It is not yet clear if Don will be sporting his new slicked back hairdo or if he'll resort to the Orange Mist – or Golden Cobweb if you prefer – that has so bedazzled the public in recent years.
It suits him, it's more Sopranos-like.
Here's hoping Trump spotted the welcome willy at the Essex village of Hatfield Heath when he flew into London Stansted Airport this morning for his UK state visit. An A-level student reportedly spent the weekend mowing a giant todger into the grass of his family home under the main flightpath, along with an "Oi Trump" caption …
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You know... with all that extra gubbins on board the ageing 747 airframe of Airforce One, the flight characteristics must be considerably different to your standard jumbo jet. One can only hope that Boeing engineers saw fit to implement some sort of software system to augment the manoeuvring characteristics.
So two fields, two committed Greens. Given the choice of low carbon, sustainable horticulture, choose a scythe*, or a power mower. Ponder on the advantages of hyrdocarbons.
OK, perhaps not.. although fun to wield and fast, also require some skill to avoid involuntary amputations. I guess for bonus points, could compare CO2 produced from exercise vs sitting on a lawnmower.
I don't know about the US, but in the UK leaving home before finishing school is usually reserved for the more unfortunate cases of family breakdown. However, according to the linked article he does run an online marketplace, so technically he's got one already.
Edit: use of the word "gaff" suggests a UK poster, not realising an A-level student isn't really expected to have moved out of their parents' home suggests non-UK. So who knows...
"Edit: use of the word "gaff" suggests a UK poster, not realising an A-level student isn't really expected to have moved out of their parents' home suggests non-UK. So who knows..."
Can't speak for GP, but as an American, I find myself using Britishisms all the time. No doubt due to a lifetime watching British comedies and BBC specials, reading British IT hack rags, and having a few British-authored webcomics in my reading list.
There is nothing wrong with being childish from time to time.
The problem with Trump is that he's never properly grown up.
The Secret Service really should take his phone away. There is a distinct possibility of starting WW3 with one of his tweets.
His name calling does not work here. It just makes him the playground bully.
Please, please just go home we really do not want you here (Except for Boris and Farage that is)
I'm so glad that I'm in a different country at the moment (Kernow).
"I'm so glad that I'm in a different country at the moment (Kernow)."
Why don't you just pick some historical date and the whole of the UK can go back to it's historical Kingdoms and borders? Cornwall hasn't been a country for a 1000 years. Get over it or claim full independence.
Cornwall hasn't been a country for a 1000 years
Well - up until the 1750's they had their own Parliament (The Stannaries) which I would say fulfills at least one of the requirements to be a country..
And they most certainly have their own language[1] - a sister-language of Welsh and Breton.
[1] Yes, yes, I know that it died out and was revived - doesn't make it any less real.
And the student gardener stunt isn't too mature either.
Perfectly matched the intended audience of one IMHO.
You have to hand it to him, though, he's probably one of the few men in the history of news who has managed to get his d*ck in family papers to popular approval and without an entry in the sex offenders register..
Has to be a troll account - either that or the TDs is very strong with this one.
Though I guess Trump should never have said (thinking he was off mic) that "tell Vladimir I will have more flexibility after the election..." dead ringer for a Russian stooge that one. Basic mistake I guess from the "manchild".
And of course he's thoroughly "racist" in it's current modernist sense - by NOT believing that everything about a person is predetermined by the colour of their skin. Sad that, and of course by this standard MLK was a raving racist loon.
@steve 124
It is not ok to insult someones appearance, but only if they are left snowflakes who cant take it. For those of limited thought 'orange man bad' is about as much as they can handle without hurting themselves.
Its like assault being bad unless the target is lefty approved. Or tax avoidance is ok if its lefty approved. But then crying on the street because Hillary lost is pretty childish.
On the plus side steve I hear some of our political fools have self selected not to meet the president so he is spared the likes of Corbyn for example.
I realize I'm replying very late but maybe you'll see it. See how each comment is indented? That shows who was replied to. Since my response was indented under codejunky that indicates my response was directed at him not you. As I'm sure you'll agree, codejunky's post does have a number of issues.
See how each comment is indented? That shows who was replied to.
