Referendums I've taken part of I've also been on the loosing side..

            My MP just regurgitates the Party line for any question I ask of him, even when presented with facts he blindly ignores every word said to him.

            I have zero faith in my government, limited faith in our police, some faith in the health service (since they are the only service that seems to be doing anything right.

      2. Chris Parsons Silver badge

        Absolutely true. Most Americans are delightful. I'm sure that scumbag Johnson would love to copy Trump, or even better, stage à coup.

        1. Andrew Taylor 1

          You mean the US born dual-national scumbag Johnson

    2. RichardB

      What's the USA kicking out illegals and visitors got to do with the UK going down in flames??

      1. EGeee

        There's a tangential link, given that anti-immigrant sentiment is largely responsible for the "leave" vote, except in the UK it's come to "we don't want immigrants taking our jobs, so we're going to sc**w the economy and make those jobs disappear".

      2. Potemkine! Silver badge

        What's the USA kicking out illegals and visitors got to do with the UK going down in flames??

        UK (or what will be left of it) is likely to become the 51st state.First step was to put a clone of the orange insane clown as prime minister, the rest will follow.

    3. Mark 85

      Fuck the USA. I really hope they do succeed in kicking out every single last "illegal" immigrant or any visitor who doesn't meet their bigoted, white nationalist viewpoint.

      S**t rolls down hill from the top and with the s**t being spewed by those in power, this is what they are reaping.

      1. DollyPardon

        The so called trickle-down effect, I believe.

    4. EGeee

      If there were a revolution in the US, there's a high chance it wouldn't have the results you're hoping for, given who has all the guns.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        The military are people too. Why would anyone assume that all the people in the military would automatically support the government in a revolution?

  5. Mark 65

    This highlights 2 points:

    1. Border guards aren't very intelligent.

    2. Don't use social media

    1. Scott 26

      Good luck convincing the border cops that you (as a young student) don't use social media... if it were true, they'd never believe you

      1. Grooke

        Kid claiming he isn't on Facebook: "I'm so sorry sir. In my shithole country, we don't have the internet."

        Racist idiot TSA agent: "Ha! That's probably true. F***ing sand monkeys."*

        Mission accomplished.

        *I do not condone the use of the phrase "sand monkeys".

        1. werdsmith Silver badge

          My daughter is 17 and does not use Faecebook. her crowd see it as the dad domain and for OAPs, they use other kinds of social media, including some that are part of Zuckerbergs collection.

          I don't use Faecebook either, I see it as the domain of chavs. I don't even use LinkedIn. I often travel to USA with my family, no border person has ever been interested in us.

          1. Just Enough

            I suspect that has much more to do with your name, appearance and country of origin, than your social media use.

  6. Graybyrd

    Non-White Furriners

    Hey, it's just another FUD* policy ordered up by our wannabe Emperor. It's also worth noting that Harvard has been cautioning its foreign-born scholarship students NOT to leave the US for any reason, lest they be denied re-entry.

    But WAIT! There's one even better, just reported today (27 Aug): furriner children here in TrumpLand who were granted LEGAL 'deferred action' status to receive treatment for life-threatening health conditions (typically not available to them in their home country) are now receiving Immigration Agency letters ordering them out of the country within 33 days -- or else! His Orange Self has spitefully cancelled a long standing humanitarian policy that's been in force for years.

    So... or else, what? Defy the order, stay here, get incarcerated and [hopefully] receive medical treatment while in Alien Prison? Or obey and leave, and die for certain. Maybe the Immigration officers will organize a flying squad to raid the hospitals, unplug wires and tubes and hustle them sick kids onto the next flight leaving the country?

    In Oz the scarecrow had no brain; the cowardly lion had no courage; and the tin woodman had no heart. Here in 'merica, if taken all together, they'd make a Trump!

    So how do we explain the heartless, brainless, and cowardly sycophants who enforce his policies?

    *FUD: fuckin' ugly discrimination

    1. MacroRodent

      Re: Non-White Furriners

      > In Oz the scarecrow had no brain; the cowardly lion had no courage; and the tin woodman had no heart. Here in 'merica, if taken all together, they'd make a Trump!

