Re: Function keys are useless, good riddance
I agree, Fn and ESC are indispensable. And, yes, of course we all know they can be xmodded to anything you like. But the question is more, should you really have to? I mean, we were talking Professionals™ here, weren't we? Don't they have something better to do than ploughing through a machine, just to make The Professional Tool™ work? Wasn't that the argument fanbois used for years to Niche Non Believers™ in the past? "Oh, that's very nice as a hobby, but sorry, I'm a Professional™ and have better things to do with my time than to tinker around with a Hobby Project™. But...
It does (again) show Apples attitude in general: they don't give a toss about anything (e.g. customers) but their bottom line and succeed (again) flogging it off as cool. Steve would be proud. And although I have a natural tendency to like a bit of rebellious, I also realise that, if uncontrolled, it can end up at insanity's doorstep very quickly. But...
What I really, REALLY would welcome if society finally starts to push back the "landfill" attitude of manufacturers, something Apple (again) seems to demonstrate with its latest offspring. Just like the whole right to repair discussion, if you ever needed a definition of the word "silly". Why not just tax it for "wasted resources" for example? Then again, Apple customers might (again) see such a price increase/ silly tax as a feature and badge of honour...