Well.. Actually there's 5 options for how the comments are ordered, and only 'nested thread' indents. I used to just use 'threaded' then swapping to 'newest', but gave up trying to get it how I preferred by default so now just leave it the default at first then when the posting rate drops switch to 'newest'. Unless I see a big pile of new posts since I last posted/voted at which point I might change back.
Funny how it's always the right-wingers these days who get their panties in a wad when someone makes fun of Twitler, who provides ample fuel for ridicule. Seriously, if you can't admit that Cheetolini is a childish boor with no class whatsoever (or at least acknowledge why he's perceived that way), I can only imagine that you either aren't paying attention or are in severe denial.
In re: the more general comments about the media, etc.:
2) This article is in Bootnotes.
3) Suck it up, buttercup; CRY MOAR; what a bunch of whiny snowflakes, etc.
I am a real snowflake, reading
2) This article is in Bootnotes.
3) Suck it up, buttercup; CRY MOAR; what a bunch of whiny snowflakes, etc.”
made me have an emotional breakdown over how exquisitely some properties of my beloved forum were pointed out.
Another Lib resorting to just name calling. Seriously, you guys are going to have a tough life and you deserve it.
Instead of throwing juvenile insults are our POTUS, why not back up some of your claims with some facts? I would love to hear more about how he has acted like Hitler or Mussolini? Can you show me where he's hiding the death camps? (and, no, the over crowded holding facilities for ILLEGALS doesn't compare to Auschowitz, and if you make that comparison then you have to acknowledge that these were running, in worse conditions, under your beloved Obama [blessed be our Great Obama).
We could make this easier, maybe you can list some of the "crimes" Trump has committed (please show your work). Remember, the definition of a crime is "breaking an existing law". So if you list something you perceive as "unjust" or "unfair" (God knows you little snowflakes can't bear unfairness) that there isn't a law saying you can't do it, really just doesn't count as a "crime". I know this is a hard concept for a generation of folks who got trophies for losing little league games, but try real hard, after all, you are so much smarter than us.
Maybe you hate Trump because of what he's done to our country in the last 2 years... Let's see, lower unemployment, we're now exporting energy (gas, coal, oil) instead of getting it all from the middle east... hmm no that doesn't work.
Perhaps it's because he's racist? Hmm, 1.3 million black people have jobs who didn't during Obama...
Well, it must be because he stomps on the constitution all the time. After all he's signed 276 executive orders to bypass Congress and basically used his pen like a King passing down edicts... oh, wait, that was Obama who did that...
Well, I'm sure you'll think of something. After all, you want him Impeached, so there must be a real Zinger out there (High Crimes and Misdemeanors right?)
Well, maybe I understand now why you're just throwing childish insults. You really don't have any thing between those buns do you? Yea, I didn't think so.
Moving on.
Turns out we get most of our oil from domestic sources, then Latin American sources, Then Canadian sources and finally about 1/12th of it from the Persian Gulf. We get almost as much from Africa as we do from the Persian Gulf, so call it less than 1/6th overall sourced off the North and South American continents.
The Arabian Oil component of our energy budget would seem to be significant, but not strategic, something that could be made up with renewables if OPOTUS wasn't afraid the noise of windmills would give us all cancer (his own words, from his own hands, in print; don't shoot the messenger).
On noes, thumbed down!
Was it because I pointed out the mis-spelling of "Auschwitz" I wonder, something the auto spell-checker in just about ever piece of software that cares would have spotted?
Perhaps it was because I didn't cite my sources for the oil import data I quoted? I just pulled up google and typed in "Where does the US get its oil from?" and used the first result (which happened to be NPR, but I would have used one from FOX had there been one).
If it was because of the "Windmill noise causes cancer" remark, that is a direct quote from OPOTUS himself, made by the great man about two or three weeks ago. As I said before, don't blame me for that one.
It occurs to me that the 1/6th shortfall of oil sourced from Arabian and African wells could also be ameliorated by making domestic use of Freedom Gas instead of selling it.
I hope the down-thumber is mollified by this admittedly late addendum to my original post.
"...juvenile insults are our POTUS,"
Got it in one...
So if you list something you perceive as "unjust" or "unfair" (God knows you little snowflakes can't bear unfairness) that there isn't a law saying you can't do it, really just doesn't count as a "crime".
