back to article Powers of stash and rebase fall into the hands of noobs with GitHub Desktop 2.0

GitHub Desktop 2.0 is here and brings with it new features including stashing and rebasing. Many GitHub users do not need Desktop, an application for Windows and Mac. It is one of several ways to interact with GitHub, and less capable than using the command line. Another option is to use the tools built into IDEs like Visual …

  1. Teiwaz

    "We hope to continue to lower the barriers to entry so that millions more can participate in software development, research, design, and more,"

    Hmmm, let's just hope companies involved in Nuclear Power don't get the same idea.

  2. nematoad Silver badge

    Ignorance is not bliss.

    " that millions more can participate in software development, research, design, and more,"

    Obviously not. I mean there aren't many devs working on Linux now are there?

    Slippery slope, thin end of the wedge, embrace, extend, extinguish. You know the score.

    "Our team has a strong background in Windows and macOS development..."

    In case you have forgotten Git was developed by Linus Torvalds who if I recall correctly also had something to do with developing Linux.

    Take the bloody blinkers off and try and see that the whole world does not revolve around Windows any more, if it ever did.

    1. thosrtanner

      Re: Ignorance is not bliss.

      github desktop was released well before the involvement with microsoft. And despite your belief, there are a lot of people who use operating systems other than linux, who aren't terribly au fait with the command line.

      And although git was developed by Mr Torvalds, github was not.

    2. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: Ignorance is not bliss.

      Lots of Linux devs are presumably happy doing everything in the command line, or in the tools integrated into their IDE. For those that do want GUI VCS tools there are other options but the lack of a single GUI toolchain for Linux doesn't exactly make things easier for GUI tool developers.

      1. Tom 7

        Re: Ignorance is not bliss.

        Its more that most things are more complicated than a gui user can handle.

  3. Claverhouse Silver badge

    Don't bother with Github once Microsoft took over. I do not consort with criminals.

    I am not remotely a developer, but if I were, there are plenty of other ports to dock at.

  4. Clive Galway
    Thumb Up

    At the risk of mass downvotes

    I, for one, am happy to use a GUI git client for most of my day-to-day tasks. It's very rare I need to resort to the command line to get what I need done. It also makes it easier for people to get started in open source development, which is a good thing

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