Microsoft is ready to sell AI. Are Google and Amazon?
The fundamental principle for Personal Assistant is the presence of personal profile, which contains all the patterns structured into synonymous clusters (with all lexical noise purged; where such lexical noise is typically superfluous predictive definitions that do not explain the central themes contained within the digital textual information and, accordingly, removal of such noise often results in an improvement in the quality of the structured data).
And these patterns-clusters help AI to find answers.
Microsoft has already learned how to structure texts into the clusters and purge. For instance there is a sentence: "The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they [feared/advocated] violence.” If the word “feared” is selected, then “they” refers to the city council. If “advocated” is selected, then “they” presumably refers to the demonstrators.
So either
- city councilmen feared
- demonstrators feared
is lexical noise.
- city councilmen advocated
- demonstrators advocated
is lexical noise.
"The Microsoft team approved WNLI by a new method based on a novel deep learning model that frames the pronoun-resolution problem as computing the semantic similarity between the pronoun and its antecedent candidates" - Microsoft got the score after I many times explained how happily Alice and Bob trained.
So Microsoft purges lexical noise and really ready to create and sell AI, as Personal Assistants. But can Google and Amazon? Haven't seen them able to delete and structure.