Capitalising "God" suggests you believe in Him. Tell me, what does God have to say about "fair" or for that matter the manner in which immigrants are treated? Or is all that stuff about "not oppressing" and "do not show favouritism" not valid since it's Trump and its followers doing it? If you do follow God, then lets see if you can answer this - what is the Biblical backing for Trump's actions? How does his behaviour - especially his treatment of immigrants (illegal, potential or otherwise) fit with "Love your neighbour". Or does he think screwing/molesting everything he can get his filthy little hands on is obeying "love your neighbour"?
Perhaps it's because he's racist? Hmm, 1.3 million black people have jobs who didn't during Obama...
That doesn't mean he's NOT racist - just look at the garbage he spouted about Mexicans and those from countries further south.
Your country, once respected, is now one of the most hated in the world. Allegiences are being broken, a very bad recession seems about to start (whereas under Obama you had a growing economy - all those people who now have jobs got them because of the legacy of past governments, not because
of this twit).
But not of that is why I dislike him. Mine is simply based on the fact that he is a vile evil person, very selfish and exceptionally harmful to others. This psychopath you have as POTUS is not there for your benefit - if you benefit that's purely by luck. He is there for his benefit and his alone, and will not care the least who he harms along the way. His compulsive lying, his preaching violence towards those who disagree with him, his abuse of women (and, if the cases that have strangely been silenced are to be believed, little girls), his grandstanding and expecting everyone to like him - all show him to be a psychopath (thanks to the AC at https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/containing/3792921 for pointing me to "The Psychopath Test").
You will come to regret having him anywhere near any position of power.
Its like assault being bad unless the target is lefty approved. Or tax avoidance is ok if its lefty approved. But then crying on the street because Hillary lost is pretty childish.
If the US approved candidate for president in a.n.other country won the vote by 3 million yet had a US opponent installed as president, the US would be round double quick to deliver 'freedom'
And before you blather on about the electoral college , how many republicans in New York and California dont vote because they live in a democrat state?
"If the US approved candidate for president in a.n.other country won the vote by 3 million yet had a US opponent installed as president, the US would be round double quick to deliver 'freedom"
Err, can you give us an example of when Trump has done this? No?
If you are referring to Trump stating that he thought BoJo would be good for the job, then you may need to be reminded that Obama made a video appeal to Britons to vote Remain. That's a not very subtle way to influence an election...
Aye. MP gets called a Nazi, calls the police. Accused gets a ban from London and notes placed on his record. But throw a milkshake in an actual assault (no doubt ruining a suit at the same time) and ... nothing. Honk honk: it's clown world where the goose and the gander live under different rules and different sets of expectations.
"But throw a milkshake in an actual assault (no doubt ruining a suit at the same time) and ... nothing"
Someone's not paying attention...
"A man has been charged with common assault and criminal damage after Nigel Farage had a milkshake thrown at him while on a walkabout in Newcastle city centre."
[Source] https://www.scotsman.com/news/crime/man-charged-with-assault-for-throwing-milkshake-on-nigel-farage-1-4931223
"It is not ok to insult someones appearance.."
No, its not. It's also an ad hominem argument, which is the most purile of all logical fallacies. So, lets see what Trumpet said in his tweets yesterday....
"...Kahn reminds me very much of our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job - only half his height."
Yeah. Live by the sword, die by the sword you rancid, racist, sexist, small-brained orange prick.
@Bernard M. Orwell
You seem to have missed an important part of my text when you quoted me. I was pointing out the difference between attacking the 'approved' targets such as the president of the united states, but yet going the other way seems to outrage and upset.
This isnt limited to the US president either. Law abiding companies, political campaigning and I wouldnt be happy with it going only the other way either. As for the UK, we have all kinds of visitors from all over the world who we approve of at varying levels but first world problems Trump is the most upsetting.
"It is not ok to insult someone[']s appearance, but only if they are left[-wing] snowflakes who can[']t take it. For those of limited thought[,] 'orange man bad' is about as much as they can handle without hurting themselves."