      Guess you haven''t read the book? (Or have forgotten it). Despite what the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion and the Tin Woodman keep saying about themselves, as the story unfolds it becomes quite clear the Scarecrow is actually the smartest of the team, the Lion the bravest, and the Tin Woodman quite compassionate.

      So taken together, they would be a huge improvement over Trump!

    2. Cederic Silver badge

      Re: Non-White Furriners

      If it helps the spelling is 'foreigner'.

      But then, I'm not the one deriding someone for their skin colour.

      1. Alister

        Re: Non-White Furriners


        Why don't you go and google the use of "furriner"?

        Widely used either humorously or satirically to suggest a dialect pronunciation from a certain subset of the population...

        Oh and then go and google "sarcasm", as you don't seem to understand that either.

        Graybyrd was not deriding someone for their skin colour, he was pointing out that Mr Trump seems to do so.

        1. Cederic Silver badge

          Re: Non-White Furriners

          No, he was being a racist and attacking Trump for the colour of his skin.

          Racism is bad. Don't support it.

          1. Mark192


            You said he attacked Trump for the colour of his skin and is thus racist.

            Poking fun at a person's overuse of tanning lotion (orange skin) isn't racist.

            Apologies if I missed sarcasm.

            1. Cederic Silver badge

              Re: Eh?

              Given Trump's skin colour is comparable to that of wealthy retirees in the South of France I'm not assuming there's a chemical explanation for it.

              You are. All the people bleating on about 'orange man' are. Just because his skin isn't the same colour as yours isn't a valid reason to mock him, unless you're a racist.

              I don't care if the same 10 idiots keep voting down my posts, I'll keep stating it: Racism is bad. Don't be racist.

          2. Graybyrd

            Re: Non-White Furriners

            'Tis unfortunate that I'd not had the time nor space to elucidate the burden under which our Dear Leader functions daily. As the White House BHDD* prepares for his morning duty, all rooms and hallways in the White House trigger flashing red lights and alarm klaxons: "Extinguish all pilot lights, turn off all electrical applicances, and ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING!"

            It seem that the combination of extra-strength tanning lotion (the fumes) and a full TWO cans of ultra-hold hair spray create an explosive atmosphere that the normal HVAC system cannot evacuate sufficiently fast to prevent a very real possibility of an explosion. Seriously!

            T'ain't easy keeping that forward/upward thrust combover in place during those helicopter TV news quips!

            *Beautician/Hair Dresser Droid

  7. dieseltaylor

    Given my critical and reasoned posts on the US actions in Iraq over the past decades I doubt very much that I would be allowed in.

    Seems so so wrong that it claims to be the bastion of democracy. Fortunately I have no desire to travel there.

    1. lglethal Silver badge

      America is not a Democracy...

      Please, America hasnt been a democracy for years. A 2 party state is really no different to a one party state. Bill Hicks had it right 20 years ago

      "I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking. I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs. Hey there's one guy holding up both pupppets! Shhh! Go back to bed America your government is in control!"

      1. My-Handle

        Re: America is not a Democracy...

        Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!

      2. SundogUK Silver badge

        Re: America is not a Democracy...

        I don't know about this 'America' place but the USA has never been a democracy. It is and has always been a Republic.

        1. lglethal Silver badge

          Re: America is not a Democracy...

          from the second paragraph of Wikipedia under the Republic definition:

          In the context of American constitutional law, the definition of republic refers specifically to a form of government in which elected individuals represent the citizen body[2][better source needed] and exercise power according to the rule of law under a constitution, including separation of powers with an elected head of state, referred to as a constitutional republic[4][5][6][7] or representative democracy.

          The USA is supposed to according to it's consitution be a representative democracy, and uses the term "Republic" to represent that. So in the context of the US (at least according to the US constitution) the terms Republic and democracy are interchangable.

          Nice try at trolling though, better luck next time.

        2. hplasm

          Re: America is not a Democracy...

          " It is and has always been a Republic."

          Of course it is - you don't get Banana Democracies.

