back to article AMD's SEV tech that protects cloud VMs from rogue servers may as well stand for... Still Extremely Vulnerable

Five boffins from four US universities have explored AMD's Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) technology – and found its defenses can be, in certain circumstances, bypassed with a bit of effort. In a paper [PDF] presented Tuesday at the ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security in Auckland, New Zealand, …

  1. Charles 9

    I suppose next they'll be telling us they can glean the same information solely from electromagnetic emissions, encrypted or no. And that, given the power demands, we face the dilemma of trying to develop a system that's simultaneously private and efficient.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      There's a big difference between VM guest accessing host or other guests' data, and an external device measuring emissions, "micro changes in air density" or whatever.

    2. matt 83


  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Except no cloud providers except for Google know how to support it (though it is very easy to enable)... I've contacted AMD about this many times and they don't care.

  3. SingleSpeak

    Except no cloud providers except for Google know how to support it (though it is very easy to enable)... I've contacted AMD about this many times and they don't care.

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