In general it isn't OK to insult someone's appearance, yes. First, Trump has repeatedly insulted others' appearances, and so he definitely moves into the 'fair game' category, especially given his own Mr Blobby physique, interesting hair, and inability to pronounce standard English words. For your information, I included the punctuation missing from your post. Of course, it is not necessary for you, since you are not of limited thought.
"It[']s like assault being bad unless the target is lefty approved. Or tax avoidance is ok if it[']s lefty approved. But then crying on the street because Hillary lost is pretty childish."
Again, I think the only cases where assault is reasonable is when someone who repeatedly assaults or incites assault on others is then assaulted, because it would fall under 'just desserts'. Even then, if we are talking about physical violence -- having a milkshake thrown in your face is not physical violence -- then I do not approve even if the target is an extreme politician.
I have never heard anyone justify tax evasion/avoidance by any organizations.
Crying on the street because Hillary Clinton lost -- examples, please? -- is a little over the top, but could be justified if you are one of the targets of Trump's campaign. You know, foreigners, women, the educated, etc..
"In general it isn't OK to insult someone's appearance, yes. First, Trump has repeatedly insulted others' appearances, and so he definitely moves into the 'fair game' category"
Thats true. Although he was set upon as soon as he joined the race. But of course he can dish it out as well as he gets it and thats fine. And please dont correct the punctuation, I prefer the mindless to be distracted by it as the point flies over their head.
"Again, I think the only cases where assault is reasonable is when someone who repeatedly assaults or incites assault on others is then assaulted, because it would fall under 'just desserts'."
Eye for an eye? We moved on from that didnt we from the tribes to a system of laws. So those assaulting can be arrested, such as when they throw milkshakes at politicians. And that is physical violence. And inciting violence would also be 'the milkshake challenge' then. But in this upside down world the victim is an 'extreme' politician.
"Crying on the street because Hillary Clinton lost -- examples, please?"
"You know, foreigners, women, the educated, etc.."
Except none of this has been demonstrated. Which is why its not really taken seriously outside extreme left circles.
Except none of this has been demonstrated. Which is why its not really taken seriously outside extreme left circles.
You really never watched his campaign speeches, any thing from him since he got into office, or read any of his tweets did you?
Maybe if you paid attention to the stuff he spouts you'd find out why defending him is, well, rather indefensible.
"You really never watched his campaign speeches, any thing from him since he got into office, or read any of his tweets did you?"
Yes I have. And there are plenty of actual things to complain about, real reasons to dislike him. But those perpetually looking to take offence and complain about nothing dilute any serious complaints against him.
"Maybe if you paid attention to the stuff he spouts you'd find out why defending him is, well, rather indefensible."
He has been unelectable and was elected president so being indefensible and being defended seems about right. Especially with the accusations usually levelled at him.
"It is not ok to insult someones appearance, but only if they are left snowflakes who cant take it. For those of limited thought 'orange man bad' is about as much as they can handle without hurting themselves."
It's ok for the president of the USA to mock a disabled man on camera though? Moron.
"...whilst taking jabs at his appearance..."
It was your president that said that Sadiq Khan was as incompetent as the NY mayor, only half the height.
If he feels it is reasonable political discourse to attack people based on their appearance, he can't complain when it happens to him.
Oh, I think the majority respect the office of the President and the USA. We just don't necessarily respect any one particular holder of said office. Like that line used so often in US military and Police films and TV shows, "With all due respect to your rank sir, you're an asshole"
i just love how Trump's in everyone's head 24/7.
the world could extinguish his flame in one day by merely ignoring him, but they don't. they CAN't.
fake news media made trump, because they thought he was gonna get thumped by HRC.
how did that work out again?
you'll all miss him after 2024...
Only the media - including self publishing social media "influencers" (Hooray, spell check recognises that that ISNT a word!) will miss him,and will persist in dragging his memory out and shoving it in our faces - but the rest of us will be glad he is gone, and pray his successors dont try to out-do him.
Thank you media overlords for your wisdom.
No, not the wrong end but only half. He's both. I just really wish someone would take away his damn Twitter account and tell him to stay off the phone, ignore the polls, and do his damn job. The constant whines about how everyone is doing him wrong or getting away with things and the endless proclamations of fake news, shall we, rather tiring.
"I take it you dislike socialism. For no legitimate reason ?"