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: America is not a Democracy...

          So glad a response to the tiresome pedantic cliche has been getting a good solid rebuttal in recent days. On social media and mainstream...

  8. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    It's a disease

    A virulent one that unfortunately seems to be spreading across the world.

    1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      Re: It's a disease

      Sadly this is so true.

      The UK has Brexit, driven largely by xenophobia, about to shit all over us again, and we are seeing the rise of populist parties with bigoted views in many places (Italy, Brazil, etc). Not to mention the long-standing "religious" clusterfsck that is NI politics going backwards again.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: It's a disease

        Or more accurately, being driven backwards by the consequences of Brexit on the Northern Ireland peace process that I'm sure the vast bulk of Leave voters in Little England didn't consider, and wouldn't care about if they had.

      2. Cederic Silver badge

        Re: It's a disease

        Brexit was not largely driven by xenophobia. It was driven by economic issues exacerbated by population pressures and the organs of state combining with the media to not only ignore the electorate but tell them to shut up when they raised concerns.

        I voted to leave and I've lived in three different countries, visited six continents and worked professionally on teams split across five different parts of the world. I'm not xenophobic, I just don't want the EU running my country.

        1. werdsmith Silver badge

          Re: It's a disease

          I just don't want the EU running my country

          That's OK then Cederic, because they don't run it and never have.

          Soon, when the UK is out with the trade begging bowl you will really find out what it's like to live in a country where other countries call the shots.

        2. This post has been deleted by its author

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: It's a disease

          "I just don't want the EU running my country"

          How odd that you would write that, since every problem you mentioned stems from decisions and policies of your national government, and the oddities of British culture and politics.

        4. Paul Crawford Silver badge

          Re: Cederic

          Yes, the underlying reasons for unhappiness are economic in most cases and for many the Brexit vote was a protest. The xenophobia is the reaction of many, driven on by odious organs such as Nigel Farage and the Daily Mail, that put the blame on the EU and/or foreigners in general.

          As for the EU running the country that is bollocks. Many of the less palatable EU directives, such as the telecoms data retention one, originated from the UK commissioners.

          1. Cederic Silver badge

            Re: Cederic

            The EU objective is political union and a European superstate. I don't want that.

            That doesn't mean I think the UK is perfect. I do think it's harder to fix UK issues while we're still in the EU.

            At least after leaving the British politicians will have to face up to their own responsibilities.

  9. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "incompatible with the culture and mission of higher education and our national ideals.”

    Um, buddy, I think you didn't get the memo : your national ideals have been redefined. Corrupt, racist assholes are in charge, and they want America to Be White And Republican Again.

    1. Dagg Silver badge

      Re: "incompatible with the culture and mission of higher education and our national ideals.”

      America to Be White And Republican Again

      Err don't you mean America to Be Orange And Republican Again

  10. Anonymous South African Coward Silver badge

    What is wrong with leaving all your e-devices behind, go over to Amurrrika, declare nothing at arrival, and buy a new laptop, cellphone etc, and set them up for your use once you have passed immigration and got settled in your own domicilium?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Because they'll look for a cell phone. And to be sure, they'll double-check there isn't one in any cavity they can think of.

      It's really weird how many people believe that acting in a very unusual way is not going to make one stand out as very suspicious to border agents...

      1. PapaD

        Where is your mobile phone

        "oh, i didn't bring one - it works out cheaper for me to just buy one when i get here, and use pay as you go rather than pay the excessive fees needed to use my own phone here!"

        It's the excuse i'll use - same for my laptop, if/when i have to travel to the USA, i'll be taking very little electronic gear (maybe i'll buy a new kindle, put some books on it and read on the flight)

        As for social media accounts - well, i do have them, but i'm not sharing the passwords - that's a breach of the Terms and conditions i signed up for.

        I would, however, prefer never to travel there. Unfortunately, i have family in the USA and i do miss them.

        1. werdsmith Silver badge

          Re: Where is your mobile phone

          Don't worry PapaD. Nobody is going to ask to see your phone or your social

          media accounts. They might check your laptop doesn't have a bomb in place of a battery. I go in often and they just don't care unless you trigger their profiler.

