back to article Alibaba sketches world's 'fastest' 'open-source' RISC-V processor yet: 16 cores, 64-bit, 2.5GHz, 12nm, out-of-order exec

Chinese tech giant Alibaba claims to have designed the fastest RISC-V processor to date, and reckons it will open source at least some of the blueprints for others to use. The chip was unveiled this week at Alibaba's Cloud Summit in the Middle Kingdom, though details are curiously thin. Word reaches us of the development, …

  1. bombastic bob Silver badge

    Interesting, but...

    I think Ryzen still wins on performance

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Interesting, but...

      And on performance/Watt ?

      And at the specific tasks Alibaba need in their data center ?

      1. BillG

        RISC-V is exciting for China because...

        RISC-V is exciting for China because... can take the place of all those ARM cores Chinese firms are using but not paying royalties for.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Interesting, but...

      Chun-Li was much better.

    3. Aitor 1

      Re: Interesting, but...

      Maybe, but the US gov can´t put you in the nasty list and block you.. I guess this is a huge plus.

      I ryzen has a bench of 10 vs 8 of this processor, so yeah, it is faster per core, as it uses two threads per core.

  2. Bruce Hoult

    Right on the expected curve...

    RISC-V is coming from a standing start just a handful of years ago. CPUs such as the Western Digital SweRV and SiFive U74 are dual-issue in-order processors similar to the ARM Cortex A7 or A55 respectively or roughly like a Pentium MMX or PowerPC 603e but with more MHz (and 64 bit for the U74).

    It's only a matter of time before many RISC-V companies have Out-of-Order CPU cores. CloudBear in Russia already announced their BI-671, Esperanto Technologies is going directly to OoO CPUs, the SHAKTI project in India are working on their "I Class". It would be surprising if others are not working on OoO cores as well -- especially those who already have dual-issue in-order working.

    The Alibaba CPU is right where you'd expect it to be: pretty similar specs on paper to the ARM Cortex A75.

    The performance numbers are .. right around what you'd hope you'd get by going to 3-issue OoO from the existing in-order processors.

    Of course this is all nowhere near Ryzen or Skylake or Apple's much more aggressive than ARM's ARM designs. Give CPUs like that maybe five more years to start to appear in RISC-V land.

    1. Warm Braw

      Re: Right on the expected curve...

      What's important about RISC-V is not the instruction set or the implementation, but the fact that the instruction set isn't encumbered by intellectual property claims, meaning anyone can produce products based around it.

      That doesn't necessarily imply silicon that implements the instruction set directly. You could envisage systems that treat the RISC-V code as an intermediate language and compile it into different instructions for custom silicon. You could also use compiler-like techniques to achieve some level of out-of-order execution without necessarily having a great deal of hardware support - using software to reorder the code in advance. Given that innovation in software is generally cheaper, I'd expect a hybrid approach to be of some interest.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Right on the expected curve...

        Except Itanium tried that approach and failed miserably. It seems some forms of optimization can only been seen at runtime, not at compile time.

        1. A Non e-mouse Silver badge

          Re: Right on the expected curve...

          The problem with Itanic was that it expected the compiler to work out how to parrallelise the instruction stream. Something which Intel learned the hard way was impossible to do well without real-time feedback.

      2. Glen 1

        Re: Right on the expected curve...


      3. Bruce Hoult

        Re: Right on the expected curve...

        Thanks for your reply.

        You're correct that the business model aspects of RISC-V are the important thing, not the technical merits or innovation, however it's definitely worth noting that the technical merits are right in the ballpark with things such as ARM or MIPS or SPARC, and better in some ways.

        Yes, RISC-V makes a pretty good intermediate language or neutral software distribution format. It's very easy to emulate or JIT -- even the first working version of RISC-V QEMU immediately ran twice as fast as ARM32 or ARM64 versions of QEMU.

        I was co-author of a RISC-V simulator and paper showing that if you concentrated on mapping directly to x86_64 you could get about twice the speed of QEMU, or often only about 20% to 30% slower than optimised x86_64 native code.

        Some other people have since picked up on this work and applied it to using RISC-V as a high performance method of implementing smart contracts on the Blockchain.

        You'll see my work referenced at around 17m15s.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Right on the expected curve...

