Re: So hiring a hitman is fine then?
Assuming your words are true, that teacher illegally assaulted you and illegally incited violence against you.
Back then, they had pretty free reign. And even if what he did and said was illegal, who'd believe a fag. Who was I going to go to? I'd've been in a psych ward or jail cell before the day was over if I complained.
"Physical discipline" of children was not illegal in the mid 80's in NZ. Asking other kids to help with said discipline was not illegal in NZ in the mid 80's. Being gay was. (Well, actually it was only acting on it, being gay got you locked up in a psych ward until they believed you were cured. But, short of a massive miracle, there is no cure for being gay.
I presume they were not prosecuted, but that does not change the fact of your allegation and that the law prohibited their behaviour.
It didn't, but even if it did - where would I turn? I'd have been worse off if I'd complained. After all, ECT and other wonderful "treatment options" were also perfectly legal, quite acceptable, and very commonly used back then.
Even on small children.
Nobody has the right to incite such violence. Nobody.
You're correct in that, but at many times even in 'civilised society', it was quite acceptable. Take a look at the likes of Dad's Army and the racist comments commonly made there. 'Foggy Dewhurst(sp) in Summer Wine - talking of how he would sneak up on 'Japs' and slit their throats from behind, constantly living his supposed glory days of killing people of a certain ethnicity. Much of our movies and other TV spewing hatred against today's foes.
I guess that you tell yourself the story of unlimited free speech to explain to yourself why they were not prosecuted, but it's not true.
It's got nothing to do with it. What was done was not a crime under the laws of the day, hence there was no possibility of prosecution. OTOH, if I'd complained I would've been convicted.
Likely they weren't prosecuted because they held sufficient power over everyone in the room to prevent reports.
They held sufficient power over me. Every else? They didn't want the vile, evil little fag to live either. I recall we did a class on knot tying once. Special emphasis on how to tie a noose in case anyone realised they deserved to die and decided to hang themselves to save the rest of the world some pain.
This was NZ (and much of the rest of the world) in the early-mid 80's. Even after 1986, after the protests, riots, and violence that led to the 'homosexual law reform' (much of it far worse than the media will ever show), those who wanted to 'touch' gays were largely untouchable themselves.
A decade later, in the mid-late 90's, we still faced a great deal of abuse for being gay. Jeff Whittington, a 14yo boy, was beaten to death in 1999 by two men who proudly boasted that they'd "fucked up a fag" and left him dying in the street. I never knew this kid but I do know the area he lived in, and I've had a taste of the terror he felt in his last moments. Yes, although the two men were convicted of his murder, NZ even in '99 was still a place where you could beat up a fag and be proud of it.
"The faggot was bleeding out of places I have never seen before". This is what we lived with, 13 years or so after the law reform.
Today, even to call someone a "fag" could almost lead to jail time. If someone harasses you, you snap, give them a slap, and it turns out they were gay (but you had no idea at the time), sorry that's a hate crime and you're doing time.
I've lived with abuses, I've lived with people saying nasty things, I've lived with people inciting violence against me. I don't wish that on anyone.
If the heroes in 1986 who'd had enough of the violence didn't have some rights to speak up, to say "enough is enough" and to fight for the law reform, then my life today would be very different. Today, I'd either be serving a life sentence in jail for sex crimes (ie sexual activity with a consenting adult male), serving a life sentence in a psych ward (undergoing ECT and other wonderful fun activities), or dead - either by my own hand or by someone else's (although disease or accident could've intervened).
This is why I am very much pro free-speech. If I want to speak my mind, I have to give you the same right. I might think you're about as stupid or as horrible as a person can be, but the right to utter your words is what my grandfathers fought for, and it is one of the highest rights we have. If we lose that right, we'll lose much more very quickly. The moment you cannot speak up for your fellow man is the moment we descend into governments that make 1940 Germany look like a Jewish Paradise.
(I'm pro-Israel, just in case anyone mis-reads my words above).