Poor old Freiherr Coburg zu Beeb von Womble.
He must have missed the memo about his alter-ego Sir James Saville-Zee-Kidee-Fiddlit. You know, the part where he allegedly asked one of his young "friends" her favourite children's TV character, allegedly the Wombles, borrowed and dressed up in the uniform of Herr von Womble himself, and then - well you can imagine, Womble style - could have been worse I guess - she might have been into the Skeksis..
All in all I'm thinking I'm going to continue using the term. It's a perfect description for practically every politician and when the feminazis, and Braindead Boris, start whining about equal representation we can call them cocklesswombles.
I do however find it slightly odd that Ms Hopkins would be kicking around Brighton of all places - unless there's something she isn't telling us? And at her worst she has nothing on a woman called Pirro - she'd make Reinhard Heydrich hang up his spurs and resign. She's a walking talking sociopaths sociopath. The sort of person who'd put Hannibal Lecter on Diazepam.