      Reading this reminds me that when, on Tomorrow's World (referred to by our chemistry teacher as "Yesterday's Village"), when Raymond Baxter explained why there would never be a handheld computer he had no idea that not only would they appear, almost everybody would have one, and the computers in them would have enormously more compute power than the biggest mainframe of the 1960s.

    3. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      "RISC-V is coming from a standing start"

      Oh yes, we forgot to emphasis that - just assumed everyone was on the same wavelength. RISC-V, as an ISA and community, is still very new compared to incumbents, and today's available silicon is currently up to about Arm Cortex-A50-series performance.

      So there's everything to play for. Don't forget: Arm's CEO late last year told a room of journos, including those from El Reg, RISC-V was keeping Arm's engineers and salespeople "on their toes."


  3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Has to be said.

    "Trade sanctions"

    Honey badger does not care.

  4. Paratrooping Parrot

    Cheaper chips?

    Do the open source processors mean that they will be cheaper to buy? I am hoping for small board machines like the Raspberry Pi from these chips. That will be a boon.

    1. Charles 9

      Re: Cheaper chips?

      Perhaps, but not by much, as it's not usually the CPU that's the most expensive part, and the rest of the board usually has other IP encumbrances that will stick around for a while to come.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Cheaper chips?

      >Do the open source processors mean that they will be cheaper to buy?


      The cost of buying IP when developing an ASIC are as nothing compared to the rest of the NRE costs of going to full silicon production. This is the big fallacy that needs to be burst: Silicon IP is not software. Just saying "Open Source" won't magically give you free IP and all the support you may need to actually use it.

      We've had open source RISC cores for donkey's years. If it were all so simple then everyone would already be using LEON.

      1. Charles 9

        Re: Cheaper chips?

        Might have to do with its origins and purpose. LEON is currently 32-bit-only (while most computing tasks will need at least 64 bits going forward to address >4GB and so on), its licensing is not as free, and most development on it has been focused on electrical hardening (adverse environment handling), as LEON was developed for the ESA for use in satellites and such. Also, LEON is based on SPARC. RISC-V is more general-purpose, is designed for custom extensions, and already has a 64-bit path set.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Cheaper chips?

          >LEON is currently 32-bit-only (while most computing tasks will need at least 64 bits going forward to address >4GB

          Agreed. For big compute. But the vast majority of shipped ASIC SOCs with on-board processors are <64bits. By a country mile.

          1. Charles 9

            Re: Cheaper chips?

            FOR NOW. Just remind yourself of that quote that 640KB is enough for everybody.

          2. MacroRodent

            Re: Cheaper chips?

            Most dedicated tasks are happy with 32 bit cpu:s. Even bloated desktop environments and browsers can still run on them. Recall the computers on the successful Voyager probes use 18 bit cpu:s and have 70 Kb of memory.

            1. VikiAi

              Re: Cheaper chips?

              Yes, keep in mind also, that with a MMU (which anything powerful enough to need to access over 4GiB of memory in the first place will have by default these days anyway), the limit is really 4GiB /per process/.

              The advantages of 64-bit in both x86 and ARM for day-to-day usage are much more from AMD and ARM taking advantage of the shift to also revise their instruction sets (including many more registers, as well as more compiler-friendly instructions) than from the huge flat memory space.

              Having said that, 64-bit - even at the day-to-day compute level - can make some things easier (eg, memory mapping large storage volumes), so it isn't to call 64-bit 'unnecessary", of course. Just have to balance that ease against all those extra transistors needed for the wider registers, pathways, and so forth.

              *For my applications* I am very interested in 32-bit RISC cores and can't see myself needing more than one 64-bit core for certain specialised tasks. Ideally, some sort of wide-narrow multicore setup (in deference to ARM's BIGlittle configurations) with a large cluster of RV-32 general cores, plus the mentioned RV-64 and a few other task-specific cores that can be bought up on an as-needed basis.

        2. joeldillon

          Re: Cheaper chips?

          I'm not sure what 'LEON is based on SPARC' has to do with anything. That's just as much a general purpose RISC as any other; one could also say 'RISC-V is based on MIPS'.

  5. karlkarl Silver badge

    Its fairly disgraceful that in 2019 we don't have a truly free (as in freedom) open processor. However RISC-V is a good start, as is POWER9.

