back to article Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel R5, update 2 plops from Oracle's Linux-shaped orifice

Oracle has emitted an update for release 5 of its modestly named Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) for Linux. Update 2 is based on the aging 4.14.35 kernel and Big Red was pleased to note the release included support for 64-bit Arm (aarch64) architectures and tweaks to support libpcap-based packet capture in DTrace. …

  1. alain williams Silver badge

    Calling anything unbreakable ...

    is just an invitation for someone to try to break it.They will probably succeed.

    Marketing droids probably don't understand that; or maybe they do: but know how gullible some IT bosses are.

    1. chuckufarley Silver badge

      Re: Calling anything unbreakable ...

      Are you suggesting that they change the name to Unfixable Linux? They can't really call it Idiot Proof Linux because Idiots are self evident.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Calling anything unbreakable ...

      You're complaining about "unbreakable" when there's the following sentence fragment:

      "The kindly database giant..."

      I suspect that drug legalization has gone too far.

      1. el kabong

        Irony overload, not drugs

        Some people find it too hard to take and break down, as a result the victims often display symptoms that are very similar to those caused by hallucinogenic drugs when, in fact, no real chemical drugs are involved.

        Unfortunately there's no escape, irony overload is always at play when big red comes to mind, there is simply no way around that, you cannot escape the severe effects of high class (or low class depending on your perspective) irony when you're dealing with big red.

      2. jake Silver badge

        Re: Calling anything unbreakable ...

        New here, AC? Looks like ElReg's normal inimitable style to me ...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Calling anything unbreakable ...

          New? Been reading since the turn of the century and my accounts only a few months younger than your own.

 old.....and grouchy....

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