    2. wobball
    3. Korev Silver badge

      That's also assuming that the passenger can spend about as much as a cattle class flight on "disposable" electronics.

    4. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      "What is wrong with leaving all your e-devices behind, go over to Amurrrika, declare nothing at arrival, and buy a new laptop, cellphone etc,"

      While you are at it, be very careful where you go. Anywhere within 100 miles of a border entry point comes under the border control goons jurisdiction. That includes all US international airports, and at a stretch, any airport.

  11. alain williams Silver badge

    Quick: someone post anti-USA stuff on Trump's feeds

    in the hope of causing him a problem at the border. But Trump is white and so will not be recognised as dangerous.

    Oh, well - one can dream!

    1. Saruman the White Silver badge

      Re: Quick: someone post anti-USA stuff on Trump's feeds

      "But Trump is white and so will not be recognised as dangerous."

      That's funny, I thought Trump was orange from his piccies!

      1. Alister

        Re: Quick: someone post anti-USA stuff on Trump's feeds

        I thought Trump was orange

        Yep, he's the quintessential "person of color" :)

        (Well, him and George Hamilton)

  12. Pen-y-gors

    Hmmmm....this gives me an idea

    I don't really understand this facebook stuff, but would it not be a wizard jape to work out a way of getting anti-US and anti-Trump posts onto the timeline of certain unpleasant UK politicians. Farage, Johnson etc.? Or even more fun with the obscure back-bench nonentities. Then tip off Homeland Security next time they're due to visit the Land of the Free (TM)

    1. wobball

      Re: Hmmmm....this gives me an idea

      As commented earlier, I think being white and knowingly racist will trump all and access will be granted.

  13. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

    Department of Homeland Fail

    I worry that those behind Homeland Security will comfortably grow old before there's a chance to put them in jail. The trillions of dollars wasted, all of the people harassed, the propaganda to make us distrust foreigners, massive damage to the travel and IT industries, and the tarnished image of the US - all as an excuse to spend money with no accountability.

    It would be a miracle if America can get elected officials with the determination and ethics to take care of it.

  14. Electronics'R'Us
    Black Helicopters

    Nothing new in the attitude of border guards

    I lived in the USA for over 20 years (and paid plenty in taxes as an engineer). I came back to the UK some 15 years ago.

    I distinctly remember returning with my then other half and young son from a visit back to Blighty to see the family in the early 1990s. The other half and son got a warm 'welcome home'; I got a look that should be reserved for looking at a dog mess on the street.

    That attitude is not common among the companies and people I worked with (who valued my abilities and knowledge) but it is, unfortunately, very common in the border agencies and has been for decades.

  15. devTrail

    Social media is not the issue

    Social media is not the issue. Clearly the guard were looking for any excuse hadn't they found those posts they would have invented something else, so the real issue is racism not social media.

    1. Mark192

      Re: Social media is not the issue

      The issue is likely that they will refuse entry to individuals who associate with people with violently anti-american viewpoints.

      I guess the idea is that you can judge someone by the company they keep.

  16. phuzz Silver badge

    Land of the Free!

    Those Americans sure love their Free Speech!

    Unless you say that you don't like America of course.

  17. karlkarl Silver badge

    Doesn't China do similar? They make a social profile of a citizen based on their social media profile.

    I do think it should be taken into consideration but not the final say. For example if my friends were all white supremacists I would expect others in real life to also have issue with who I hang out with.

    That said there is also a big difference between white supremacists and people who disagree with the US government! The latter is not necessarily an incorrect stance to have in this day and age.

    That said, something like going to a well to do University for education should generally outweigh the bad.

  18. Blackjack Silver badge

    What does USA border patrol does do if you don't carry a phone or computer?

    Because as time goes on, that seems the most sensible option.

    Sure, it might be a tad annoying but what other reasonable option do you have?

    1. Jimmy2Cows Silver badge

      Re: What does USA border patrol does do if you don't carry a phone or computer?