    Next we will need chip fabricators that are as easy to build as 3D printers and then finally computing will be truely open again ;)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      We also don't have free food or water for those that need it.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        But we do have "free as in freedom" food and water

        Farmers can grow their own crops without somebody half a world away claiming they have the patent on wheat and you can't plant your own seeds

        < where's the sarcasm tag ? >

        1. Irongut Silver badge

          I think Monsanto (Bayer now) might disagree with you. They have many patents on crops and are well known for suing.

          1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

            That is only a threat if you use their seeds.

            Monsanto does not have a patent on wheat.

            1. Anonymous Coward

              I believe they sued a farmer because their seed blew onto his land and grew, and he used some of his own seed each year for the next planting.

              I have an opinion of Monsanto, but I'm not going to repeat it.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Perhaps OP should have said:

                'But we do have "free as in freedom" food and water everywhere but the "Land of the free"'

                I don't think Americans want freedom these days, they're too busy defending their right to shoot one another and receive tips for poor customer service to worry about the little things like freedom...

                1. Kabukiwookie

                  Given time and money/effort the 737-MAX could be OK

                  Sadly, tips are in a lot of US states seem to be the replacement for normal wages. I understand that waiters in the US can make as little as $2.50 an hour without tips. The tips are supposed to supplement that poor hourly rate.

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    "The tips are supposed to supplement that poor hourly rate."

                    If that were the case, surely the staff would make an effort to provide adequate service in order to earn those much needed tips. As it stands, service is consistently terrible in the US because tipping is the norm and expected. Perhaps if so much money wasn't being spent on Monsanto's special seed there would be a few shills left over for the waiting staff too. If only those staff had some way to control their government and make it happen*...

                    Yes, I know everyone gets a vote in the US, but votes don't really make a difference in such a corrupt system unless they are submitted with a truck full of money.

                  2. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    "The tips are supposed to supplement that poor hourly rate."

                    Yes, because in the Land of Freedom (from ethics) they still think that a decent hourly rate is something communist... so they sent most of their manufacturing to a communist country to ensure they can keep on paying very poor hourly rates.

                  3. Eddy Ito

                    If they don't receive enough in tips to bring them to at least the standard minimum wage the employer is required to pay them the difference. Simply put if they make no tips they are still working for the same minimum wage as everyone else. Of course there are several states which don't allow tip credits and have the same minimum wage for all and service typically suffers. For good service personnel working in the right places six figure incomes are within reach.

              2. Alan Brown Silver badge

                " he used some of his own seed each year for the next planting."

                Not _quite_ as cut'n'dried as that. The farmer in question went out of his way to cultivate the Monsanto stuff by blasting what grew with roundup and only harvesting seed from what survived.

                If he hadn't done that, Monsanto wouldn't have won.

                Their more more recent varieties are sterile, so you can't cultivate them from last year's seed.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  And that is good how?

                  Monsanto has basically turned wheat farming into its private rent-seeking operation.

        2. steelpillow Silver badge

          "Farmers can grow their own crops"

          Being a farmer is not free as in freedom. All the land worth having is owned by somebody else. That's why, historically, so many millions of starving rural inhabitants constantly pour into the big cities looking for a chance to stay alive. And many farm owners don't allow their employees to eat the produce anyway, as they can get better prices selling it to us lot - the labourer can sure grow the crop but they get sacked if they eat it.

          1. Alan Brown Silver badge

            "All the land worth having is owned by somebody else."

            In the UK that happened because the newly minted business wealthy realised they could have any laws they wanted if they could get themselves into parliament and promptly did just that.

            The enclosure of the commons was the result - they passed laws awarding themselves ownership of common land.

            "That's why, historically, so many millions of starving rural inhabitants constantly pour into the big cities looking for a chance to stay alive"

            Which played perfectly into the hands of those same people by ensuring an abundant supply of dirt cheap labour for their factories. For most people the choice was "starve in the countryside or starve in the cities.

        3. Tom 7

          We used to have 'free' food. That's why they brought in the enclosures acts - so people had to go and work in the mills or starve.

        4. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          "Farmers can grow their own crops without somebody"

          As long as they own the land - and have a water source - and still they will have to use a lot of equipment which is not free to obtain - unless they wish to use only basic instruments and their own body as a power source...

          1. Eddy Ito

            Re: "Farmers can grow their own crops without somebody"

            And don't run afoul of government edicts.

      2. Hans 1

        We also don't have free food or water for those that need it.

