back to article Microsoft wakes up, stretches, remembers: Oh yeah, we do Windows too. And lo, SQL Server 2019 Windows-based container emerges

The brave souls in Microsoft's SQL Server 2019 Early Adopter Program can now get their hands on Windows-based container images of the venerable database software. Previously, Linux-based container images were available. It has taken a while to get here. First there was SQL Server 2017 that could run on Linux natively and in …

  1. sloanrb

    But like the movie bad guy, SQL 2008 isn’t quite dead yet...

    You can get 3 additional years of SQL 2008 support.

    If you migrate it to Azure. No joke.

    1. phuzz Silver badge

      Re: But like the movie bad guy, SQL 2008 isn’t quite dead yet...

      Apart from the obvious money related reasons, I can sort of see the logic behind this. It's a lot easier to support it if it's running on Microsoft's own hardware, on an OS they control and administer. They basically only have to fix problems for one architecture, and don't have to test every possible combination of hardware and software that a customer might be using.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: But like the movie bad guy, SQL 2008 isn’t quite dead yet...

        My guess is that using Azure would mean Microsoft could test flaws against their "best practice" installations and potentially mitigate security risks rather than patch them and hope that the cloud sales don't bite them if a serious flaw is discovered.

        Having said that, the vast majority of the applications we use with SQL Server have been ceasing maintenance support for pre-2012 releases for some time and most have moved onto ceasing support for pre-2016 releases for some time as they move away from 32-bit code.

        The only leftovers are the applications no one loves, thought they had already migrated off or are unwilling to pay to upgrade. I suspect they will take the "I hope it's ok" approach rather than moving to Azure.

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