      Maybe so. Unfortunate side effect is you'll probably stand out more and so be more likely to get selected for a full cavity search a yelled at by the racist on duty.

      1. Blackjack Silver badge

        Re: What does USA border patrol does do if you don't carry a phone or computer?

        What if all you have is a flip phone? Do they hold you longer for being a hipster? Or all you have is a 100 bucks phone that you just bought for the trip?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What does USA border patrol does do if you don't carry a phone or computer?

      what other reasonable option do you have?

      Just bring device(s) you expect to be searched with stuff you like them to search. P*rn content is ok if the officer is a guy.

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Sorry ...

    Anon for a reason. None of us have the information around the attitude of this person at the border. At *any* border, (UK, US, Canada, Mexico, Thailand, most of Europe to name a few personal experiences) adopting 'do as you are told and act subserviant almost apologetic'. Having a superior attitude, I'm better than you because I go to Haarvaaard, and have a foreign passport WILL get one noticed and potentially singled out. I suspect that if the interviewer became irritated by someones behaviour then the ressult speaks for itself. Sorry but that is the way it is with all officialdom. The days of the 'ask a policeman' referring to the "Dixon of Dock Green" have long gone. Again apologies but attitude counts for a lot and teenagers will be stroppy, arrogant, fix the world teenagers and there is little adults can do to fix that (personal experience again!!).

    1. Alister

      Re: Sorry ...

      Ah, classic victim blaming now?

      You might as well just say "He's Palestinian, he deserves it"

    2. devTrail

      Re: Sorry ...

      First you write:

      None of us have the information around the attitude of this person at the border.

      Then you take a lot of assumptions about his attitude. A bit inconsistent, isn't it?

    3. GrumpenKraut
      Thumb Down

      Re: Sorry ...

      He should have acted as civilized, calm, and professional as the border officer who “called me into a room and started screaming at me.". Right?

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Lyrics to Weird Al's Yankovic's latest satire:

    Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light

    What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming

    Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight

    O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming

    And the rockers' red glare, the bombs bursting in air

    Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there

    O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave

    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

  21. flayman

    This kind of thing makes me so *explitive deleted* angry that I want to rip someone's arms off. Oh and Logan. Yeah, they still have an attitude problem since the 9/11 hijackers singled them out as the most security lax airport on the eastern seaboard. I would suggest to any alien visiting America with or without a visa that they wipe their phone before the journey and restore it from backup on arrival.

  22. wobball

    If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next

    Just saying! ; )

  23. Mark192

    The issue is likely that they will refuse entry to individuals who associate with people with violently anti-american viewpoints.

    I guess the idea is that you can judge someone by the company they keep.

    1. DiViDeD

      you can judge someone by the company they keep

      Do you "keep the company" of people on social media though? I have connections to various social media groups, and some of the members are totally Librarian: from "all disease (including cancer) is caused by parasites and can be cured by drinking bleach" to "rockets don't work in space and that's why the ISS doesn't exist. And we never went to the moon, btw"

      I don't personally know these nutters, and the only thing I have in common with them is a passion for photography/art/politics/cookery/whatever.

      Does that mean my character should be judged by their opinions?

      Well, obviously in the US, yes, but, y'know, in the real world?

  24. RM Myers

    "and has the backing of one of America’s most prestigious educational establishments"

    I'm not sure what relevance his college has to deciding whether or not he is a security threat. The unabomber had a PhD from UC Berkeley, probably the leading public university in the United States, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a student at another fine university in Massachusetts. I would think he should be judged on his personal character, not whether he is smart enough (or as we have recently seen, rich enough) to get into a highly rated college.

    Just my personal opinion (I wasn't smart enough or rich enough to get into Harvard).

  25. Potemkine! Silver badge

    Do you know why the Statue of Liberty is in the US?

    Because Liberty is buried there.

  26. Mike Shepherd


    Cut them some slack. Those monkeys are still uncomfortable wearing shoes letting blacks ride in the front of a bus.

  27. jelabarre59

    recruitment here?

    And what's even funnier, right next to an article on the brain-dead idiots working with the Border Patrol, there'a recruitment ad for them...

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