        THAT depends where you are located.

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge
      Big Brother

      "computing will be truely open again"

      In isolation, maybe. But as soon as you go online, expect to to be restricted, monitored and have to pay for the privilege :-)

  6. Blockchain commentard

    Cheap powerful edge servers. Or bitcoin generators with all those extra instruction sets?

  7. steelpillow Silver badge

    Security vs Out-Of-Order

    Could we be seeing the beginning of a new trend - fast but insecure OOO models if that is your thing, alongside secure but slower in-order models for the more cautious? Open Source is uniquely positioned to stop proprietors fscking around with the choices you can enjoy.

    I rather like the idea of packing both onto one chip and handing stuff off to the fast baby only when deemed non-critical.

    1. Woza

      Re: Security vs Out-Of-Order

      Note: most of the recent security issues recently (Spectre, et al) are down to _speculative execution_, which is different to out-of-order execution. In OoO, the processor is free to re-order instructions which do not share a data dependency. If it needs to compute x = a + b and y = c + d, then it can do either one first. So if c and d are in registers, say, while b needs to wait for the result of a previous computation, the cpu can compute y first and x later, even if the code provided by the compiler has x first, then y.

      For speculative execution, the cpu will execute instructions which may or may not actually be required. If the code it's running contains something like 'q = p * r; if ( q < 17 ){ w = *k + 2}' then speculative execution allows the cpu to guess that q will be less than 17 and push on with computing w. It might do this if the calculation of 'q' is taking a long time - perhaps 'r' is the result of a previous computation, or 'p' needs to be loaded from RAM (rather than cache). If, when 'q' is known, it turns out to be 19, then the computation results for w are thrown away. Part of the whole meltdown problem was that the memory access *k by the speculative execution logic was done without appropriate permissions checks, and even though the result of the access was not visible to the program, side-channels (like timing or cache population) _were_ visible and able to be exploited.

      At least, that's how I remember it, but it's been years since I've studied computer architecture stuff.

  8. Gene Cash Silver badge

    Open source

    So like other Chinese "open source" projects, it'll be missing all the important files and won't compile?

    1. IGotOut Silver badge

      Re: Open source

      Go back

      Read Article.

      No obligation to Open Source processor design and are only likely to do Cores.

      Not sure how you compile a processing design though.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "While RISC-V has strong support for instruction set extensions, 50 seems a bit much"

    50 does seem quite a lot but while Risc-V has got the "user mode" instructions well covered, it is extremely thin for priveleged operations and (at least when I was involved in a R5 design 6 at end of last year) has nothing to support OSes when they do things that need to flush pages from the cache when memory translations are changed and flish the translations from any levels of TLB. This could end up being a weakness in RiscV as it seems possible that everyone will add their own extensions so everyone will have to maintain their own set of patches to Linux etc to support their particular version of cache management.

    1. bazza Silver badge

      Software: What is a RiscV?

      Good point. Even within the existing RiscV ecosystem it seems uncertain as to exactly what hardware one's got underneath one's software. Another suggestion that it could be difficult for RiscV to become a general purpose CPU.

    2. Bruce Hoult

      I'm sorry but that's simply wrong. Look at the SFENCE.VMA instruction described on p114 of "The RISC-V Reader" or p56 of the reference manual:

      rs1 optionally specifies the VM page for which the mapping has been changed, and rs2 optionally specifies the address space in which the mapping has been changed. If neither of those is specified (i.e. is set to register x0) then the entire TLB needs to be flushed, but fine grained control is also possible.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Yes, SFENCE.VMA does impose a fence on memory operations but (in an architecture that says its RISC) should a single instruction be expected to flush or invalidate data from (multiple levels of) caches? But there seemed to be plenty of people on the R5 discussion groups wanting to specify cache management instructions .

        1. Bruce Hoult

          The opcode is defined and programs (operating systems) can use it.

          It's up to the chip designer whether the instruction is implemented in (as you point out) somewhat complex hardware that does everything OR traps to machine mode where a subroutine of normal instructions might have various logic, loops etc, that manipulate the TLB and/or caches of that particular core by reading and writing CSRs or possibly using some simpler custom instructions.

          It's good for CPU designers to have a choice of how they do it, to cover a wide range of design points but with the exact same OS code running on all.

