Redundancy: it's not just for data anymore
This story comes out a week after the poll? Excellent timing.
DXC Technology has told UK government and Unite that – in a worst case scenario – more than 2,000 locals could be made redundant in the latest round of expense cuts, which could also include the closure of one site. The Register revealed in May that DXC had opened a voluntary redundancy programme and dangled improved exit …
20% of Build to go worldwide
25% of Deliver to go (not sure if worldwide or just UK)
And allegedly ML is working his notice - but that last one might be wishful thinking.
When you hear sales & account reps asking if it's worth bothering to respond to RFPs 'cos we don't have the staff to do baseline work let alone anything extra and management just shrug their shoulders and look away then you know the end is near.
So they have staff that could do the new jobs that are required but they won't invest in training those staff to get up to speed with "digital" * ?
(* "Digital", whatever that utterly stupid pointless word means)
I'm sorry for the staff and customers that would be affected but I'd lose no sleep if DXC went under tomorrow.
The whole "Digital" thing is a joke, largely predicated on a trendy race to jump on Fragile Methodology in the hope it will save their bacon. In the meantime, there's a complete lack of any coherent strategy to develop and grow staff skillsets, because senior management don't actually appear to understand such matters. It appears that dictats are issued in the US and carnage results in the UK. No intelligence applied at all......
I was beginning to worry about DXC exec because they were starting to run out of people to apply the Work Force Reduction (WFR) plans against.
Luckily, they bought Luxsoft which added another 13K headcount.
Obviously they are looking at synergies with the intergration of Luxsoft, so I wonder where they're going to come from....
Welcome to DXC, and goodbye to 50% within a year I would say...
Pity we cannot as yet say goodbye to ML who has ripped the company apart!
Interestingly, Mike Lawrie issued an internal communication this week as part of the Luxoft purchase announcement which stated:
"The combination of DXC and Luxoft will:
• Build on DXC’s unique value proposition as an end-to-end, mainstream IT and digital services market leader;"
Even Mike Lawrie appears unsure if DXC are a mainstream IT or digital services company.
"Even Mike Lawrie appears unsure if DXC are a mainstream IT or digital services company."
I think it's a fair comment though - Luxoft do technology, but not just for the CIO / IT - quite a lot of ER&D capability which may or may not be defined as "IT" in it's typical definition.
A nuance but I understand his point. Luxoft is partly about trying to move outside of the CIO spend.
I left DXC 3 months ago I wish i had held on for a large pay out haha , of the team i left all of them have applied for VR and im not surprised its an utter shambles of a company i left to work for a rival and the company i work for is night and day compared to DXC , I got a brand new laptop when i started not some old battered machine that was left behind by a previous employee , when i requested a headset i got it instead of being told i should supply my own (im not a contractor never have been) , they actually seem to care about delivering what the client wants instead of just fobbing them off with excuse after excuse and massive delays , i do not understand how anyone would award a contract to them, honestly if you are approched by them or are thinking about working for them please look elsewhere for the sake of your sanity and your career
Sign me up!
If DXC were a parrot - I fear it will soon meet its maker - for now, it's clear that Mikey and Pauly have been nailed to their perch.
ML and PS need to go NOW. We need a fresh injection of external executive talent before this parrot "is no more", "has ceased to be", is "bereft of life" etc.
Honestly, the most shocking indictment of this VR "programme" (sic) is the fact that if granted VR, the individual is expected to commence garden leave *the day after* they hand in the acceptance papers. How much handover and skill transfer can possibly be done in that time? People are going to be bailing out and literally leaving nothing for the poor buggers expected to pick up the pieces. And those people are mostly grads and apprentices nowadays, as they binned all the contractors back in March.
Byebye DXC.
nah, there are still contractors around, at least for the moment - but I know at least one that did not renew his contract - which says even more about DXC than just about anything else.
I have been told that I am supposed to help mentor some of these graduates - poor sods.
I almost submitted for VR myself - but need another job to go to first.
Maybe next time.......
"Outside of the UK the only other country with a large non-digital service base is the US and there engineers are working a day free to save their jobs and agreeing terms and conditions reductions," Unite added."
That's hilarious, like they think any of that will save their jobs? Unemployment is very low in the US so they're either worthless to other employers or waiting for a buyout. Given that it's the US, they'll likely offer the minimum severance, a month or less.
No idea why anyone would work for them, IBM or any of the other sweat shops from overseas.
.... So why am I still being emailed, almost daily, vacancies at the Aldershot centre?
I left on fairly generous VR terms just over 2 years ago, when the closure of the Hook site was imminent and haven't looked back.
Found a better paid, more secure position within a few weeks at a company that awards pay rises, invests in training staff and has no prohibition on travel.
<exits gloat mode>.
They can't merge them because of networking issues and they can't solve the networking issues because they made too many networking people redundant. Both are less than half full.
I knew some guys who were forced to relocate to Chesterfield, hope they are ok.
Personally I got out with VR 2 years ago now and feeling much less stressed and much more valued.
The business is clearly in terminal decline losing contracts left right and centre; no doubt amplified by high costs and poor customer experience. We're going through the motions right now of moving onto a new supplier ourselves; though no doubt the DXC staff employed directly within site will be TUPE'd over to whoever the new contractor proves to be. Do they have some golden goose long term contracts out there that mere mortals don't know about propping up the business? (And if so, and you are one of those golden geese, why aren't you looking to move elsewhere?)
For the life of me I cannot see how where there is a clear role requirement within the "building" that survives through multiple contractors covering that role; one really should just make it a permanent role within the organisation instead of outsourcing?
Meanwhile, DXC stock has risen roughly 10 dollars. The reactions of the market appear unfathomable in light of the customers leaving in droves; regardless of "cost efficiencies" found.
Not pleasant for the staff of course, but the good ones should be able to find gainful employment elsewhere and leave the sinking ship to it's course.
Probably because they're trying to cut expenditure faster than the revenue declines, in the hope that the company can (temporarily) have the illusion of increased profitability whilst those at the top flog their share options.
There's some strange goings on at Companies House too if anyone cares to have a trawl. DXC are still officially CSC in the UK, but there's several other entities that have sprung up with the same (US based) directors. Something seems odd......….
The whole process is carnage, especially because of the absolute shambles that has been made of it.
Staff were warned of redundancies, then put at risk, and then "officially" told they're at risk. It's so prolonged, it is almost calculated torture for those involved.
To add to that, there is no evidence of any cohesive strategy to manage and make the best of experienced staff. The talk of recruiting new skills is laughable, those running the redundancies have no understanding of technical skills to start with. The end result is that "pools" of staff contain disjointed mixes of technical skills, rather than assessing all core skill sets together. Even more laughable is how DXC are advertising for some skill sets in the same building as they're making folk with those skills redundant!
DXC told UK employees today that they are to make 500 staff redundant.
They were told it was not related to COVID 19, however the timing is bad.
DXC have also been applying forced ratings to appraisals this year, although denying this by calling it calibration.
With the recent CEO and high management changes, employees had been given encouraging words after a number of years of redundancies and no salary reviews.
It seems things have not changed and employees remain demotivated and worried for their future.