Mac houses wont care but...
... Quick and dirty pricing up on Dell for a Precision 7920 for equivalent spec is around £2k less, but with a hugely more expandable machine - that supports up to 3tb ram, dual 20 core Xeon CPUs, and significantly more options for storage.
OK the ram is 2666 ECC rather than 2993, and the GPU is a Radeon Pro rather than a consumer leel one.
(if you spec it it, the ram alone costs £62k!)
£4838 ex 20% VAT - - and that incudes 3yr onsite warranty - Apple always charge exra for a return to base warranty.
But the pure Apple houses wont care - the £2k + premium and "limited" expandability (relatively speaking) will not put them off. THe pretty cheese grater and MacOS will be more important.
Another thing:
An interesting fact is that while Apple gloat about the spread of their OS compared to Android -
1. Google untied their apps, launcher, search, assistant and some APIs fromt he OS some time ago - therefore you don't need Android 9 to get the latest Play store, or Photos app, let alone Gmail app or Keep. E.G. ARCore does not require the latest OS to provide the latest features! Each are indipendently updated fromthe Play store..
2. Apple tie their Mail, Notes, Reminders, ARKit, Siri, keyboard, "launcher" and search functionaity directly to the OS version. Therfore, if you want to get better functionality within your Apple APps, you have to upgrade the OS.
On the flipside, the update process on the Apple devices is dead easy - and you pretty mch have no choice as it bugs you to do so repeatedly. Android devices do no such thing.
Personally, I'd rather have the faster pace of updates that Android affortds, and the usomisation itallows, than the rigid approach from Apple.