          Similarly, the RISC-V architecture specifies the format of page tables in memory, but says NOTHING about what TLB hardware you might have, or whether TLB misses are handled with hardware that walks the page table or by a trap to Machine mode to do page table walking and TLB reload in software, or what.

          1. StargateSg7

            Meh! and Nonchalant double shrug....

            64-bit CPU's are soooooo passe.... Our parent Aerospace company went with a combined-design custom instruction set CPU/GPU/DSP at 128-bits wide on GaAs and GaN substrates. Works a LOT FASTER at 60 GHz and the separate and very specialized 128-bits wide Vector/Array processor runs at an even higher 2 THz!

            I would suggest that up-sized 60 GHz and 2 THz clock speed and multi-vectored instruction set is probably WHY that computer is 595 times more powerful in ExaFLOPS (119 Sustained!) than the Summit Supercomputer at Oak Ridge labs (200 PetaFLOPS)!


            Next Up! Fully Optical Computing into the Petahertz Range (i.e. UV from 3 to 30 PHz!) Lets see how much vacuum can we make here on Earth so that UV doesn't get absorbed during transmission on an Opto-CPU!


          2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            "It's up to the chip designer..the instruction is implemented in..complex hardware

            OR traps to machine mode "

            Say hello to the concept of a scalable architecture, dating back at least to the IBM S360 architecture.

    3. Bruce Hoult

      To pop this up a couple of levels for people who don't want to dig deep...

      ONE VERSION of Linux runs on all RISC-V hardware. Hardware-specific patches are NOT needed.

      All packaged Linux (etc) distributions can assume RV64GC. That is, 64 bit hardware including the extensions for multiply/divide, atomic transactions, single and double precision floating point, and variable length 16/32 bit instructions.

      In any particular machine maintenance of caches or TLBs (for example) is either provided directly in the hardware, or else it is the responsibility of the hardware vendor to to provide Machine Mode software that traps and emulates the required functionality. This Machine Mode software must be installed by the boot process before the Linux kernel is invoked. As far as the Supervisor Mode software (e.g. the Linux kernel) is concerned everything Just Works.

  10. PracticalApplications

    Here's the funny part...

    RISC-V, the toolchain and ecosystem comes from Hennessy and Patterson's life's work at Berkeley. So isn't it kinda ironic that the world is actually still reliant on US origin tech. There's a lot of folks that put a lot of money, time and effort into research for these processors. I'm glad there is an open source option here. When you really think everything should be free, ask yourself if you would work for free? Meanwhile, the intention of RISC-V is to democratize processor development and allow the potential for more efficient fit-for-purpose highly efficient processors for cheap. I wonder if non-democratic states will respect that intent, or start making highly efficient missile control systems quickly and cheaply.

    1. Glen 1

      Re: Here's the funny part...

      The place of origin matters less than you'd think.


      The number of nations working on the Manhattan project

      The origin of the Jet engine

      Von Braun's contribution to Apollo

      Bletchley Park improved upon Polish work

      SSEM Stored Program Computer in Manchester


      Wind the clock back further and we are all just apes learning to hit each other with sticks.

      1. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

        Re: Here's the funny part...


        Wind the clock back further and we are all just apes learning to hit each other with sticks.

        And some have not progressed much beyond that

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Here's the funny part...

          Though in civilised circles they’re celery sticks. With cream cheese.

    2. crayon

      Re: Here's the funny part... actually it's not so funny at all ...

      "I wonder if non-democratic states will respect that intent, or start making highly efficient missile control systems quickly and cheaply."

      Being able to build an efficient anti-missile system will help those countries to avoid being destroyed by Freedom Bombs from "democratic" states.

      In case you are under some kind of delusion, "democratic" states or entities in "democratic" states have no obligations to and can just as easily not respect the "intent to democratize processor development".

  11. Robert Sneddon

    What you believe

    isn't necessarily what happened.

    The lawsuit Monstanto brought against the farmer in question was for using Roundup Ready, a Monsanto weedkiller, on the crop he grew with the grain which supposedly blew into his field from a neighbour's field. The combination of the GM grain and its matching weedkiller was covered by Monsanto's patents at the time. The farmer agreed not to do this any more, Monsanto withdrew its lawsuit.

