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Google Calendar has gone TITSUP* with no sign given as to when it should be unborked. If only it had some sort of reminder or schedule for that... oh, wait. Both the app and website version of the popular tool have gone down with little explanation other than a "stay tuned for updates" and a sad little semi-circle of …
Remember when during the days of timesharing, payroll processing, et al? Then came the day where small business could afford a computer. No more arguing with your timeshare provider in the "cloud"! No more lost data, or telecom problems. Reports now produced on time!
Now in our infinite wisdom, we jump back 20 years in time, AND expose our data to any hacker that has about a days time to help themselves to your data. WTF were they thinking? Then the bills come, and keep coming...
My schedule is my livelihood. All I need is on my phone; if that gets lost, I go to my home server. If that goes down, I restore frome tape. At the beginning of the day I print my calendar out and take it with me for convenience and safety. If I cannot manage my own calendar, how can my clients trust me to manage their critical data?
I wonder when we will go back to onsite again?
Exactly. I started in computing just as the bureaus were fading out. We had local mini-computers and then local PCs connected to minis and then "servers".
Apart from backups, I've never understood why people spring on the cloud. We are legally responsible for our data and if we give it to somebody else to look after and they screw up, we are liable... I'd much rather get fined for my own screw-up rather than those of third parties I have no control over, plus confidential data stays private, within the walls of the company, it doesn't get strewn all over the Internet, just waiting to get leaked.