Okay, apart from the fact that it kills millions, lays waste to the environment, leave millions in abject misery (materially and in terms of freedom of association and thought) and stymies technological advancement outside of the military, no: no legitimate reason to dislike socialism whatsoever. Lets implement it immediately!
(But I suspect you are confusing socialism with what the Scandinavian countries are doing: capitalism with strong social programmes?)
Was the phallic symbol a comment on the illustrious visitor or the two ministers who are greeting him.
For the benefit of other commenters, yes I have a childish sense of humour, lose touch with your inner child and become old beyond your years.
I also note the childish level of many tweets that have seen the light of day in the last two or three years.
A teenager doing the lawn without being asked?Obvious fake.
Not necessarily.
He clearly found a way to be a dick about it.
'Stick it to the man', so to speak.
Dunno if his parents were cut-up about his dickish behaviour when he mowed the lawn.
At least he can't be charged with a crime for sending dicpics on his phone this way.
And like all teenage boys, his concept of size is probably 'somewhat lacking'.
Imagine that you find out that your next door neighbour who's married with kids is seeing prostitutes. How would this affect your judgment of this man? Would you trust him? Would you lend him your lawn mower? Would you even trust him to walk your dog?
Trump is an arsehole, I would not trust him in *any* situation.
Family with fields and fields as a garden, claims to be an entrepreneur.
Kinda reminds of Rick from the Young Ones, tries to look like an anarchist to annoy his hard right tory parents but is more like them than he wants to admit.
Side note Trump is a tool and its sickening how various politicians are lining up to lick his backside to get a "bigly good trade deal" to make brexshit look appetising....
Some of this stuff is funny, some of it is not.
I mean the big Trump baby balloon? Priceless. I want one. Seriously.
The penile lawn prank? Again also funny. Not so much childish but well played since its on the flight path.
W.R.T Climate change... I don't think Trump doubts it. Just the man made part. BTW, he pulled out of Paris Accord and the US still lowered their CO2 output at a greater percentage than most other countries. (Goodbye Coal, Hello Natural Gas) But hey! if you want to cut that in to a field, knock yourself out.
You could even have said "F____ Trump!" In the states we have this thing called the First Amendment.
The one thing I saw that wasn't funny... the 'Trump poopy robot.' Not well executed. Sorry, but really a piss poor hack. There was so much more that he could have done and done better.
But hey, the one thing about Trump. Man child or not. He was elected POTUS. I mean if you want to get down to it. Trudeau of Canada, Boris soon to be UK Prime Minister.. all are goofs. Not 'Presidential' material, if you believe the press.
But we will survive.
Also a quick news flash... The earth isn't going to end in 12 years.
Oh and I heard a rumor. They let Trump have the phone so he can tweet. But they hide the 'football' from him. Hope that makes you sleep better at night.
Obama's backing of Remain's Project Fear was one of the greatest triumphs of The Leave campaign.
Leave would never have won the June 2016 referendum if Cameron and Osborne had supported it.
And now: Johnson has Trump's backing as Tory Party Leader and prospective Prime Minister. Be interesting (not) to see how that plays out.
"Obama's backing of Remain's Project Fear was one of the greatest triumphs of The Leave campaign."
It didnt help that he said 'queue' which set off the conspiracy theories, who were obviously derided as conspiracy theorists, and proved to be true that his speech had been 'edited' by the remain campaign.
Trump also wants a hard brexit so that he can make a deal. He's already said that any deal must include our acceptance of their food "standards" - "chlorinated chickens" etc. (US samonella deaths last year: 100 The UK: 0)
A deal must also include opening up the NHS to US pharma. No wonder he endorses Boris.
What's in it for Obama to urge us to remain?
Bit baffling as to why The Register should be so dumb as to feed the deranged Trump's vanity by essaying the definitive article to nourish his own preening self-regard as America's absolutely definitive President.
'The Donald' is a term of affection most suited to a pet duck or any heroic figure of well-nigh legendary status, neither of which Trump is nor could ever be, even if a resonance exists with the former: looks like a clown, talks like a clown, is a clown.
Please: no more 'The Donald', huh? There's nothing endearing about this narcissistic moron nor his devaluation of the Office of President and of the USA itself.