    Monsanto's GM grains are a big financial advantage for farmers when combined with Monsanto's Roundup Ready glyphosate weedkiller. Going non-GM means less tonnage of grain produced per acre which means less money. The patents on the original GM seed strains has long expired and it is now not a breach of patent and licencing to use RR with those seed strains. The problem is that "saved" seed from a previous harvest is not as vigorous and productive as properly bred hybrid seed grown for and sold to farmers by Monsanto and others. The USDA will not provide crop insurance for saved seed plantings since they're more prone to disease and crop failure unlike licenced hybrids.

    Monsanto's new licenced hybrids are covered by new patents though...

    1. Tom 7

      Re: What you believe

      Given it seems to take less than 5 years for sufficient weeds to develop resistance to roundup and defeat any benefit I doubt the farmers will be better off in the long run or produce more food. I've got weeds in my gravel paths that are now resistant to all but NaClO4 which you cant buy any more but fortunately I've got some left over.

      1. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: What you believe

        " I've got weeds in my gravel paths that are now resistant to all but NaClO4"

        Granted it only takes care of the bits above ground(*) but boiling water (or, better - a shot of steam) works pretty effectively.

        (*)Yes, the weed comes back, but it takes a fair amount of stored energy from the root to do it and repeated applications mean it's busy expending everything it's got trying to grow something instead of setting seed - The downside is that this is manually (and energy) expensive.

    2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "The USDA will not provide crop insurance for saved seed plantings "

      IOW Don't use a bought in commercial seed and you're f**ked.

      Now I wonder who had that stipulation inserted in the rules?

  12. John Savard


    It will be nice if there's open-source code for a good out-of-order processor.

  13. fredesmite

    Server or mobile ?

    is this a server class processor or a mobile device ?

    what is wattage ?

    1. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Re: Server or mobile ?

      Sounds to me like this is more a top-end device but the beauty of RISC-V is one can mix it anyway one wants, optimise it for any role, if one's clever enough, or can find someone who has done it, or will do it for you.

  14. Tom 7

    7nm anyone?

    Could be fun!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 7nm anyone?

      "Could be fun!"

      In what way? Just going to the next node isn't going to give a massive performance uptick any more.

      1. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: 7nm anyone?

        Maybe it can play Crysis?

      2. Tom 7

        Re: 7nm anyone?

        Who needs more performance. More bang per watt is what I'm looking for, I've got a RaspberryPi4 in a PiTop that seems to run for about 6 or 7 hours on a charge. Double that and I'm more than happy.

  15. JulieM Silver badge


    Is this the processor architecture that doesn't even have a carry flag?

    How are you supposed to implement multi-word arithmetic?

  16. ZolaIII

    My expectations are that this will rival ARM A72 (in integer performance) while that's the five years old design RISC V is a young lad growing by the enormous spread. I imagine if the designs remain to be kept open in two years we will have 6 instructions wide OoO designs on the plate and in one more year more superior RAM & predictors than ARM will be able to accomplish. However re examening fundamentals of RISC V architecture ISA I think OoO designs are simply the wrong way to go. ISA is very scalable, has laid down paths for scaling up to 256 bit's (128 already finalised). It's easier to scale up ISA (along with compiler for it) and more beneficial than going OoO as branch predictor for it is costly, bulky and seeds of all evel (speculative exploits). In favour of this claim just take a look at A72 vs A55 (A72 is almost 4x the size and only 78% faster). Of course I don't mean we need 128 bit core's (just ISA) as 64 bit is more than enough, just putting more of in order 64 bit blocks tieing them up together with fast micro switches (ASICS) & adding minimal predictor (instruction circles based decision) would go up much better in both performance per mm and performance per W metrics. Besides fast adoption of wider ISA is also crucial for incorporating wider vector and SIMD extension blocks that demand to be well feed. This is just my penny about hardware architecture. Best regards.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Strangely broad target market

    "The XT 910's architecture is good for producing micrcontrollers"

    Maybe I am old fashioned but a 64 bit super scalar processor with speculative and out of order execution and support for multiple cores does not seem remotely appropriate for a microcontroller. The power consumption and cost would be prohibitive and the performance far more than that required for a microcontroller.

  18. devTrail

    Is out-of-order really needed?

    If I understood correctly it is a processor with small cores and heavy reliance on multi-threading. Are out of order executions really needed in such context? I guess that even without implementing them the amount of unused silicon at runtime shouldn't be so big.

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